52 Ways To Save The World by Rebecca Hall - HTML preview

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42. Check Out Care 2


Check out  www.care2.com; this website has a number of ways you can help people, animals and the environment and keeps you updated on the latest issues. There are petitions to sign and many other actions you can take.


43. Make A Pledge


One person doing good things can make a difference, but 100 people doing the same deed, makes even more of a difference. By placing your next deed on www.pledgebank.com, you can encourage others to do the same by saying you will do the good deed as long as 100 others do the same.


44. Raise Money For Your Favourite Charity With Every Computer Search


Check out www.everyclick.com where by using their search engine, you can raise money for a charity of your choice with every click.


45. Research Your Favourite Charities


We all have a number of charities who support issues close to our hearts but how much do you really know about where your money goes? Unlike businesses, the effectiveness of charity projects are rarely looked into, the spending is also barely assessed, giving some CEOs of charities, the opportunity to pay themselves very high salaries. High administrative costs aren’t always a negative as administration ensures the effectiveness of a charity but ultimately, we all want as much money as possible to go to the charitable cause. GiveWell was set up by a few people who wanted to make sure their donations were going to do as much good as possible. After a hefty amount of research which is still ongoing, they created www.givewell.org. Charities on this site have been researched thoroughly to ensure as much of the money as possible, goes back to the cause, the effectiveness of the charities projects, is constantly assessed and improved and the accounts are transparent.