Action – another term for betting
All-in – when a player bets all of their chips
Ante – A buy in amount paid to the pot by all players before the game begins and is not recognized as part of the game.
Blind – A forced ante in Texas Hold’em made by two players. The big blind is the full minimum bet, and the small blind is half of the minimum bet. These first two bets count in the game.
Bluff – when a player bets aggressively with a bad handBoard – another term for the 5 community cards on the table
Buy-in – the cost of entering a tournament. For a ring game it is the minimum starting stack.
Bots – online poker cheating method that involves robot software which has been created to run 24/7 disguised as a player.
Call – term used when a player wishes to meet the bet of another player
Capt the betting – The final raise during the fourth betting round, and from this point on a player can only call or fold, and can no longer make a raise.
Check – This is an option during the betting rounds that permits players to stay in the hand without making a bet, call or raise. Check can be used only by the big blind in the first round (as long as no other player makes a raise) and by the first player to make a wager in the following rounds, and can then be used by the other players in the round until someone makes a bet.
Check Fold – check when able, fold when bet into42
Check Raise – Check when able, raise when bet into
Collusion – Popular cheating technique that involves two or more players conspiring together to cheat the other players out of the pot. It could also only involve one person who is acting as two players by use of a bot or another computer.
Community cards – cards that are dealt face up on the board and are shared by all players.Concealed Pair – A pair that is face down
Connectors – two cards that follow in consecutive sequence
Cowboys – Two kings
Dead Card – Cards which have already been played and are not long recognized as part of the game.
Dealer Button – Button that shows which player is dealing during the game.
Deuce / Duck– a single two
Drawing Hand – a player’s hand that requires more cards in order to improve a winning hand, for instance a straight or flush.
Fast Play – A playing strategy that results in a player betting, raising and reraising in order to intimidate the other players out of the hand as fast as possible.
Fish Hooks – Two Jacks
Flop – The second round where the first 3 community cards are dealt
Fold - Option used during any betting round in which a player can quit the game.
Hole cards/Pocket cards – The two cards that are dealt face down to each player during the pre flop.
Kicker – the side card that is not apart of a pair and has the highest value
Ladies – Two queens
Lay-down – folding a strong hand
Muck – When a player folds out of the game instead of exposing their hand during showdown, so the other players can not see their hand.
Nuts – The best possible hand in regards to the cards on the board.
Opener – the first player who volunteers to bet.
Over-card – the highest card in play on the board.
Over-pair - a concealed pair that has higher value than any other card on the board.
Payout – the amount of money a player leaves with from a ring game, or wins in a tournament.
Raise – When a player increases the previous bet.
Rake – percentage of pot money that is given to the poker site, or live casino which hosts the game.
Re-buys – The second time a player must pay in order to remain in a tournament or ring game in the event that they lose all of their chips.
Ring Game – An ongoing game where a player buys-in and can leave at any time.
River – Last card dealt in the game, and is also know as 5th street in Hold’em
Rockets/Pocket Rockets – Pair of aces
Slow Play – a playing strategy that results in a player checking or calling whenever they can, in order to keep as many players in the game as possible so that they can maximize the pot winnings.
Split Pair – When one card is one the board and the matching card is concealed.Trips – Term for three of a kind