A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen

 Sunset On Planet Til

 The sun of course had gotten nearer to the horizon. The clouds off to our right were showing a slightly orangish yellow color. At this height, I could still see some of the animals out in the field. There were all casting even longer shadows. It was an amazing sight. As we went toward the table, I thought to Zem and Mav, “Zem or Mav. Why didn’t you simply transport past the force field.” Zem thought back and said, “I knew the girls were just having fun. And with Sas being so naughty, (We could feel telepathic humor from our Nal as Zem added) it would have been very difficult to overcome her.” We had all stopped near our chairs at this point. Sas said verbally with a bit of amused and slightly plaintive edge to her voice, “It wasn’t my idea.” We all grinned up at Tal and Sas and chuckled a little. We could also feel a little more telepathic humor from our Nal. After the levity, Til picked up her bouquet and said to Mav with a big, loving smile, “You’re so thoughtful darling.” Sue and Bev also picked up their bouquets as Til went to smell hers. They had taken on sentimental, loving smiles. Being happy that we had made our girls happy, us guys beamed grins.

 After giving her flowers a smell, Til turned her pleased, sentimental smile to Mav and said, “Thank you darling.” Then they kissed each other lovingly. Bev said to Zem after smelling her flowers, “They’re beautiful darling. Thank you.” At the same time as Bev said, “Thank you” to Zem, Sue said to me, “You’re so sweet darling.” Sue and I began to kiss each other lovingly. Zem and Bev were already doing so. While this was going on, the upper portion of the house began to descend. After about thirty seconds or so, Mav and Til broke off their kiss and lovingly embraced each other. Soon after, Zem and Bev did the same.

Sue and I also soon did the same. Mav and Til were the first to part their embrace. They smiled at each other lovingly for a moment. Then Mav moved their chairs. With three pairs of chairs around the table, the idea was probably for us all to sit next to our partners. But that plan went right out the window. Mav sat down as he and Til smiled at each other lovingly. Zem and Bev had parted at this point. Zem also moved their chairs a little.

 Sue and I at this point were smiling at each other lovingly. Then Til sat across Mav’s lap, facing in the general direction of Zem and Bev. Til placed her flowers in one hand and put her arm around Mav’s shoulders. Zem sat down as I moved our chairs a little. I angled my chair a little toward the sunset direction. So that with Sue sitting across my lap, she would be facing more in the direction of Zem, Bev, Mav and Til. Bev sat across Zem’s lap, facing in the general direction of Mav and Til. Panny and Lika jumped up on the mountain side of the table as I sat down. Panny and Lika just sat at the end of the table. Though they eyed the tray of drinks with interest. Sue sat across my lap, facing in the general direction of the others. I took Sue’s bouquet as we smiled at each other lovingly. Then I took on more of a look of solemn love as Zem, Bev, Mav and Til smiled at us. I said to Sue with a voice of solemn love, “These flowers remind me of our bed at the island shack darling.” Sue’s eyes glazed over with love. Mind did too as I added, “My love for you will outlast time itself.” Then Sue took on a look of emotional love. Sue said, “Oh darling!”

 We began to kiss each other passionately. As we did so, I pressed the flowers lightly against the sides of our faces. From the way this made Sue kiss me, just as I had planned, it no doubt reminded her of our honeymoon bed too. Though I wasn’t paying much attention at the moment to anything else but Sue, Mav said to Til with a loving voice, “You put to shame any flower darling.” Til said with a highly loving voice, “Oh, my love!” They started kissing passionately too as Mav moved the flowers of Til’s bouquet next to the sides of their faces. Zem and Bev were looking at each other with looks of solemn love. Zem said to Bev, “Your very being darling is more beautiful than a whole planet of flowers.” Bev said, “Oh, my dearest darling!” They too started kissing each other passionately. Zem lightly pressed the flowers of Bev’s bouquet against the sides of their faces. Sue and I gave off slight moans of pleasure as we caressed each other’s tongues together. My dearest, sweet love caressed me every way she could with her hands. Sue also really gave it to me with her soft, loving lips. The intoxicating, wonderful smell of the soft flowers only added to the delight.

