American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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My love Kelly and I had come to Georgetown to renew our visa’s for Thailand.  They have a consulate on the island of Penang in Malaysia.  Even though it’s part of a very strict Muslim country, it’s owned by the Chinese and run by the Indians so it’s kind of like Las Vegas.  A vacation mecca for drinking, gambling and sex.  Kelly and I rented a room in a whorehouse because all the hotels are way too expensive and the hostels are always filled to the brim with eurotrash.  Our only other option would be to stay with a local family but they’re all out of town and we wanted to stay in the city because Georgetown is one of the most bitchenest cities in Asia. 

Georgetown’s half modern city with all the conveniences and half colonial town with all the charm.  There are temples of all of the major religions in the world.  There’s even one dedicated to pit vipers.  The whole place is crawling with poisonous snakes that, if you have the balls, you can pick up and handle.   Another is dedicated to the Goddess Loki.  It’s on top a hill that you have to walk up one hundred steps to get to.  On another hill overlooking the entire city is a park that you have to take a trolley car up a very steep hill to get to.   The city has movie theaters where they play English speaking flicks with 3 subtitles, Malay, Chinese and Hindu.  Also, it has the best restaurants and street food vendors in all of Asia where you can eat delicious cuisine from all over the world for pennies a plate.  About the only thing it lack is cheap beer, and there is no dope.  If you get caught with over 4 ounces of anything you can get the death penalty.   It has a great bus system so it’s easy to get around.  Outside of the city there’s white sandy beaches to lay around on and the warm blue sea to swim in.   There’s a botanical gardens that’s filled with monkeys who, when you feed them, stuff peanuts in one side of their cheeks and banana in the other.  Plus, there’s Butterfly farm you can walk through and marvel at their beauty.

Whenever we visit Georgetown we will always try to stay at one of the whorehouses.  Staying in a whorehouse is nice too.  It’s kept clean and it’s always quiet in the daytime.  This time we have a wood paneled room with 2 bay windows.  There’s 4 other rooms on this floor, all rented by “the girls” with 3 toilets/showers that we all share.  In the day the place looks like any other house with the girls sleeping until noon then doing their daily chores dressing and acting just like any other young women.  It’s after dark the whole scene changes.

The house is all lit up with colored lights with a big blinking neon sign out front.  There is no grass, the place is surrounded with asphalt with a few large trees planted here and there.  The girls are all wearing their prom dresses and have put on lots and lots of make up then they sit in the foyer waiting for the males to arrived to make their choice.  During the day when the girls see Kelly and me they simply smile and nod.  At night when Kelly and I have to pass by them to go out or come in, they smile laciviasly at me making kissing sounds then asking me if I want to make love to them.  Kelly they just ignore.  Now here’s a funny thing, there’s about 8 girls who work in this house with a steady stream of customers, but the most popular girl by far is the one who looks to be at least 7 month pregnant with her big belly sticking way out there.  All the slim and trim girls will sometimes just be sitting around but the preggars babe is constantly going up and down the stairs with a guy.  I was amazed by this so one morning asked the madam why this was.

“Ah,” she nodded and said, “The men who go upstairs with Radha aren’t having sex with her only to fuck her.  They are men who either are in childless marriage’s or who have a wife that’s having trouble conceiving and wants another child.  They believe by sticking their penis’s into Radha’s fruitful vagina that maybe some of her fertility will stay on their penis’s until they get home where they will have sex with their wife and with luck, make her pregnant.” 

“Oh, it’s sympathetic magic.” I said.

 “Yes,” the madam answered, “They believe that good luck can be transferred from one person to another.  Of course, the men go to temple first to pray asking the gods intervention before coming here.  Then if their wife does conceive they go back to the temple to thank the gods, and to ask that the baby be born male.”  She pauses then, “Yes, I’ll be sorry when Radha delivers.  We will lose a lot of clients, but then maybe, with luck, one of the other girls will become pregnant.”

I asked her what will happen to Radha when she delivers. 

The madam told me, “When it gets close to her time she will go home to her parents and have the baby.  After a few months after she healed and rested, she will come back to work here.  Her baby will stay with her parent and be raised by them until she either gets a man to marry her or she just decides to stops working here and goes home.”

On that visit Kelly and I spent a month in that whorehouse in Georgetown on the island of Penang in the country of Malaysia.  We had a great time too and it’s now become one of our favorite cities in all of Asia.