American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Here's a little tale of recycling that all you Save The Earther’s might appreciate and maybe even imitate.  My lover, Kelly and I were renting a small house in Goa, the only Christian state in India, from a family.  They had a couple small cinder block shacks that they'd built behind their house to rent to the longer stay tourist.  They were primitive but well kept up.  Behind the houses was the outhouse, but instead of having a pit for your turds to fall into, there was simply a large pipe that directed the shit from the squat toilet to the back of the outhouse. Each morning as you walked towards the outhouse the family pigs would see you headed that way and would rush to the back of the shitter just waiting for their breakfast.  As you squat there you could hear the pigs squealing and jostling for position then grunting with delight as you dropped them a treat.  Umm boy, hot and fresh, a pigs ambrosia.  The pigs also got any garbage that the family or their guest threw out so they were kept fat and sassy.

We happened to be there for Easter, one of the biggest celebrations in all of Goa.  The day before Easter the wife comes out with a basket of garbage then calls the hogs and they come a running.   She throws the refuse on the ground and while the pigs are happily chowing down she reaches down and grabs the fattest one by his hoof.  The porker immediately starts squealing trying to get away.   The other pigs quickly split leaving all that tasty garbage behind.  They know the trip.  The wife then drags the screaming pig over to the kitchen where her husband is waiting with a large knife.  While the wife and kids hold the pig, the husband slits its throat and the scream dies out in a gargle as the blood rushes out of the pigs now open throat.  The pig is dead, let the feasting begin!

The next day the wife asked if we'd like to have Easter dinner with her and her family.  We accept telling her though that we are vegetarians.   She tells us that's no problem, there's plenty to eat other than meat so we all have a very nice Easter together.  We in the west have truly no idea of how recycling really works.   In a poor country nothing, as the above tale illustrates, is wasted.