 Unknown to me at the time, Tal and Sas also circled around each other’s surfaces at a little faster speed. As Pim and Mim were doing with each other. San and Pam were also doing the same with each other. Also, the upper floor of the house settled back onto the lower floor. All of this loving carried on for a couple of minutes. Then I heard Til say softly to Mav with loving emotion, “Oh darling!” I pulled our flowers back a little, but still kept them raised. Sue and I slowly parted our kiss and looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. I heard Mav say to Til with a loving voice, “Til my love!” I also heard Bev say to Zem with loving conviction in her voice, “I love you so much darling.” Zem answered Bev and said to her in the same manner, “I love you so much too darling.” Sue got a slight smile on her face. I gave Sue a slight smile too. Sue seemed to get a bit of a mischievous look on her face as her little smile quickly turned to a bigger one. I also quickly took on a bigger one. Sue then quickly went to a slight grin. I quickly did the same. Sue then quickly went to a bigger grin. I quickly matched Sue. Sue then quickly went to a really big grin. I quickly did the same. Sue then quickly raised her eyebrows and made a really happy face with a really big grin. I quickly did the same.

 Sue then laughed. I laughed too as Sue put her head next to mine and said, “I love you so much darling!” I said, “I love you so much too my love!” As we hugged, I held Sue’s bouquet around her back. After a few extended moments, Sue and I parted our hug and briefly looked at each other lovingly. Then we smiled at the others. I placed Sue’s bouquet on the table so I could place that hand on Sue’s thigh. Zem and Bev were looking lovingly at each other. Mav had already placed Til’s bouquet on the table and had his hand on Til’s thigh. Both Til and Mav were grinning at us. Sue and I grinned at them too. Til said, “What were you two laughing about.” Zem and Bev also grinned over at us. Zem sat Bev’s bouquet on the table too. Sue said, “Just a little thing I did. It’s really nothing. I will tell you and Bev. But not the guys. In case you want see how they will react if you do the same thing to them sometime.” Sue then appeared to think to Til and Bev. Zem had his hand on Bev’s thigh at this point. Afterwards, the girls chuckled a little. Sue then turned her grin to me and said, “I guess we’re not all that original. But don’t tell Zem or mav anyway.”

 We were all grinning of course as I said, “I think we’ve learned our lesson as far as messing with you girls goes.” This caused us all to laugh. Afterwards, Til said, “But sometimes we like being messed with.” We all laughed again. After the levity, Bev said, “We weren’t really mad at you for chasing us.” Zem said to Bev, “I would hate to see what would happen if you got really mad.” This made us all laugh again. Afterwards, Bev said to Zem, “Would you have preferred that we had not done it?” Zem said, “No way! You were a wonder!” As Zem and Bev hugged, Mav said to Til with a loving expression on his face, “You have to do that for me again when we’re alone.” This caused Til to giggle a little and then kiss Mav. At the same time as this was going on between Mav and Til, I said to Sue with a loving smile, “It was hard to believe you could be so sexy darling.” This made Sue grin in a loving manner. Sue said sweetly, “Didn’t I give you reason to believe it earlier my love.” My eyes glazed over with love. I also had passion written on my face. Which caused Sue’s expression to change to a similar look. I said with a voice just dripping with love, “Oh, did you ever darling!”

 Then Sue and I kissed each other passionately. We all kissed our partners for a good minute before we went back to hugging our partners. With all of the usual caressing and nuzzling. After a bit of this, Sue and I turned happy smiles toward the others. Mav and Til were still hugging, caressing and nuzzling. Zem had a hand on Bev’s cheek and Bev had a hand on Zem’s. They were looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. Zem leaned his cheek into Bev’s palm while he slowly closed his eyes. Then Zem caressed Bev’s palm with his cheek a little and then kissed Bev’s wrist. Zem then brought his face toward Bev’s again as he slowly opened his eyes and lovingly looked again into Bev’s eyes. Bev started to do the same thing to Zem as I went and kissed Sue on the neck. Sue leaned her head back and to the side a little with a pleasured look on her face. As Sue did so, Sue slid the hand she had on my shoulder up and caressed the back of my head. After a little kissing, I opened my mouth wider and kneaded with my lips one of those strands of muscle that ran from the base of Sue’s neck to the base of her skull.

