American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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"Who's that creep?" A Boy Named Sue wants to know pointing at a straight looking guy standing over by the garden. 

"I've never seen him.  Why?" I ask. 

"Because," she says "he just came up to me and ask if I wanted to fuck." 

I grin and say, "Well, do ya?" 

She gives me a fuck you look then says, "It's not just me.  He's asked some of the other girls too and he keeps following us around staring at us."

"So what do you want me to do about it." I ask. 

Sue says, " Tell him to cut the crap." 

I say okay and go over to the dude and introduce myself asking who he is.  He say that his name is Joe and that he found out about us from a junkie I know named Keith whose been here a few times. 

Joe says, "Man, you got more naked pussy around here than I've ever seen outside of Devils Slide." (A nude beach south of San Francisco.)

"Well," I say, "we have a problem.  The girls here don't want you following them around asking if they want to fuck.  These are liberated hippie babes and if they want to fuck you, don't worry, they'll let you know so either you're going to have to cool it or leave." 

Now it's Joe that gives me the fuck you look but after a moment he relaxes and says, "Okay man, I can dig it.  I'll cool my ways." 

I tell him that's good and to enjoy then walk away.  I watch him for awhile and he does cool it.  He's still staring at any naked chick within 100 feet but he's keeping to himself.

It's getting onto evening so the local freeks head for home, leaving about a dozen of us including Joe to spend the night in the tipi field.  When it gets dark we build a fire and have dinner.  Joe is sitting next to Niaomi who still hasn't put her clothes on.  Joe's trying to talk to her but she's ignoring him.  After dinner we brake out the guitars and drums and play some music while passing around joints and home brew. 

Niaomi gets up and leaves the fire, Joe follows.  A minute later she's back and squats down between Janice and Mary Lou.  She talks to them for a minute and they nod.  Niaomi gets up, calls Joe over, says something to him then takes his hand and leads him over to her sleeping bag about 50 feet away.  She spreads it out on the ground then lays down while Joe whips off his clothes.  Then they go at it.  As soon as Niaomi's done singing her birthday song, Mary Lou gets up, goes over to the happy couple, takes off her clothes and gets in bed with them.  Joe is delighted and pretty soon it's Mary Lou that's doing the singing.  When they finish, Janice gets up, goes over, gets naked and jumps in bed.  Joe is in heaven.  He's a healthy young dude so he's ready to rock.  When Janice finished with him I though a forth girl would join them because we've all been watching what's been going on and know the tripp.  The girls are going to fuck Joe to Death.  Well, he asked for it so now he's going to get it, and it does make a fine evening’s entertainment. 

No forth girl, instead Niaomi crawls back up on top of Joe and they're soon going at it again with Mary Lou and Janice giving Joe encouragement.  When Niaomi's done for the second time it's Mary Lou's turn again but we can see that Joe's starting to flag, it won't be long now.  Mary Lou gets off of him and Janice takes her place. 

Joe says something so we all quiet down to listen in, "Jesus, don't you girls ever quit?" Joe asks. 

"But Joe, I'm still horny, come on, just one more time.  Come on, you can do it, get it up for me." Janice says sweetly and Joe does but not for long.  Janice, still sitting on top of him says, "You're not done already are you Joe?  I'm just getting started." 

Now Joe makes a fatal mistake, he admits weakness, "Jesus, I've already done you twice.  I need to rest awhile.  I tired." 

That's just what the girls are waiting for and they attack with viciousness “I thought you were a real stud."

"Gee Joe, are you a man or not?"

"Come on Joe. I'm still hot and you said you were good, so get it up." 

Joe says, "Just give me a chance to rest up then..." but they cut him off,

"But I'm horny now."

"Maybe we wouldn't be if you had a bigger cock."

"Or if you kept it up longer."

"Hell, I don't think he even came.  I'm barely wet."

"Oh, he came all right, it was just so fast." 

Joe says, "Hey, I ain't never had no complaints before." and tries to get out from under Janice but the girls aren’t letting him up. 

They're pulling him down and pulling on his cock saying, "I don't think he can get it up.  Maybe he needs a boy."

And Niaomi who speaks a little Spanish says, "Esta un pinche puto Jose?"

"Or maybe he needs his Mommy."

"Or his Daddy." 

Joe's mad now saying, "Hey, I ain't no queer and if you bitches don't let me up then you're all going to sorry.  And don't say nothing about my Mother either!"

 John D, a mountain of a man who looks like a biker, says, "I'll take care of this." and walks over to Joe and the girls, puts his paw on Joe's shoulder and says, "What’s the problem?" 

Joe says, "These bitches are insulting my manhood and they won't let me up." 

John D squeezes Joe's shoulder hard and tells him, "First of all, these ain't bitches.  These are ladies." and squeeze harder.  Joe who's maybe 5'7" and 150 pounds looks up at John D, 6'4" and around 250 pounds and knows that he'd better mind his manners. 

He says, "Look, I've already done these ‘ladies’ twice and..."

The girls break in "What a lie.  I don't think he even got it up once."

"I didn't feel a thing it was so little and quick." 

"AND," Joe continues, "I told them that if I could just rest awhile then I’d do the all again, but I'm too tired right now." 

"What a wimp!"

"Poor little baby."

"Provicito Jose.  Que lastima.” 

John D says, "Look Joe, you're just gonna have to finish what you've started.  We can't have unhappy women around.  It'll spoil the party." 

"Listen man," Joe says as John D crushes his shoulder, "I just can't do it right now."

John D says, "Well girls, I guess you're going to have to let this poor little boy go home and let us men finish up." 

The girls say, "That's okay John D, he wasn't any good anyway."

"Yeah, that's the smallest dick I've ever seen, my baby brothers is bigger."

"Probably queer anyway.  Like it up the ass, Joe?" 

John D lets go of Joe and says, menacingly, "Get the fuck out of here and don't ever come back, comprendo amigo?" 

Joe just nods and the girls let him up.  Joe puts on his clothes and walks to the edge of the tipi field while the girls call after him, "Run home to your mama little boy."



But he has one more humiliation to face  "I don't know my way out of here in the dark." he calls out. 

I walk over to him and say, "Follow me."

As we walk through the chaparral Joe says, "Man, that's the worst experience I've ever had.  I've never met such mean bitches.  And I ain't queer either, those were just whores from hell." 

I tell Joe, "Yeah, you have to be careful with hippie chicks.  They'll eat you up, spit you out and have you begging for mercy in nothing flat." 

Joe says, "No shit man.  I ain't never messing with them again.  I'm sticking to nice girls." 

We get to the orchard where the cars are parked and I ask Joe if he has a ride.  He says, "Yeah, see ya." and walks away.

When I get back to the fire and tell everyone about the 'whores from hell' and “nice girls” bit they all crack up. 

Janice says, "He was a pretty good fuck too.  To bad he was such an asshole." and the other girls agree. 

We congratulate the ladies, and while we all have a good laugh over the nights events I think to myself that anytime the women wanted to, they could take over the world.  They could simply screw every male into submission, because I don't care how big a stud you are, there's no way you can out fuck a female.  I should know, they've had me begging for mercy plenty of times, but then again, begging for mercy from a beautiful woman is one of the finest positions that I've ever been in.  Mercy, Oh, Mercy Me!