American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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George was a sex fiend.  A sex maniac and even, considered by some, a sex deviate.  He would have sex with any woman, any time, any where.  He didn't care if they were young or old, fat or thin, short or tall, married or single, plain or beautiful. Red or yellow, black or white they were precious in his sight.  George loved all the women of the world.  He didn't even care if they were healthy, as this first little tale will illustrate.

TB Tillie was dying.  Even though she was only in her 40's you could tell just by looking at her that she was not long for this world.  She and her husband came out to the springs on a regular basis because the hot water helped to ease her pain.  Since George was "Mayor" of the springs it was his job to get to know everyone who came out their and their stories.  After hearing Tillie’s, she and George became friends.

One day while sitting in the springs enjoying the hot water, Tillie’s husband tells George that this is Tillie’s last time out there and as a last request, he said that she would like to have sex with George.  That's it's okay with him if George says yes.  So George turns to Tillie and tells her that it would be his pleasure.  They get out of the pool and walk to George's camper hand in hand.  After awhile they come back out.  Tillie’s husband talks to her then comes over to George, shakes his hand and thanks him for making Tillie happy this one last time.  They leave never to be seen again.  After they're gone we start ragging on George about screwing Tillie with her being on death door and all. But George shames us all by saying, "What's the matter with you? Even the dying need loving."

We're on the river and while George is "Mayor" of the hot springs, he is "King" of the river and has been for quite awhile.  He has a reputation as a full tilt party animal where anything goes except gay sex or any kind of violence.  Kelly and I are sitting on a sandy riverbank when a young girl comes looking for George.  She's heard all about him and has come to see for herself if all the stories are true.  We tell her that he's gone to the store for beer but will be back shortly.  She'll wait.  When George shows up he can't believe what he sees.  A cute young thang waiting just for him.  She can't believe what she sees either.  She's heard he's old, but not that old.  George is big 6'2", 200 pounds, and none of it fat.  He has long pure white hair with a beard to match.  And he has lots and lots of wrinkles.  We introduce her to him.  George offers her beer, which she declines.  They start talking. 

George asks her if she'd really like to get to know him, to which she replies, "But George, I'm only 16 years old." 

George smiles at her saying, "That's okay honey, I'm only 65."  She smiles back at him, takes his hand and off they go.

George has a son, Greg, who looks like him but only young and still good looking.  They like hitting the bars together looking for unattached females.  One morning when I come into his trailer, there's a nice looking young woman standing at the stove cooking breakfast wearing nothing but an apron and red cowboy boots.  As I enter she goes into the back bedroom to put some clothes on.  George and his son are sitting on the sofa smoking a morning joint. 

I ask, "What the haps?”  

George asks if I want some breakfast then hands me the doobie asking how I like the cute little filly he and Greg picked up last night. 

Greg says, " I picked her up Dad.  You just fucked her."

George answers, "Quit your bitchin’! You got to fuck her too."

Greg replies, "Yeah Dad, but why do you always get to fuck them first?" 

To which George answers,  "Because I'm better looking than you and besides, I’m your father so show some respect, boy."  

Then they both shut up because Red Boots comes back into the living room fully dressed in a cute little cowgirl outfit. 

She kisses each of them then tells them, "Your breakfast is ready, but I'm getting out of here before I get stuck with the dishes." 

After she leaves George says,  "I wonder why she wouldn’t take her boots off?"  It seems that not only wouldn't she take off her boots during sex but she slept with them on too. 

Greg said he asked her why she wouldn't take the off, but all she would say was, "I don' take my boots off for any man." 

Another unsolved mystery.

George is drinking with a new found friend.  The guy is moaning that his wife is a nympho.  She has driven him to impotence by her constant demand for sex and even threatening to leave him if he don't get it up, and soon.  George, ever ready to help out a fellow human being, offers to fuck the guy’s wife for him.  The guy, to our surprise, says that it sounds like a good idea to him and leaves to go get his wife.  Well, we all thought that we'd never see him again, but he comes back right after dark with his wife in tow.  They're both in their mid 40's and the wife's in pretty good shape.  The guy introduces his wife to George.  George grabs a blanket and off they go into the night. 