 This caused Sue to give out a short, soft, little, pleasured moan as I did so. Sue also caressed a bit of my head with the bottom of her jaw as she continued to caress the back of my head with one hand. I continued doing what I was. Oh how I would have loved to be alone with Sue right now. After a few extended moments of this, I started kissing my way back up toward Sue’s wonderful lips. Sue started kissing her way down toward mine. When our lips met, we kissed each other passionately. Both Sue and I oozed with happiness. (Though not literally) After close to a minute of kissing, I heard Mav say to Til, “Let me get rid of this darling.” Sue and I slowly parted our kiss and smiled at Mav and Til. Mav was taking off Til’s hair mimicking head jewelry. Zem said to Bev, “Can I remove yours too darling?” Bev was smiling sweetly at Zem as she said, “Sure darling.” I said to Mav and Zem, “I think their head jewelry looks pretty nice.” Mav had just set Til’s jewelry on the table. Til was rubbing her cranium. Everybody smiled at me as Mav said, “It does look nice. But it kind of gets in the way.” I said, “I hope I don’t say anything to offend any of you. But all of you aren’t naturally bald are you.”

 My question made everybody’s smiles widen a bit as Bev rubbed her cranium too. Sue said to me, “No they aren’t dear. But one of them can tell you why they’re bald.” Mav said, “As the Reall cranium expanded with evolution, our hair follicles became more widely spaced. It eventually became more fashionable to just shave it off.” Til then said, “I don’t know how much Bev or Zem told you, but everything we are came about through eugenics. Our kind stayed away from genetic manipulation. Breeding our kind to have more closely spaced follicles wasn’t something our kind thought to be necessary.” I smiled sweetly at Til and Bev as I said, “I can certainly see why.” Everybody grinned at me. Though Bev and Til’s grins were extra wide. Zem gave Bev a brief extra firm hug. Mav did the same with Til as Til said to me, “Oh! You’re such a dear!” Bev said, “You’re so sweet!” I said, “It’s interesting that for beings as advanced as you are, your craniums aren’t as unusually large as artists renderings I’ve seen of the Eban. That humans as you know refer to as Grays. As far as your beauty goes, I’m just speaking the truth.” Zem, Bev, Mav and Til gave me sentimental, appreciative smiles. Though Bev and Til’s were slightly more appreciative.

 Bev said with an appreciative, sentimental voice, “Oh! You’ve had it now!” Then Bev looked up at Pim and Mim and seemed to think something. Pim and Mim stopped circling each other and parted. San and Pam did the same. As did Tal and Sas. At the same time, they all emitted telepathic humor. Mim, Pam and Sas started to move toward me. As they did so, Mim said verbally, “Look out Sue!” We all laughed as Mim, Pam and Sas all transformed themselves into Nal sized, smiling female lips. Sue backed away from me a little as they puckered up. Then they all started landing quick kisses around my face and head. They would back off about three inches and reposition themselves before coming in to land another quick smooch. They also made smooching sounds with each smooch. I had my eyes lightly closed with a big grin on my face. All this increased everybody’s mirth. After each had landed about four kisses each, they backed away with grinning mouths as I opened my eyes. We all continued laughing a little more. The Nal continued to emit telepathic humor. Then Sue grinned at Pim, San and Tal. Sue said with a slightly plaintive voice, “I think Zem and Mav are handsome too.”

