American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Patti P's long time boyfriend came home early from work one day to find Patti fucking another dude right on his couch so he immediately through both Patti and all her stuff out into the street and told her never to return.  So now Patti's out at the hot springs with a vow to fuck every guy in town who's willing.  And I hear she's doing a pretty good job at it.

I'm at the pool by myself for a week because Kelly's visiting her Mom for 2 weeks back east.  Since it's getting late in the season there's not a lot of folks left here but there's enough to party with and to make life interesting. 

Late one night the Pollack and me are standing around a fire drinking some Scotch I had straight from the bottle when a very drunken Patti sidles up too me, starts rubbing her fine little body against mine then says, “Hey Tai, why ain't you fucked me yet?”

Now Patti's a native American, a race I haven't ever had sex with so since I'm fairly drunk too I answer her back, “Well hell Patti, how about right now.”  She grabs my hand and it's off into the night we go.

When we get to where it's nice and dark Patti asks, “You got a blanket or towel we can lay on?” 

I just shrug, she can see I don't so she then say, “Well then fuck me doggie style so I don't get any sand in my pussy.”   Off come her clothes followed quickly by mine.  She gets down on her hands and knees and I get behind her.

After we're finished she telsl me that she's had enough fun for tonight and is going back to her camp so she can get some sleep. 

I tell her it sounds like a good idea to me too and off we go in separate directions except instead of going to my van I remember the Scotch and instead go back to the fire where the Pollack and me finish that bottle off.

Next morning I'm sitting in the hot pool nursing a hangover when I see Patti coming my way and a little part of me cringes. 

But Patti just slip into the pool, smiles and says, “Good morning, Tai.” and that's it.  I can tell by looking at her that she don't remember a thing about what happened last night. 

I smile back at her saying, “Good morning to you too, Patti.” never being happier about the black out effects of booze.