American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I have had 7 major events in my life so far that have radically changed my life and my way of thinking.  Most of them you have read about in these tales but because they have so much meaning to me I am going to tell you about them one last time, so you can skip over this part if you want to but it will be mercifully short.

The first major event was that I was born an epileptic and I knew from a very early age that I was going to die.  I cannot take any credit for this event, as it was preordained.  However, having death as my constant companion has influenced my entire life.  Perhaps these other events were preordained too but that’s something I will never know.  It may all be just a pleasant fantasy that we have a little something to do with our Fates.  Because, as human beings we like to think that we are capable of thinking things through then carrying out our wants and desires with resolute action.  But as I said, who knows?

The next major event happened when I first took LSD.  It showed me that I really did have a choice in my life.  That I did not have to follow the old way the way I was brought up to believe.  I could think and be anything I could imagine and that all choices were equally valid.  Also amazingly, I could be happy.  If it hadn't been for LSD I would have probably always believed The Big Lie and worse, lived it.

The next one was being turned on to the I Ching.  It tempered the freedom of LSD with wisdom and compassion.  Yes, it says there are unlimited choices in life but a person can make themselves strong and give meaning to their life by consciencely limiting their choices and by remaining true to themselves.  And of course, everything changes, nothing is permanent.  So roll with the punches little white boy.

Shortly after I started doing the I Ching, Carlos Castenada's book, "The Teachings of Don Juan, A Yaque Way of Knowledge" came out.  This book showed me that there was still real majick in the world.  Not circus magic or Bible type miracles, but majick and miracles in every day life.  The total mind blowing Majickal Miracle of Life, Love and Conscienceness on this Wonderful Planet in this Awesome Universe.  WE EXIST NOW!  What could be more majickal and miraculous than this.

After that came the all the mystical psychic experiences that I have had.  Maybe the shrinks are correct, maybe they are just delusions or psychotic breaks with reality.  I freely admit that I could be dead wrong.  Maybe The Big Lie is really the only true reality, but what the hey, my reality works for me.  It's my majick, my myth, my miracle and has always strengthened me and sustained me, has always been correct and it has never let me down.  What more can you ask from a belief structure.  I have total faith in my reality and it in turn supports me.  I am content.

Next is the ride that I got with the astrophysicist while hitching in the Rocky’s.  I know that some of you probably think that I just made her up as a vehicle for my demented view of reality but the ride really did happen.  We did discuss all of the things that I have reported.  Sure, it's not verbatim and we did talk for over three hours, but the conversation is accurate in it’s content.  She really blew my mind and it took me years of thinking about it before I finally understood what she had said. Although I now believe it’s not “I perceive therefore I appear to be” as she stated but “I perceive therefore I act.”  When I finally did understand what she was saying, it scared the living hell out of me.  “Reality is nothing more than simple Faith in our own belief structure that we make up as we go a long.”  Now it gives me comfort.

The last major event in my life is living with and loving, and being loved by Kelly.  If it hadn't been for her, all the rest of the things would not have mattered even one little bit.  In fact, they probably would have driven me completely insane.  It is our Love for each other and of our Life together that gives me Joy and keeps me going.  What a Woman!

So these are the things that have changed my life for good, or the gooder, and I will always be grateful for each one of them.  And to all of you out there who have shared with me this wonderful majickal journey that we call Life in this miraculous universe, Take Care and ENJOY!  I Love You All