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Some of the stuff you make can be great to sell, but most of the stuff is just junk and sells for lit tle to nothing on the market. However, there are a few good items out there which yield nice profits. A list of items you can make as an engineer is available HERE. For Engineering it is best to focus on making rifles, especially the dark iron rifle as it sells for the most gold out of any rifle. The rifle sells for a nice 55 gold (CLICK HERE for most recent price) For more information on the Dark Iron Rifle CLICK HERE. That’s about allyou can sell… As for Leatherworking, Cobrascale Hood can rack in a fortune selling for about 950 gold each! (CLICK HERE for most recent price)
Primal AirAnother great strategy for making gold using the engineering profession is to farm Primal Air in Nagrand. All you need is a Zapthrottle Mote Extractor, a goggle that can let you see and track Windy Clouds, an Epic Flying Mount, and have Find Minerals active.
Each Windy Cloud will have two to six Motes of Air in it, and there are plenty of mining (and herb) nodes on the
way. In one hour on an Epic Flying Mount and with Mining, you can expect to get something like below.
Primal Air x11 = 308 gold
Primal Earth x3 = 9 gold
Adamantite Ore x75 = 90 gold
Khorium Ore x10 = 15 gold
The map above gives you a good path to follow when farming from these windy clouds and is where most of them are available so that you can optimize your gold making. The red dots represent where windy clouds are most often found however, these locations have been known to change.
*More information on Engineering can be found HERE.*More information on Leatherworking can be found HERE.
Herbalism is a great money making profession as well. Like Mining, herbalism requires a tracking skill. This skill lets you see what herbs are on the mini map. Herbalism can start at any level and Taurens have that extra 15+ herbalism boost so if you are considering this profession you might want to pick this character class.
Black LotusThe best money making herb is black lotus which auctions for about 12 gold each (CLICK HERE for most recent price) because of its rarity. All in all the item is fairly difficult to find however, it sells for more than most plants do, so it’s well worth theeffortwhen you do managetofind it.
Map of Black Lotus Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
Another good item that is fairly common is fadeleaf which sells at the auction house for about 4 silver (CLICK HERE for most recent price). This item is required by Rogues to Vanish and Blind so its demand remains relatively good. All in all this profession is a great gold maker and even better if you pair it up with the Alchemy profession.
Map of fadeleaf Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
Another excellent farming strategy is to farm stranglekelp. Farming stranglekelp is very easy to do and a good way to make gold as a lower level character. What makes this strategy even better is that you only need a skill level of 85 to collect this item. One of the best locations for collecting this herb is in the wetlands and another is in Ashevale, along the Zoram Strand zone. You should have no problem collecting lots of stranglekelp in these locations due to their quick re-spawn rate. By the time you make it back down the coasts there should be more of it waiting for you to collect! You should expect to collect about 2.5 gold per stack and as a level ~20 character that should equate to about 10 gold per hour. Not half bad if you ask me!
Map of stranglekelp Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
This is yet another good gold making strategy which will only require 30-45 minutes of your time to do! The name of the game is gromsblood and it sells anywhere from 1-4 gold a piece (CLICK HERE for most recent price) at the auction house! Desolace is probably the best location to farm this item. Either start Mannoroc Coven or the pool to the right of it. Once you have collected all of the Gromsblood in the area you can logout for 15 minutes. When you log back in presto! The Gromsblood will have re-spawned for you!
Map of Gromsblood Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
*More information on Herbalism can be found HERE.
This profession can really come in handy and works even better if paired with Enchanting. You can easily make level 65+ blue items to disenchant for shards. Another great way to make money with Tailoring is selling spellcloth or shadowcloth, keep in mind you can make 2 every 4 days at an altar/moonwell/netherstorm location. Shadowcloth components include: 1x Primal Fire, 1x Primal Shadow, and 1x
Bolt of Imbued Netherweave with a 92 hour cooldown. Spellcloth components include: 1x
Bolt of Imbued Netherweave, 1x Primal Mana, and 1x Primal Fire. Keep in mind that each component is made at the Altar of Shadows. The Altar of Shadows is in southeast Shadowmoon Valley opposite Netherwing Ledge. We have included a map below.
The red dot on this map represents the location of The Altar of Shadows.
Another awesome way to make some cash is selling your bags. People will kill for 18 slot bags when they hit 70,so they’revery high demand. I have sold about 40 Imbued Netherweave Bags in the auction house and turned a profit of about 900 gold, all in one day! Keep in mind this item requires:
4x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave, 2x Netherweb Spider Silk, and 1x Greater Planar Essence.
Dark Silk shirts sell anywhere from 1-2 gold in the auction house (CLICK HERE for most recent price). To make sure they sell you can list them with a buyout of slightly less than what everyone else is getting for them. You will need a skill level of 155 and the following components: 2x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 2x Gray Dye, and 1x Fine Thread. Another option is to make and sell the Rich Purple Shirt. This item is classified as a rare blue pattern but sells really well for what it is. The average price to range anywhere upwards of 5 gold! (CLICK HERE for most recent price) This item requires a skill level of 185 and the following components: 4x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 1x Purple Dye, and 1x Silken Thread.
Other ItemsIrecommend thatyou don’tbotherselling thehigher level items. Most high level characters have run enough instances that they have good items already and have no need for any higher level tailored ones. A level 45 green item can cost upwards of 12g to make (ex- frostweave items). No one is going to be spending that much gold for a green item. So you can see why I would stay away from this aspect!