Next morning I ask George just what happened. 

He tells me, "Not much.  I fucked her while her hubby watched.  After I was done, he says now he's hot and is going to try, but I didn't hang around.  I’d already done my duty.”

There’s a new woman at the hot springs who just scares the living hell out of the all single guys and it ain’t that she big or mean or ugly.  She’s a nice looking girl with a pleasing personality.  The reason she’s scares the guys is, she’s only 28 and after having her first child at 18 decided that she loved kids and has never looked back.  She now has 7 children, ages from 9 years to 6 months old and plans to have more.  So none of the dudes out here want anything to do with her, none except George that is.  George loved children, when he was married he fathered five of his own and he still visits them regularly keeping in touch with them.  So when Mother Nature showed up, George fell in Love. 

She pulled up to the hot pools in a big Dodge Maxi-van and set up camp. Her and the 3 youngest slept in the van while the rest of the kids in tents pitched near it.  George got to know them and within a week Mother Nature had moved into George’s trailer with him bringing the 3 young ones and parking the van and the other kids in their tents right next to him.  They all became one big happy family. 

They bought food together with George doing most of the cooking while Mother Nature kept the place clean.  Both of them watched over and played with the kids.  After they were together awhile I asked George how things were going. 

He told me, “It’s just great Tai.  Not only is it fun to be around all them kids but after they go to bed, Mother Nature fucks the hell out of me all night long.  I tell you, she is one hot mama.” 

When I asked about the preggers factor he said, “I’d love having another little rug rat of my own.  Keeps a man young.” 

When any of the other guys ragged on George about how could he stand being around all them brats and being with a woman who could get pregnant at anytime, George just laughed.  Then he told them they were nothing but a bunch of selfish wimps and there wasn’t a real man among them. 

Mother Nature showed up in February.  She, the kids and George all live together until May when it got just too damn hot to hang around the desert any longer.  George decided to summer up in the Sierra’s like he usually did and asked Mother Nature to join him.  However, she had other things to do and places to go.  She told him that after she had taken care of business she would contact him and they would get together again.  They both went their separate ways.  Sad to say, George never heard from her again 

Kelly and I are having dinner with George in an oak grove by the river when Sandy, a girl about 25 who lives with her boyfriend Jackson, and is camping about half a mile up river, comes into camp crying and a little drunk. 

George asks her what's the matter? 

She tells him that Jackson has been drinking all day, is all pissed off at her and has kicked her out.  She's so upset that she's left everything she owns and has come here.  George sits next to her, consoling her with soft talk and a joint.  Telling her that she can stay with him as long as she likes.  She thanks him and gives him a big and kiss.  George gives us the eye and we go back to our van.  

Next morning George and Sandy are the happy couple with Sandy saying that she don't care if she ever sees Jackson again.  George takes me aside and tells me that Sandy is a hot little number and if we see the trailer a-rockin’ then don't come a-knockin’.  For the next two days they're always together and happy. 

In the afternoon of the third day we see George but not Sandy, so we ask where she is.  "I had to take her back to Jackson." 

George tells us.  "She was killin’ me.  She never let up always wanting me to put it to her." George starts laughing as he continues,  "And you ain't going to believe what happened when I took her back.  This morning I’d had enough of that nymphette, so I talked her into going back with Jackson.  Telling her that I was too old for her and that Jackson was a nice enough young guy when he wasn't drinking.   She says okay, so I take her back to their camp in my van." 

"When we get there, there’s the sheriffs, the rangers and the SAR.  I’d figured that some poor devil had gone and drowned in the river.  We see Jackson standing by his pick up.  When he sees Sandy, he turns white as a sheet and yells, "Jesus Christ!  I though you were dead!  Drowned!  God, am I glad to see you." 

He runs up to Sandy and starts hugging and kissing her.  He then tells us that it was him who called the cops because after she didn't show up for a couple days, he thought she'd gone swimming and drowned.  And by the way, where has she been for the past three days?  When I hear that, I tell them I have to get back to camp.  Because I know the cops are not going to be pleased at wasting their time looking for a dead body that wasn't there.  And I don't need the cops being mad at me." 

Kelly and I walk into George's trailer one nigh and there's a woman sleeping on his sofa with her back to us. 

