American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I had arrived at the Grand Canyon, my very favorite spot on earth, yesterday afternoon and had watched the sunset then walked into the woods, put up my tent and spent the night.  This morning I was up at dawn so I wouldn't miss sunrise service.  I sat on the rim, did my meditation and listened to the universe.  I sat there about an hour then thought that I would hitch over to the north rim and check out some of the beauty there.  I walk out to the road but there wasn't much traffic because it was still early in the season, the best time to visit.  I never come here in the summer because of all the tourists and anyway, the spring and fall are fantastic.  Here comes a little white Jap car and as it passes by I can see a girl driving.  She looks me over then pulls over.

I run up to the passenger’s side.  She rolls down the window and asks, where I'm going. 

I tell her the North Rim and she says that she's only going to the Tower and will give me a ride that far.  I throw my pack in back than get in front.  We chat and she tells me she works here at the market and that today is her day off so she thought she'd take a ride.  I ask how long she had worked at the Canyon and she tells me that this was her third year.  I ask if she ever got tired of the view.

She looks at me like I was crazy, but just says, "Never.  It always amazes me."  Then she tells me that she worked in Death Valley in the winter, which was really an astounding place too, but that the Grand Canyon was still the most magnificent thing she’d ever seen.  I tell her that I totally agreed with her.  By the time we had gotten to the Tower we were quite comfortable with one another.

When we got out of the car I ask her what her plans were for the rest of the day and she says, "Well, nothing really.  I was just going to hang out here for awhile then drive back to the village and maybe read a book or something.  Why?" 

I say, "How about we spend the day together hanging out?" 

She says, "But what about the North Rim?"  

I smile and say, "I think it will still be there tomorrow and you're here today." 

She smiles back and says, "I think I might like that." so I take her hand. 

At first she pulls back a bit but then she relaxes and we walk to the Tower hand in hand.  We didn't talk a lot after that.  Mostly we just watch the Canyon and each other.  I put my arm around her and really look at her.  She was a nice looking girl probably in her mid 20's with an average build and height, she had dark brown hair and brown eyes.  I feel real calm being with her and tell her so.  She smiles at me then leans into me saying, "Even though we just met, I feel close to you too." then she looks up at me so I kiss her.  Afterwards she says,  "That was nice.  Let's go." 

I asked her where and she said, "I don't care, just someplace private."  I tell her that I had a tent and know a spot where we could spend the day in the woods with no one around but the birds and animals. 

She says, "That sounds nice but first let's go back to the village.  I want to get a few things from my room." 

I tell her that while she did that I would go to the store and pick us up something to eat.  She kisses me again and tells me that sounded nice.  We walk back to her car, kiss once more then get in.

When we did I say, "I feel kind of funny.  Here we are planning to spend the day together and I don't even know your name."  She tells mer, "My name is Candy." 

I laugh and say, "What?" 

She says, "I know.  My parents must have been drunk when they thought up that one, but when I was a little girl I loved it.  Then as a teenager I hated it, now I accept it though I don't think it fits me very well." 

I say, "Well, maybe you are like candy, best when unwrapped." 

She laughs saying, "We'll see about that."  We smile at each other, kiss then drive back to Grand Canyon Village, again mostly in silence just looking at all that beauty surrounding us.

At the village she drops me at the store and says that she'd be back in a few minutes.  I bought some bread, cheese, salami, a bottle of water and one of red wine.  When she got back there was a small bag in the back seat sitting next to my pack.  I got in her car, we kiss, then she says, "Where to?" 

We drive out of the park then turn onto a dirt road, drive a couple miles, turn onto a dirt track then into a grove of pines.  We get out, look around and she says, "I'm a little nervous.  I've never done something like this before with someone I’d just met.  Sorry." 

I say, "Don't be.  We don't have to do anything you don't want to.  Just being with you is good enough for me."  With that she relaxes.  I say, "Let's eat, then we can do what ever you like."  We spread out my ground tarp then the food and drink and had a nice little picnic, sometime talking, sometimes not. 

After awhile she looks at me then says quietly, "I think I’d like you to make love to me now." 

I smile saying, "Should I put up my tent?"

She says, "Maybe later.  Right now I want you to make love to me under the sky and the trees."  I get out my sleeping bag and we lay down on it.  At first she was a bit tense but soon got into it and we had a wonderful time together.

When it starts getting late I put up my tent.  We finish off the food and drink then fall asleep in one another arms right after it got dark.  We wake up a few time during the night which got quite cool with two people and only one sleeping bag, but then the body friction would warm us up again.

We got up just before dawn and she drove us to the rim to see the sunrise.  After it was over she turns to me and says, "I have to leave now.  I have to work today and have to get ready.  What do you want to do?" 

I tell her that today looked like a good day to hitch to the North Rim. 

She smiles at me saying, "I guess I'll never see you again, will I?"

I say, "If you really want to, I can meet you after work and we could spend tonight together again, otherwise, probably not." 

She looks into my eyes a long time, then reaches up and kisses me one last time and says simply, "Good bye."  Then she turns around and walks back to her car, gets in, starts the car, smiles at me and drives away.  I wave bye-bye but didn't see her wave back.  Like I said, The Grand Canyon is my very favorite spot on earth.