American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I was hanging out on Makenna beach with the rest of my friends when Bud a guy I knew from when Kelly was renting a room in a house in Makawao who was in his 50's and a stone alcoholic, came down the beach.  He sees me and says, "Hiya Tai.  What's ya been up to?" 

I tell him, "You know, just hangin’.  Still living in that house full of Maharaji nuts?" 

He laughed and said, "Well, I'm still in that house, but they all move out.  I got a whole new crop of nuts living there now." 

I laugh saying, "What kind?"

Bud answers, “Assorted." 

We both laughed at that because Hawaii has the greatest percentage of crazy’s in its population than anywhere else on earth, which is what makes it so great. 

Bud says, "I'm glad I found you Tai.  My sister is visiting me for a week and is driving me insane.  She wants to do things.  And well, you know me, all I want to do is sit around sipping my vodkie.  So how would you like to meet her and show her around for a few days?"

I ask, "Does she look like you?" 

Bud laughs saying, "No way, she's not as good looking as me. No seriously, she's not too bad.  She's real tall but skinny and she's from your home state, California so you'd have a lot in common." 

I ask how old she is?  

Bud say, "45". 

Now at this time I was 28 and had been with a lot of women but never one that old.  I thought it might be interesting so I told Bud, "Sure, why not?" 

He says, "Then go get your stuff.  If you guys hit it off then you can spend the next few days at my place."

We get to his house and he introduces me to his sister Josie who is tall but I wouldn't call her skinny, thin maybe but definitely not skinny.  We chat, she tells me that she's from San Luis Obispo where she works as a real estate agent, is divorced, has two teenage kids and owns her own home just outside of town. 

I tell her that I'm basically a beach bum living off of food stamps, shoplifting and whatever else I can pick up. 

She says, "That's interesting."  

I tell her that I know the island real well and if she'd like to see some of the sights that I’d be happy to show her.  Then I name some of them off: We could hike Haleakula, a day into the crater, spend the night then a day out.  Or we could hike in the jungle, go and see some really beautiful waterfalls with no one else around.  Or take the drive to Hana side, check out the Seven Sacred Pools and the majick mushrooms.  Or just hang out at Makena on the nudie beach. 

She says, "Wow, that's a lot of choices.  I don't want to do anything too strenuous, so how about the beach.  Except I really do not want to get naked." 

I tell her, "No problem, just bring your bathing suit."

She says okay. 

So it's back to Makena I go, only this time with a chick instead as a lone dude.

We get to the beach and she loves it.  She tells me that she'd mainly been just hanging around the house for the last couple days and that Bud was driving her crazy because all he wanted to do was drink. 

I say, "Well, that's his thing.  Why didn't you just go out by yourself?" 

She says, "I didn't know what to do or where to go, and Bud was no help at all until I asked him if he knew anyone who did more that drink.  This morning he went looking for you." 

We spend the day just laying in the sun and swimming in the sea.   Josie even took off her top the last couple hours.  She then asks what should we do next. 

I tell her that if she bought the ingredients then I’ll cook her supper. 

She asks what I can make?  I tell her Mexican or Italian. 

She says, "I just love Mexican." 

So I suggested enchiladas, rice and refries, with a pepino salad. 

She says, "Great!” and off we went to the market.

We got back to Bud's house and I made a dinner of chicken enchiladas, Rosie's refries and Spanish rice while Josie made the cucumber salad.  While we ate, I ask Bud who else lived here now.  He says, "A haole musician, a psychotic who stays in her room all day, and a painter who as far as I know, does not sell any paintings but gets money from somewhere." 

After dinner Bud says since we cooked he'll do the dishes. 

I ask Josie what she wants to do now. 

She tells me, “Let's go over to Lahina and do a little drinking and dancing.”

I tell her that it’s not possible because I was way too poor to go to a bar, that I only do free stuff.  

She says, not to worry, Bud would give me some money.   Bud protested, but after a little brother-sister argument, he hands me $20 and tells us to have a good time.  Josie gets ready and we leave to party.

In Lahina we go to a couple different places and have a few beers, dance to recorded pop music and generally had a good except for one place that wouldn't let me in because I wasn't "properly attired". 

About midnight Josie says that she was getting tired and it was time to go home.  We go back to Bud's and spend a half-hour drinking a little of Buds vodka and just talking then Josie says, "I think I'll go to bed.  Will you be joining me?" 

I say, "It would be my pleasure." and off to bed we go where I found out that an older woman is just as much fun as any hot young babe. 

We spend the next four days together. We did do a little hiking in the jungle, go to The Seven Sacred Pools though we ate no shrooms, but mostly we just hung out at Makena sunning and playing in the surf.   Josie was a full on nudie by the time her vacation was up.

When it came time for her to leave, she gave me her address and phone number and made me promise to get in touch with her next time I was on the mainland.  Bud and I take her to the airport and tell her good bye, have a pleasant trip and watch her fly away.

Six months later I am back in California hitching north up the 101.  When I get to San Luis Obispo I gave Josie a ring.   She answers but sounds less than happy when she hears it’s me. 

She says she’ll pick me up and that I can stay the night.  When I get in her car she gives me a peck on the cheek then says, "Tai, I hope you understand, but I haven't had sex since we were last together.  And I've found that I really don't miss it all that much so since I do not want to awaken those feeling again, please don't expect anything other than a bed for the night.  Also, I have teenagers at home so please don't say anything to them about us.  And please don't smoke any dope in my home." 

Wow! What a change, but it was her life so I tell her, "No problem."

When we get her house she introduces to her kids, a boy 15 and a girl 13, as a friends of Buds who was going to spend the night.  We all have dinner together then Josie tells the kids that we are going out but would be home in a couple hours, and for them to do the dishes and their homework.  We go to a bar and she buys us a few rounds then we talk about our lives. 

I tell her I didn't know how she could go for so long without sex.  Once I went two months without any and by then I was going nuts. The only thing I could think about was sex until I got laid. 

She says at first she did miss it and think about it a lot, but after a couple months it quit bothering her, and now she hardly thinks about it at all. 

I told her no way I could do that. 

About 10 p.m. she tells me we should be getting back.

When we arrive the kids were still up so I chat with them about Hawaii and their uncle Bud.  Then it was bedtime.  Josie gives me some blankets and a pillow and I sleep on the sofa.  Next morning we all have breakfast together then Josie drives me out to the highway.  As I get out she says, "Please don't call me again.  Okay?"  Then she drives away.