American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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After you’ve been practicing yoga diligently for a few years you’ll get limber enough to bend over and look at your own asshole.  Now this might not seem like a big deal but consider this; if you can bend over that far you’ll also be able to give yourself head!  That means, guys you can suck your own dick and chicks can lick their own pussy's.  Again, you might say that don’t sound too good but I say, don’t knock it if you ain’t tried it and as the old joke goes, Q. Why does a dog lick his balls? A. Because he can.   It may not be fuckin’ and suckin’ with your best friend of the opposite sex but it’s still way better that jackin’ it by you own hand.

And dudes, there’s even an extra super bonus in being able to bend over that far.  Try this on the next chick you ball; after getting her all hot and wet with the foreplay and after you’ve stuck your cock in her and stroked her for a while, casually start going down.  Kissing and licking and sucking on her neck, her tits, her stomach and then go for the gold.  Just bend over a little bit further and start tonguing and sucking on her clit.  You might even want to give her upper pussy lips a bit of a lick as your cock plunges in and out.

At first she’ll be surprised.  She may even ask you what the hell you’re doing down there.  If she does tell her to relax and enjoy then go back to fuckin’ and eatin’ that pussy at the same time.  After she gets into it the babe will cum first time and every time there after.    Shewill love you for it.  In fact, unless the girl is totally frigid,   I guarantee this benefit of doing yoga will make any gal, any age cum and cum again and again.  She’ll probably even tell her girlfriends about it just to make them jealous and then you’ll not only be famous but desirable.  So do yoga daily not only for the usual health and spiritual reason but also, so you can make your girl cum like she never has before.