 Knowing what Sue was up to, we all laughed again. Pim, San and Tal all transformed themselves into smiling male lips. Then they headed toward Sue. They also puckered their lips and landed a number of quick kisses around Sue’s head and face. Sue lightly closed her eyes and giggled with delight as Pim, San and Tal made male smooching sounds. After landing about four kisses each, they too backed away. Sue opened her eyes with a big grin on her face. Pim, San and Tal turned into grinning smiles. The rest of our laughter diminished into chuckles as Sue said to them, “You’re all such dears!” The Tal and Sas’s grins turned into kissing lips and they kissed each other. San and Pam did the same. So did Pim and Mim, at first. Looking at the backs of their lips, it kind of looked like featureless skin. Pim turned so the back of Mim faced us. Then Pim started kissing Mim a little more fully. The back of the Mim lips bulged out a little. The bulge also moved a little. Like Pim was giving Mim some tongue! Which he probably was. Though it was clear that he was doing it just to be amusing. All of us, except for Zem, busted up laughing. Zem managed to say quickly, “Pim! You’re so naughty!” Then Zem busted up laughing too.

 The Nal all separated and turned their grinning mouth shapes toward us all. Then they laughed verbally as their mouth shapes also formed laughing shapes. After the laughter, Sue said, “You guys are so cute.” Then Sue looked at Tal and Sas and said, “I have an idea. But let’s keep it secret for now.” Then Sue thought to me, “Do what I do honey.” Sue then turned to Tal and Sas and thought, “Let us place your mouths over ours.” Tal and Sas emitted telepathic humor as they came down to Sue and I. Sue and I released each other. Sue took hold of Sas and I took hold of Tal. We placed them over our smiling lips. Though they didn’t follow the contours of our faces. Then Sue and I turned to the others. Everybody busted up laughing as Sue and I put an arm back around each other. Pim, Mim, San and Pam’s lips again took on a laughing shape as they laughed verbally. The laughter and Sue and I’s appearance caused Panny and Lika to chatter excitedly. They excitedly scampered over to the table and hopped on Sue’s lap. Sue and I offhandedly petted them as we looked at the others.

 Sas and Tal’s grinning mouths were of course much larger than Sue and I’s. I knew that it had to look funny. Which judging from everybody’s reaction, it was.

Tal, Sas, Sue and I emitted telepathic humor at everybody’s reaction. Then Sue and I briefly looked at each other. This caused us to emit more telepathic humor. Sue and I then looked up at Pim, Mim, San and Pam. Then we looked at the others. Sue and I were enjoying their laughter. Til managed to get out between laughs, “That’s so cute!” After causing a little more laughter, Sue and I again turned to each other. Sue said with a mirthful thought, “Thanks guys. That’s enough.” Sue and I then brought our faces closer to each others. Tal and Sas kissed. Then Sue and I backed our faces away from them and grinned widely. They rose up into the air and transformed themselves into their normal shape. Then they started to circled around each other’s surfaces at differing angles and at a little faster speed than normal. Pim and Mim did the same. As did San and Pam. Sue and I then turned to the others. We were all grinning as Bev said, “We’re going to have to add that to your picture album!”

 Zem said to Sue with a bit of an amused, appreciative voice, “In all the time I have been around, I have only seen a situation arise a few times where somebody did that. You’re so clever!” Sue and I gave each other a brief, extra hug with the arms we had around each other. Panny and Lika, who were laying on Sue’s lap by this time, also received an extra pet. Mav then added, “But seeing somebody do it after such a long time is just as funny!” We all laughed a little again. Then Sue said to everybody with a beaming grin, “I suppose after all the millions of years you guys have been around, there isn’t a lot you haven’t seen.” Bev said, “There probably isn’t much. But I don’t think any of us have seen anybody use their faces to make the Nal lips kiss afterwards. That was so adorable!” Sue said, “Well part of that was Tal and Sas knowing how to play along.” We all then grinned up at them. All the Nal by this point weren’t circling each other as fast. But Sue’s sharing Bev’s complement with them made them speed up a little again. We all then turned grins back to each other. Then Mav turned his grin to Til and said, “Speaking of something original, whose idea was your little show.”