*More information on Tailoring can be found HERE.Skinning
Skinning doesn’treally getyou anywhereatlowlevels however, it is excellent at higher levels. In addition, skinning is probably the most convenient gold making profession. You just skin the mobs that you have already killed soyou don’treally haveto gooutofyour way and the process only takes a few seconds. At level 40 you can expect to make 100 gold an hour just from simply skinning creatures in zones such as Tanaris. Getting 1000 Heavy Leather each hour is not unheard of either! Skinning really picks up at level 50-60, when you start getting rugged leather, warbear leather, and core leather. Levels 60-70 will yield the best outcome obviously. I would suggest this profession to someone who just grinds all the time! You’lldo alotofSkinning if allyou’redoing is grinding. It’s also one of the easiest professions to level up depending on who you askJ.
One way to power level this is to skin monsters that are skinnable (beasts). When you get a stack of skins you can sell them at the auction house. Remember to check their current price first though! The best way is to wait until your inventory is full and then visit a vendor or the auction house. Below is a list of items, the level of the beasts you will get them off of, and the price they go for.
Name Beasts level Ruined Leather Scraps 1Light Hide 10
Light Leather 10
Medium Hide 20
Medium Leather 20
Heavy Hide 30
Heavy Leather 30
Thick Hide 40
Thick Leather 40
Chimera Leather 50
Devilsaur Leather 50
Frostsaber Leather 50
Rugged Hide 50
Rugged Leather 50
Warbear Leather 50
Core Leather 60
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Zhevra Leather This stuff is a really low drop rate and it might be off a low level mob, but it really saves level 60+ a lot of time to buy these in the auction house instead of gathering them by themselves. For that reason its not uncommon to see these sell for about 3 to 4 gold! And if you put them up for a few silver, they always sell in a matter of minutes. You want to get this item mostly off of the level 20-21 Zhevra Courser because it has a14.1% droprate(Thehighestof theZhevra’s) to dropthis item.
Map of The Zhevra Courser Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
Heavy Leather - This item usually sells for about 6 silver and is a good way to make profit off of by selling it at the auction house. Jungle Thunderer’s near (42, 27) in STV nearly always drop this when skinned, so they are an excellent candidate for skinning. Also, their re-spawn rate is excellent not to mention that there are plenty of them in the area to go around! They are by far the best mobs to grind when you are level 36-39. They drop greens rather frequently as well. Plus you can also make good money off of the Coarse Gorilla Hair that keeps dropping. You can get about 60 gold per stack off of this item alone, not to mention the money you make off of the heavy leather.
Map of The Jungle Thunderer Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
Devilsaur Leather - This particular item sells great at the auction house. One stack will make you as much as 50 gold however, you need to be a higher level character (Around 55 to solo this easily) to be successful. You can get this leather from any of the three types of devilsaurs found there however, it is good to keep in mind that the easiest ones to solo are the Ironhide Devilsaurs, because they don’tuseany knockback orfear techniques. Also, make sure to clear any surrounding mobs first as they can be one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. Also, to skin all three devilsaurs you will need to have at least a 275 skinning skill level. You will find these guys most often just west of the ridge in Un'Goro Crater.
Map of The Devilsaur Farming Routes: (Click on picture for full zone map)
Hellfire Peninsula - This location is another great place for skinning. The creature which is the best for skinning in this location is the Quillfang Ravager where you can skin both Crystal Infused Leather and Fel Scales. With each of these items you can expect to bring in about 60+ gold for a stack of fel scales (CLICK HERE for most recent price) and about 9 gold for a stack of crystal infused leather (CLICK HERE for most recent price)
Map of Quillfang Ravager Farming Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
Blade's Edge Mountains - This location is ideal for gathering Knothide Leather and Wind Scales from the Scalewing Serpent’s found there. The Wind Scales are what you want to really focus on here because they can bring in as much as 230+ gold per stack! (CLICK HERE for most recent price) The drop for this particular item seems to be about 20% depending on the type of character you are.
Map of Scalewing Serpent Farming Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
Shadowmoon Valley - This location is ideal for gathering Cobra Scales from the Coilskar Cobra there. This item can sell for a whopping 600 gold per stack! (CLICK HERE for most recent price) Another location that you can farm these scales from is in Nagrand however, the drop rate for cobra scales has been nerfed there (to about .5%) so shadowmoon is your best bet.
Map of Coilskar Cobra Farming Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)
In general, there is a nice and steady demand for skins because it is used by several professions. Leatherworking obviously requires a lot of skins, but also Tailoring and Blacksmithing. You will find that when you reach higher levels this profession is sure to bring in the most gold!
*More information on Skinning can be found HERE.Mining
Mining is one of the best money making Professions out there. You can start as low as level 10! Copper Bars sell formuch morethan they’resupposed to.. 1-3 gold on many servers, so a level 10 could easily just farm copper veins all day and make a profit of 300 gold per day. I made 600g in 1 day off of my level 10 Warrior in 1 day with mining. I played for 14 hours and did nothing but mine! It was awesome gold for a level 10. It basically kept me prepped to level 58 when I was level 10 and I never had to farm again!
There are two main ways to make lots of gold while farming. One is to Gather ore from deposits and sell the ore at the Auction House and another is to use smelting to perform ore transmutations. Most of the money from mining comes from gathering ore using mining routes and then selling them at the auction house. Because smelting is not really thatprofitable and justkindof apain, Iwon’tbecovering itin this section. However, if you are interested you can find more information on smelting by CLICKING HERE (for complete item transmutation list) and HERE (for basic information regarding smelting).
TipYou can find mining veins near mountains and stones so you should circle around the borders of maps. Prices of Minerals
Copper bar Tin bar
Silver bar Iron bar
Gold bar
Mithril bar Truesilver bar Thorium bar Price
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Low Level Ore Farming
For low level characters the best place to farm Copper Ore, Tin Ore, and Silver Ore The Barrens is the best location. You should stay in this region until your mining skill level reaches 125 which is enough to start farming iron ore.
Map of Copper, Tin, and Silver Ore Farming Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)