American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Recently I received a letter from PETA asking me for a donation.  This is what I wrote back:


Dear PETA,

Where are your priorities?  Have you no human compassion?  While you are worried about the welfare of minks, lab rats, circus animals and rodeo horses a minimum of 10 million children, that’s a 10 followed by six 0’s, will either starve to death or die of malnutrition this year.  That means 30,000 die each and every day which comes to 20 dead children every single minute of every single day 365 days of the year including Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter because Death does NOT take a Holiday.  It’s sad that the well-being of minks, lab rats, rodeo horses and circus animals are more important to you than that of human babies and children who die the horrible prolonged death of starvation through no fault of their own other than being born in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Next time you ponder the plight of the abused fuzzy bunnies and cuddly puppies how about having a little consideration for dead and dying human animals (the A in PETA.)  They could and should be helped by an organization like yours because in the world today no one, let alone a child, should have to starve to death.  I sympathize with your concern over the animals because no thing on this wonderful earth should have to suffer needlessly.  However, only after taking care of our forgotten, mistreated and dying children should we concern ourselves with the predicament of the animals who, even though may be inhumanely treated, have been raised for a purpose and would not even otherwise exist.

Lastly, why aren't you protesting the deaths of all our food animals?  There are billions of them being mistreated and slaughtered every year!   Sound a little hypocritical to me if they're not as important to you as the ones you have chosen to protest about especially since there's so many more of them. 

I hope you will change your mind and work for the betterment of all of humanity because only when human beings stop suffering will kindness and compassion for not only all of God’s creatures but the earth itself replace the greed and selfishness that now fills mankind’s heart.


Tai Oak