 We all grinned at Til to hear her answer. Though Bev and Sue obviously already knew the answer. Til said to Mav, “Sue came up with the plan. We collaborated on everything else.” Zem looked at Sue and said in a joking around manner, “You humans are diabolical!” We all laughed. Though it obviously wasn’t because of what Zem said, our Nal began to diminish the speed at which they circled each other. After the laughter, Mav said, “Erik was right. You are a foul temptress!” This caused even more laughter. Afterwards, Zem said, “Not that our girls need the help, I couldn’t be happier that you help Bev be that way a little more.” Zem then looked at Bev and added, “You were a dream!” Zem’s expression turned more loving. Bev looked at Zem in the same way as Zem added, “And you always will be darling.” Bev looked at Zem with an emotional look of love and said, “Oh Zem!” This got them kissing passionately again. Mav, Til, Sue and I smiled sentimentally at them for a few moments. Then Mav and Til turned their sentimental smiles to Sue and I. Sue and I smiled sentimentally at them too. Mav said, “The idea of your show has shown me again that you two are well worth having around.”

 Til smiled sweetly at Sue and I as she said, “I just hope you can handle having us for friends too.” What Til said caused the insides of Sue and I’s eyebrows to arch upwards with emotion. Sue and I looked at each other as our faces became overtaken with more emotion. Sue said, “Oh darling! It’s too wonderful!” Sue and I firmly embraced each other. I said to Sue with some emotion in my voice, “I know!” For a few moments, Zem, Bev, Mav and Til enjoyed Sue and I’s joy with sentimental smiles on their faces. Then Sue and I heard Zem say to Til and Mav in a kind of joking around manner, “Just don’t forget whose humans they are.” Zem, Bev and Mav laughed a bit. Sue and I turned to look at them with our expressions still showing happy emotion. Til was looking at Zem with a big, mock, pouty look. This caused Sue and I to laugh. Til also started laughing. We all share in each other’s laughter for about forty seconds or so. The expression Til made was so adorable! And the reason for it especially pleased Sue and I. After laughter, Sue got a surprised look on her face. Sue said in a kidding around manner, “Oh no! It’s happening again!”

 We all started laughing again. All of us knew what was going on. It was the return of the hug monster! Sue took on a mock, wild eyed look. Then Sue took hold of Panny and Lika and sat them on the table. Sue then started making hug monster sounds as she quickly stood up. Then Sue started to run around the back of our chair toward the field side of the table. As Sue did so, Sue held her arms out in a hug monster way. This excitement caused Panny and Lika to jump off the table and excitedly follow Sue. When Sue got to Zem and Bev, Sue stuck her head in between Zem and Bev’s and gave them both a hug monster hug. Rocking both of them from side to side a little in their sitting position. Which increased Zem and Bev’s laughter. After giving them a good hug monster hug, Sue stood erect and turned her attention to Mav and Til. Then Sue hug monstered her way over to them as Panny and Lika playfully scampered about Sue’s feet. Sue then gave Mav and Til the hug monster treatment. Rocking them back and forth a little too. Which also increased their laughter a little. Sue gave them this treatment for a few moments. Then Sue just hugged them with her eyes lightly closed and a happy expression on her face.

 Our laughter faded away after a few extended moments as we looked at the scene with sentimental smiles on our faces. Sue said, “You’re both so wonderful!” Mav and Til hugged Sue back to what extent they could. Til said with a sentimental voice, “Thank you. You’re so sweet.” Mav said with the same kind of voice, “Zem and Bev were lucky to have found you both.” Sue gave them both a brief, extra hug. Then Sue gave Til and Mav a quick peck on the cheek. Sue then stood erect and grinned at Zem and Bev. Speaking to Mav and Til while she grinned at Zem and Bev, Sue said with a kidding around voice, “If Zem is going to be stingy and not share us, maybe Erik and I should run away and come stay with you guys.” This causes a little more laughter. We all looked around to each other to share in each other’s laughter. After this bit of laughter, Bev took on a mock annoyed look and shook her finger at Sue. At the same time, Bev said with a kidding around, scolding voice, “You’re a naughty, naughty human!” This caused us all to bust up laughing again. But to a little greater degree than before. Our Nal also emitted telepathic humor. Sue went back toward Zem and Bev as we all laughed.

