American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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As many of you know who've read some of these tales I am 100% utterly and completely against perpetrated physical violence of any kind.  Anyone who initiates a physically violent act is always with absolutely no exception or excuse WRONG!

When I grew up there was a saying,”Sticks & stones can break by bones but words will never hurt me.”

Even though as a kid I didn't adhere to this hokey old saying as I got older I came to see the wisdom in it.  I know it's true, words can hurt you.  However, words can never hurt you physically and resorting to a physical violent act simply because someone hurt you feelings, insulted you or has even verbally threatened you is again, always wrong, period!

There are only two defensible reasons to commit an act of violence. 1) in self defense of yourself, your family or your friends but only after you or they have already been attacked physically.  2) Mutual combat.  That's it, those two and only those two.  However, if you are physically attacked then you do have not only the right but the duty to defend yourself or loved ones by any means necessary.. Using any means to stop the attacker until you feel safe even if it means killing the perpetrator.

This has been my philosophy since I was a young man.  It ain't like I haven't had cause to start a fight.  Remember when hippies first started we were universally hated by all of society.  I've been called to my face every vile name you can think of, I've been refused service in places of business, I've been spit on, had non-injurious things thrown at and on me like water and empty cans, I've even been threatened with violence, and never once did I react with violence because it is always the wrong response. 

We all have the right to a peaceful life without fear of physical violence.  We're all human, we all make mistakes, some on purpose and some innocently but as long as we weren't violent then no one has the right to attack us simply because we did or said something that made someone angry.

I have also carried this axiom into my life.  If you do perpetrate an act of violence and I find out about it then whatever your excuse is, my reaction is, you are no longer in my universe.  Meaning, I will never again speak to you or acknowledge your existence even if you are in my presence.  I will simply turn my back on you.

This has happened to me several time in my life.  Once a very good friend of mine who I'd known for over 8 years screwed up royally so I had no choice but to delete him from my life.

One night he, his girlfriend and a friend of his all got really drunk and stoned.  His buddy suggested a 3-way.  My friend said it was okay with him but his girl said absolutely no way.  The guy not taking no for an answer instead pulled out a knife, put it to the girls throat and told her this 3-way was happening whether she liked it or not.  Now here my friend being bigger, stronger and younger than the dude should have defended his girl and kick the shit out of his “friend”.

When the guys finished the girl immediately split to the nearest phone and  called the cops.  The cops showed up and the girl took them back to my friends place where she accused them of raping her.  They of course, denied it saying she was into it until the very end then got pissed because the guy insulted her.

The cops asked the girl if she was physically hurt and if so could she show them the damage.  Since she wisely hadn't resisted she had nothing to show, no wounds or even bruises.  The cops then informed her that she could press charges.  But they told herwithout any physical evidence then it would simply be a she said-he said thing and would very probably not even make it to court. The girl asked them for a ride to the nearest Greyhound station which they provided.

I heard what had happened before I saw my old friend.  When I did see him first ting I asked him is did he do this horrendous act.  He hung his head and admitted he did. I then told him that he was no longer in my universe. 

His response was a lame, “But Tai, I was drunk!”

I told him being drunk was not an excuse then told him, 'Good bye.' and turned my back on him.   Even though we do see one another on occasion I have not spoken to him since.

I know some of you reading this will see this tactic as excessive but as long as any even tolerates an act of physical violence then we are as guilty as the perps are.  Unless or until the perpetrator does some kind of penance for their violent act other than rationalize or apologize then it is up to each one of us to punish them non-violently, and totally shunning them is the best I've come up with.

I will not tolerate any form of or excuse for violence in my life not form a man, a woman or dog.  Anyone, except a child who physically attacks me will be dealt with in kind measure.  The very few times I have been physically attacked I always responded with all the force and rage I can muster.  With men and dogs I will use any weapon, any tactic, any means to stop their attack,  With women I throw them to the ground telling them if they get up I will put them in the hospital.  This bullshit about it's okay for women to hit men is just that, bullshit.  There is no excuse for perpetrating physical violence, it is always wrong no matter who or what you are.  

Luckily neither me or any one who attacked me was hurt badly or killed, but if any of them had it been I would have felt absolutely no remorse because they started the violence.  The only way to deal with the physically violent once they start it is to become more violent then they are.  Hurt them way worse than they hurt you because that's the only way a person learns that  hitting hurts.  Hurt them bad enough and maybe next time they feel the urge to attack someone they'll remember the time they were hurt worse and refrain from their violent behavior.  

Every single living being on the earth has the right to life and  not be physically attacked first for any reason what so ever other than being a food source because unfortunately, life feeds on life.  For me this  includes all living things from as tiny as a gnat to the blue whales, from a small weed to the great redwoods.  Unless I need sustenance and you don't physically attack me then, you are welcome in my space.

Now days about the only things I harm directly are the biting stinging incests and only then when they actually do bite or sting me.  Indirectly are the plants and animals that I eat. 

As long as we're peaceful all of us have a right to live a life unmolested.  To spend our short time here on this beautiful and savage planet dancing under the sun in harmony with one another in peace and joy.