We ask if we should leave and George says,  "Naw, she ain't sleeping, she's passed out.” 

We sit down pop open a beer and light up a joint.  George starts talking, "That’s Linda, one of the "Desert Whores".   She came stumbling in here a few hours ago asking if she can pass out on my couch because she's as drunk as a skunk and can't drive home.  I told her to go ahead.  But just before she goes to sleep, she makes me promise not to touch her pussy.  So I promise and she passes out.  After she got to snorin’ real good, I took down her pants, and being a man of my word, never touched her pussy.   I buttfucked her instead." 

I say,  "Geeze George, what are you going to do when she wakes up with a sore asshole. 

"Shit," George smiles and tells me,  "I'll just tell her that she was complaining about some guy fucking her in her ass when she came in here and passed out."  

Sounds like a plan to me.

George and I have the springs totally to ourselves.  It's almost sundown and the desert is beautiful.  We've just finished a joint and are sipping our beers when a small pick up comes roaring in and stops right at the edge of the hot pools. 

A woman in her late 30's jumps out of the passengers side, yells, "Hey George, it's great to see ya!"  

She strips off her clothes, jumps right onto George's lap then immediately starts fucking him.  I get out of the pool to give them room and sit down on the log to watch.  He's grabbed her tits and is bouncing her up and down real good.  He's a huffin’ and a puffin’ and she's a moanin’ and a groanin’.  And they're both turning red. 

The guy in the truck seeing this does a donut, pulls to the water’s edge, hangs his head out the window and yells, "I'm going!" 

The woman stops banging George and asks him, "Why honey?"

"Because, I can't believe you're fucking George right before me eyes!" he replies.

"But hon," she lies, "we ain’t fucking.  We're just glad to see each other and are just having a little fun.  Right George?"

George is thinking.  After a beat or two he says, "That's right son.  We're not fucking.  We're just fooling around."

The dude looks suspicious saying, "Well, it sure looks like you're fucking to me."

While still sitting on George's lap and giving a little wiggle every now and then, she looks right into her boyfriends eyes and lies, "It just looks like that.  But I promise you that we ain't fucking.  Are we George?"  

George says, "Do you think that we'd fuck right in front of you?  Why Hell No!"

 The boyfriend tells her,  "Well okay.  But if you want a ride back to town then let's go, cuz I'm leaving right now." 

I'm sitting there thinking that no one is that stupid!  That you'd have to be blind, deaf and severely retarded to believe that they were not fucking. 

The woman hops off George, gives him a kiss and a wink then tells him, "See ya later, Big Boy."  Gets out of the pool, puts her clothes back on, hops into the pick up and is gone. 

I asked George why he didn’t' say, “Hell yes I'm fucking her.”  The dude would have then split leaving the chick with him for the night. 

He tells me, “I didn't want to drive her all the way back to town (a 30 mile trip each way) and besides, she's a lousy lay."

Now I'm going to interrupt these George stories a minute to say that three times in my life I have witnessed a woman get caught fucking or just finishing up with some other guy by their men, and have looked straight in their man's eyes and lied.  Amazingly their men have believed them.  One of the men even apologized for being so jealous.  Never has a woman ever believed this line of bullshit after having just caught her man fucking some other woman.

Back to George.  Flora was 60, had snow white hair and a great body.  George had been lusting after her for years, but she always told him that she was too much woman for him.  That she needed much younger men to satisfy her (all of her boyfriends were in their 20's and 30's).  George, of course, told her that he was more that man enough for her. 

One night she came alone to the pools and decided to give George a try.  Next morning I asked George for the gory details. 

George speaks, "I fixed her dinner, then we went to bed.  I thought that I was doing pretty good too.  We had sex twice in the first hour, but then she says that she ain't finished with me yet.  She keeps a stroking and a sucking.  And sure enough, it gets stiff enough to go at it again.  But I knew I’d have to make it quick before I got too tired, so I cum thinking,  'That'll do her'.  But no.  She says, "Keep on pumping.  I'm not done yet."  Well, after about five minutes my dick gets soft and I'm getting real tired.  I just can't keep at it any longer.  So I fall down on the bed and tell her, "That's it." 

