World of Warcraft: the Alliance Leveling Guide 1-12 by R.Scorpio - HTML preview

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Recommended Addons

The following addons are recommended.  These are not definitive, as there are many addons that are similar to the ones listed below.

  • Auctionator
  • Baggon – optional
  • Farmhud – optional.  This is helpful for mobs as well.
  • TomTom – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Or similar. The commands are listed in the guide for what to type in game to get your GPS pointing in the right direction. With TomTom it is usually “/way” and then your /way separated by a “,”(comma).
  • Questie – Another highly recommended addon.

Recommended Professions

Lets face it, classic WoW is a grindy game. Unlike retail where you get XP for doing any type of profession, classic you do not.   So picking flowers, and mining, will not get you xp. They do help with making money. To  circumvent this, you need a profession that requires you to be killing mobs to get XP.  The following are professions recommended to help leveling.  - In short it is any profession that requires you to grind mobs. The following profession will allow you to kill mobs and get xp to help with the grind

  • Skinning: The obvious one.
  • Cooking: Focus on recipes that require to you to kill mobs for food ingredients img1.pngimg2.pngFirst Aid: For non healers: Have to kill humanoid mobs for cloth.
  • Tailoring: Same as above, however, great for healers as well.

Using this tip, you will not be able to use the associated profession (example if you get skinning, you need to get tailoring as well – so you can grind on all types of mobs to get mats and XP).

This again, is optional, but have found that if you need to grind for XP, might as well work on professions at the same time! Level efficiently!  And make some GOLD!!  Remember in classic/vanilla you need to be constantly earning XP as at higher levels, quests are not as abundant.

Another reason for this, is because, many people do not like doing dungeons, but instead, just explore and gradually level up.  Because of this, they will lack the XP that the dungeon players get. When going out of your way to work on professions that give you XP, you will be ahead in the levels, and can bypass the dungeons if you prefer.