American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Barry the Nerd has a new girlfriend, he met her at the local bar where she was giving free blowjobs out in the parking lot.  She gave him one and he was In Love.  Barry is a 45-year-old guy who lives by himself in a trailer in the desert, his new girlfriend Angel, is 16 and is mildly retarded.  She lives with her mother in a small house in a little town 15 miles away from Barry's, where the bar is that Barry met her at.  Barry is just bursting with pride and the news of his new Love.  "Tai, you wouldn't believe how hot and horny Angel is, plus she’s a real cutie.  Man, she just won't give me a moment’s peace.  If I'm at home with her, she wants it.  I just hope that I can keep up with her, because she told me that if I don't screw her good then she's leaving." 

I ask him, "What about her mother?" 

He says, "Oh, no problem.  I went over to her house and talked to her about it.  She says that as long as Angel’s happy then it's okay with her.  You want to come over and meet her?" 

I say, "Sure."

We get to Barry's trailer and as soon as we pull in Angel comes out and says, "Where have you been?  You were supposed to come right back.  I'm lonely."  Then she see me and asks, "Who is he." 

Barry says, "This is a friend of mine, Tai” 

She looks at me then says, "He's not staying long is he?" 

Barry says to me, "See, I told you she was really hot."  Then to Angel, "No, he just wanted to meet you is all." 

She walks over to me and I got to admit, she does look hot.  She's short and built with long black hair and a very pretty face.  She's wearing nothing but some real short cut offs and a tight little halter top, which shows off her cute young body.  She says, "Hi." then to Barry, "Well, where were you?" 

Barry explains that he really was not gone that long, but she's not listening.  She's got Barry by the hand and is leading him into the trailer with a smile on his face.  The next time I see Barry he's not so happy.

It's about a month later when I see him and I ask about Angel.  Barry looks like a combination of mad and sad as he tells me this tale: "You know Jim the Crip?"

I tell him I do. 

He continues, "That bastard stole her from me." 

I tell him that I never liked the Crip, a 50-year-old guy who had polio as a child that still walks with crutches.  He lives in an old motorhome and act like everyone owes him.  I ask Barry how it happened.

He says, "Well, you know how Angel is?  She liked sex a lot.  After a couple weeks of steady screwing, I was getting tired, so I started inventing reasons to leave.  The Crip knew Angel was living with me and he wanted her for himself, so he went over to Angel's mom's house and asked if he could get custody of Angel.  You know Angel and her don't get along, so when the Crip offered to take Angel off her mom’s hands, her mom filled out a paper right then giving the Crip custody.  Then the Crip parked his motorhome just a block away from my trailer and waited.  As soon as he'd see me leave, he'd gimp over here and tell Angel that I was real bad for her and that she would be better off with him.  He told her that even her mom thought she should go with him and showed her the custody paper she had written out.  Angel told him that she liked me so she didn't want to go with him."

"Then one day I had to go to town to go shopping and was gone most of the day.  The Crip scuttled over here and told Angel that if I liked her then why did I leave her alone, and that if she went with him then he would never leave her alone and lonely.  Then, Angel told me, they had sex and she liked it.  When I got home, Angel told me the whole story and that she was going to go with that crippled motherfucker.  I tried to talk her out of it, but she had made up her mind and wouldn't listen to me.  So she packed her things and left with that gimpy cocksucker." 

I ask where they went.

Barry says, "To his place up in Washington.  I guess I'll never see her again."

But Barry was wrong.  Angel was back at her moms within the month.  She told everyone that the Crip was a lousy sex partner.  That he could hardly get it up and worse, when he did he was too quick.  As soon as they got up to Washington, he dumped her in Seattle.  Plus, he was mean to her too just because she wanted to have a little sex.  She had to take the bus back.  

I ask Barry if he’s going to ask her to move back in with him. 

Barry says, "No way.  I like her to visit me every now and then, but I sure don't want her around all the time.  She's a nympho and I just can't keep up with her.  Anyway, her mom won't let her live with anyone now.  She says it's just too much trouble."