"Flora gets up and gets dressed.  I tell her that she can spent the night and maybe I'll be able to do her again later.  She looks at me and says, "I told you that I was too much woman for you.  I’d better leave now before I kill you."  She tells me good night and leaves.  And I was glad that she was gone too so I could get some sleep." 

George and Flora saw a lot of each other at the springs after that but as far as I know, he never ask her for sex again

A 22-year old Italian beauty named Isabelle hitched into the hot springs and all the single guys went nuts.  Who will she pick?  Why George, of course.  There are a lot of young, fairly good looking guys to be had and George is 70 and looks it.  But Isabelle got to the springs at 5 p.m. and all the males except George, are always drunk by 3 p.m.  Plus George has an Airstream and all the rest of them live in an assortment of vans, cars, campers, small trailers, tents or just in the bushes so her choice is easy, and anyway, she's only there for the one night. 

She ends up staying for two weeks, and George is in Love. He shows her around the desert, buys her little gifts and feeds her whatever she wants.  If anyone says to her, "Why are you with that old geezer?"  She’ll smile and say in her lovely accent, “Don't you worry about George.  He does just fine." and George swells up with pride and shines.

 They stayed together the two weeks then she has to leave, there's a lot more of America she wants to see and experience.  George drives her to the Greyhound and buys her a ticket so she won't have to hitch hike to the Grand Canyon. Then he says good bye to his beautiful Isabelle.  Anytime after that when he talks about her, his voice get a little softer and his eyes get a faraway look as he says her name, Isabelle.

As George got older he'd still fuck a snake if it stood still long enough, but more and more he got to like blowjobs.  He'd say, "A lot less work for the same pay." 

I asked him why he didn't just let the girl be on top and let her do the work.

 "Because" he'd explain, "Being on the bottom is for sissies.  And besides, I've got to practice my manly art." 

He loved blowjobs and would get one every chance he got from any female.  Professional whores he'd give $10, amateur’s $5, bar sluts a free drink, alkie women, a BJ for a beer.  If some male alkie ask him for a beer, George would offer him a whole 6-pack for one from his woman.  The only time he ever refused a blowjob was if a gay guy offered him one.

In fact, he'd get real upset telling the dude, "You got 10 seconds to get out of here before I beat the living shit out of you." and he wasn't kidding. 

His favorite sapsucker of all time was Toothless.  Toothless appropriately named, was in her early 30's, less that 5' tall and 100 pounds.  She and her husband came out to the hot pools on a regular basis.  He'd pull his car right up to the edge of the pools, roll up the windows, even when it was over 100 degrees out, cover all the windows with blankets except for a four-inch hole.  Then he’d sit in the car for hours with his camera and an assortment of lenses taking pictures of everyone’s genitalia. 

Sometimes someone would notice the lens poking between the blankets and say,  "Hey, someone’s taking pictures of my pussy (or cock)!" 

We'd tell them to ignore it.  That he wasn't hurting anybody.  If they said that they didn't like it, we'd tell them to either put on some clothes or leave.  That we had no rules out here except for no violence.  This is a free space. 

Toothless, however was involved in other activities.  She was at George’s smoking pot something her hubby didn't do or even approve of.  The price for the grass, one blowjob.  Which George said was as good as any pussy he’d ever had.  Although he did want to try that out too, but Toothless was faithful to her husband.  She'd only fuck him.  She said that a BJ wasn't real sex.  It was just playing around.  Sometimes though, she would let George stick his fingers into her, but never his dick.  George told us that she wanted him to eat her too, but as far as I know, he'd never reciprocate.  He just wasn't that kind of guy.

His favorite all time encounter of an oral kind, which only happened once, was the time George and two lesbians were stuck in a sandstorm together.  Now the wind in the desert is a very real thing.  It can blow at 30 to 60 mph for weeks at a time.  Roads and schools get closed, cars and houses get sandblasted and there's so much sand in the air that it's like being in a real gritty stinging fog.  This lesbian couple that we knew were camping at the springs when one of these storms came up and a tent was no place to be in. 

They go over to George's and ask if they can spend the night in his Airstream.

 "Sure." he tells them, "For a blowjob." 