 Then Sue hugged Zem and Bev again when she got to them. After some laughter, Sue said, “You’re both way too wonderful! Erik and I could never run away from you!” All of us had extra happy grins on our faces. After giving Zem and Bev a good hug, Sue gave Bev and Zem a quick kiss on their cheeks. Sue then stood erect as she, Zem and Bev exchanged grins. Then Sue made her way back over to me. I stood up at Sue’s approach. As Sue came over, we were grinning at each other as I said, “If you were any sweeter darling, you would give us all diabetes.” This made everybody chuckle. Which I quickly joined in on. I could also sense a little amusement from our Nal. Then Sue said, “Thank you darling.” We gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After parting our kiss, we smiled at each other lovingly. Til said, “Speaking of sweet. How about some coco?” We all exchanged big smiles as Bev said, “Good idea.” Sue and I let go of each other and turned toward them with big smiles still on our faces. I said, “That sounds good.” Sue and I went to our chair. Bev and Til stood up as Sue stepped closer to the tray. Us guys smiled at our girls as they stood at the table.

 Til picked up one of the small mugs and looked at it with a grin. Sue did the same with the other small mug. Seeing what was going on, Panny and Lika jumped up on the field end of the table and sat down with looks of anticipation on their faces. Til said, “These are just adorable.” Sue said, “They’re so cute!” Then Til glanced around at Zem and Mav and me as she said, “Who thought of these.” Mav said with a beaming grin, “It was me.” Til said, “You’re such a dear!” Then Til and Mav gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Til then handed the small mug to Bev. Bev also admired it with a big grin. Zem also took this opportunity to look at it a little closer. Then Bev said to Mav, “They’re so sweet! Thank you.” Mav was still beaming a grin as he said, “You’re welcome.” Then Til picked up a couple mugs from the tray and set them near Bev. Til then reached for a couple other mugs and sat them near her. As Sue sat one of the small mugs near Til, apparently Sue figured that a couple of the larger mugs were the ones that she had made for Mav and Til. But didn’t know which were which. Because Sue said to Til with a smile, “Which are the ones I had made for you and Mav?”

 Bev sat the smaller mug near the one Sue sat down. As Til reached for the pitcher, Til said, “The ones I took.” Sue said, “How can you tell them apart.” Til said, “Without getting all technical, let’s just say that we can sense the auras you imprinted on them.” For a couple of moments, Sue and I gave each other slightly surprised, happy looks as Til poured coco. Then Sue turned back and said to Til, “You guys are constantly amazing.” Til briefly smiled at Sue as she poured. Responding to what Sue said, Zem gave the same response that Bev had back on planet Bev when I told them that they were wonderful. Zem said, “It’s a dirty job. But somebody has to do it.” This made us all laugh. Til had to stop pouring. After the laughter, Til said to Zem with an amused but slightly plaintive voice, “Stop it! You’re going to make me spill!” This caused a little more laughter. Til then continued pouring with a little more of a look of concentration on her face. Sue picked up a couple mugs and sat these closer to herself. Til sat a mug near Mav, close to her bouquet. As Til started to pour coco into the other mug, Sue turned her grin to the bartok for a moment.

 Then Sue smiled at Mav and said, “The bartok were so brave and sweet to come to our assistance. Would there be anything wrong with sending them some chocolate drink too?” Mav said to Sue with a kidding around voice, “Are you trying to spoil my bartok too?” We all laughed. Til then said as she sat her other mug near Mav’s, “Don’t pay any attention to him. I would have thought up an added reward if Mav hadn’t. But to be fair, let’s let Pam decide.” Mav said, “You know what dear softies the Nal girls are.” We all turned our grins to Pam and San. At this moment, our Nal were about four feet above the table. Pim and Mim were nearest to the sunset end of the table and circling around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. Tal and Sas were above the middle of the table and doing the same. San and Pam were closer to the mountain end of the table and doing the same. What Mav said caused all of the Nal couples to start circling around their partners at a little faster speed. Pam said to Mav, “Thank you!” Mim said, “You’re so sweet!” Sas said, “You’re such a dear!” This made everybody’s grins a little bigger.

