Top Gaming Systems - What You Need to Know to Make Gaming More Fun by Neil Brooks - HTML preview

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Review the best gaming headsets

© All Rights Reserved – Neil Brooks

Last on our list is Elebits, a storybook style, children’s sci-fi game that had us wondering just how much potential the Wiimote truly has. For a point of perspective, players have to remember that this is one of the first Wii games ever released, and for that time, the graphics had been pretty good and the controls were nothing short of amazing.

The main story is simple, bizarre beings known as Elebits have starting popping out and it is up to the player to find them all and capture them with a unique laser-gun-zapping apparatus invented by the protagonist’s father.

To play the game, players simply have to point and zap objects in game. Initially, you can only zap small objects as you move things around the house (small books, chairs, etc), doing so will uncover various Elebits that can be captured. One you accumulate enough of the alien-like beings, your zapper will become more powerful, allowing you to move larger objects such as entire shelves, phone booths and cars.

The real fun in this game is when you are moving around the stages and tossing objects around. Various power ups will boost your ability to grab, push and even thrown objects up in the sky –which is a great way of clearing the view. It is a fun and light gaming experience, mixed in with a few challenging timed missions. Elebits is a perfect recommendation for those who want a quick taste of real motion controlled gaming.

Wii for Two: Two Cooperative Games for the Win Everybody loves to talk about the many multiplayer aspects of the Wii, how impressive the system is for entertaining plenty of people and how well it functions for the family in general. But for standard two player games – that is an issue that is often unanswered yet much valued by hardcore players. So today, we are giving you our favorite cooperative games for the Nintendo Wii. Of course, with plenty of great two player campaigns available on the Wii, we’ve decided to serve up a pair of titles that will really want to make you work with a friend: a couple of the best horror games.

Obscure: the Aftermath

Survival horror games tend to lose their fright factor when there’s more than one player –

take Resident Evil 5 for example. But there are times when even having more company doesn’t take the fright away. Enter “Obscure: the Aftermath”. This scary little masterpiece is a sequel to the original Obscure and introduces players to the two survivors of the first game and a whole new bunch of college coeds.

The game is scary, disturbing and frantic. When a bizarre sexually transmitted demonic plague starts creeping about the school, players must controls various pairs of characters 9