They ask if he's kidding? 

He says he's not. 

The lezi's look at George, then at each other, then at the sandstorm.  They tell George, "Okay.  But only one.” 

This surprises him.  He thought they'd tell him to fuck off.  They come in.   George feeds them.  Smokes and drinks with them.  So now it's time. 

They tell him that first they have to get in the mood and start making out with each other.  Soon off come the clothes.   Soon they're going at it hot and heavy.  George is watching all of this completely fascinated.   One of the girls comes up for air and tells him,  "Now George.  Let's have it." 

He whips out his tool and she sucks him off.  They stay the night and next morning he even makes breakfast for them. 

When George told me this story, I could hardly believe it was true.  When I asked the lezi's they told me, "Yeah.  It's true, but so what?  It was only a blow job."

George, on the other hand, found it a completely great experience. "You wouldn't believe it Tai.  Here's these two nekked girls laying on my couch going at it. One has her face buried in the others ones muff while the other one is sucking on my cock.  Nothing like that has ever happened to me before."  George was 71 at the time.

George died a few months after that.  Murdered by the butchers in the VA hospital in Loma Linda.  I was his friend for 12 years and have never met anyone who got as much out of life for so long.  He had more sex and more fun than most people half his age.  Sure, he'd have sex with any female.  Some nobody else would, like TB Tillie or some who just plain scarred regular guys, like Truck Driven Sal or Scary Mary.  But to him they were all women and could all use a little loving, so here's my favorite Sex and the Single George story.  I didn't witness this one personally but I have no doubt that it is true.

George lights a joint, takes a toke, pops open a beer, takes a sip and sits back.  He passes the joint to me, hands me a beer, then asks, "Did I ever tell you about the time I fucked a girl to death?" 

No George, tell me. 

"It was right after the war.  I was living in Detroit driving a cross-town bus.  I’d drive to the end of the line, take a 20 minute break, turn around and do it again.  Now you won't believe this, but once or twice a month some woman would get on the bus, sit in the very back and ride to the end of the line.  Then she'd sit there, usually not saying a word.  I’d turn around and say, "Is there something I can do for you Mam?"  Sometimes they'd say,  "No, I just missed my stop is all."  But sometimes, they'd hike up their dress and shuck their panties.  Well sir, I don't have to be asked twice.  I’d walk back there, unhitch my drawers and sock it to them.  For 20 minutes anyway.  Then I’d take them back to their stop, drop them off and never see them again.  Never charged them for the return trip either."

"Anyway, one day a cute little redhead gets on the bus, sits in the back and rides to the end of the line.  When I give her the ‘can I help you’ routine.  She turns her back to me then hikes up her dress pointing her beaver right at me.  She didn’t even have any panties on.  She puts her hands on the back of the seat, turns her head and looks at me."

"Man O Man!  I see that split tail, spring a boner and am on that thang in a flash.  I start humpin’ her for all I'm worth and am feedin’ her the peter as fast as I can.  She’s gettin’ hotter and wetter by the second and she 's moanin’ to beat the band.  Just as I cum she goes totally limp and collapse on the seat.  If I hadn't grabbed her, she'd of hit the floor.  So I'm holding her in my arms saying,  "Miss, Oh Miss, are you all right?"  But she ain't responding and is as limp as a wet noodle."

"So I think,  'Oh my God!  I’ve done fucked her to death!'  This though followed by,  'Shit!  I hope I don't lose my job over this.'  Then, 'Maybe I can hide the body.'   And finally while looking at her young and tender body, 'What a waste.'"

"Right about then she gives a little moan and her body jerks.  Her eyes flutter open and I can see that she's alive.  Boy am I relived.   I ask her if she's okay? Does she need to go to the hospital?"

"She gets herself together, sits on the seat then tells me, "No I'm all right. It's just sometimes when I have an orgasm I faint, but I'm all right now.   Sorry if I frightened you because you are a very nice man."  

"I tell her to come sit up front with me and I'll take her back to her stop."

"Did you ever see her again?" I ask.

"No." he says, "But whenever I think about it, I always wonder what ever happened to that cute little red head that I fucked to death."   He takes a hit, a swallow and smiles.