 Then Sue said to Pam, “Well Pam. Whaddya think.” Pam said with a hint of happiness to her voice, “San and I will be glad to take care of it.” Pam and San shot off in the direction of the maketake machine as they continued to circle around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. We all grinned at them for a moment as they went. Then Til poured out some coco into Panny and Lika’s little mugs. I said to Mav, “Do you have any cocoa trees here?” Til handed her pitcher over to Bev. Mav said, “Actually, they’re called cacao trees.” Til began to levitate the small mugs over to Panny and Lika as Bev took the pitcher. At the same time, Mav added, “But we don’t have any here. Though creating some would be easy enough. Someday, the bartok should learn how to roast them and mix them with one of the sweet plant extracts.” Panny and Lika at this point were holding their little mugs and beginning to take a drink. Til sat down across Mav’s lap. Bev poured out coco for Zem and herself. As Mav and Til gave each other a brief but loving kiss, Zem said to Sue and I, “We have them on planet Bev. Which the humans there were happy to find out.”

 Sue said, “No doubt it was just one of the many things they were happy to find out.” We all grinned at Sue. Though Bev only did so briefly as she finished pouring. At this point, San and Pam were heading in the direction of the bartok. San levitated a fairly good sized black kettle below him. It also had a loop of metal across the top. Pam levitated a number of dark gray, metal looking, fairly tall mugs below her. One for each bartok. Bev finished pouring and handed the pitcher over to Sue. I said as Bev sat their mugs nearer to where they were sitting, “I think the bartok are going to like their coco.” We all smiled in that direction as Bev sat across Zem’s lap. The bartok also saw what was heading in their direction. Til smiled back at Sue and said, “I think you should tell them why they’re receiving it.” Sue said to Til with an extra happy expression on her face, “What should I say.” We all grinned at Sue and Til as Til said, “To say, Drink for brave bartok from Sue, think “Wal ga terat bartok hoot Sue.” Sue sat the pitched down and said happily, “Ok!”

 We all looked back in that direction. The bartok were bowing to San and Pam with their faces to the ground. San sat the kettle right next to the bartok’s fire. Pam sat the mugs on the end of one of the baskets. Sue then thought to them. We could hear Sue’s thoughts. San or Pam probably transmitted them verbally to the bartok. Then our Nal emitted their voices for us to hear as they repeatedly bowed on our direction. Their statements mainly consisted of, “Ak gutta Sue!” Sue was just beaming a wide grin. Our Nal stopped transmitting their voices to us. Sue picked up the pitcher again and started pouring coco into our mugs. Though Sue frequently glanced over at the bartok as she did so. Pam levitated one of the mugs to the kettle. Probably because of instruction from Pam, the bartok stopped what they were doing, sat up and looked at Pam as she dipped it into it sideways into the coco. As Pam levitated it upright and handle first over to Lega, I said to the others, “They may think it looks like mud until they take a drink.” Everybody briefly grinned at me before turning back to the bartok. Lega humbly took the mug and took a small sip. The other bartok looked at him with expectant glances.

 Even at this distance, I could see Lega’s face light up as he nodded approvingly at the others and said something to them. San and Pam began to levitate back in our direction. The other bartok started going for mugs themselves. Sue sat the pitcher back on the tray and said, “They like it. I’m so glad.” We all smiled at Sue. Til said, as Sue moved our mugs closer to me, “How could they not.” Sue sat across my lap as we briefly smiled at each other. Then I glanced from Bev to Til and said, “Speaking of mud, do these words hold any significance for you. All mud, all the time!” Everybody was grinning at me. Bev and Til’s grins were a little wider. Bev said with a happy tone to her voice, “Yes it does!” Sue took on a look of happy curiosity as she looked at Bev and Til. Sue said, “What’s that all about.” Bev said, “It’s a mud themed theme park on the planet of another Reall couple. They have many other amu