American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Thank You Mother

Thank You Father

Thank You The Ancestors

Thank You My Friends

Thank You My Allies

Thank You The Ten Thousand Things

Thank You For This Day

Thank You For This Life

Thank You For This Consciousness

Thank You For This Miracle

And For Allowing Me To Participate

In This Existence With You

Here And Now

It Is An Honor

And A Privilege

Since You Don't Owe Me Anything

Yet Still Give Me All Of This

But Mainly It Is My Pleasure

Just To Spend This Bit Of Time Here Now With You

And I Do So Appreciate It

Thank You For What You Give Me This Day

And Thank You For What You Do Not

I Thank You For This Great Mystery

That I Will Never Comprehend

But Which I Gladly Accept

I Thank You And I Love You

With All My Heart

With All My Mind

With All My Soul

And With The Very Totality Of My Being

Thank You Especially For The Love

And The Peace

And The Joy That You Give To Me

Asking Nothing In Return

And For Your Beauty

And Your Grace

And Your Kindness That You Always Show Me

No Matter What I Do

Thank You For Filling Me With Your Golden Light

That Burns Me With The Pink Fire Of Bliss

Surrounded By A Golden Vibration

For I Am Truly Blessed

Of All Things In My Life

May I Become Worthy Of This Majickal Gift

That You Have Bestowed Upon Me

By Using This Opportunity

That You Have Given Me

To Acquire The Sublimity

The Consistency

And The Strength

To At All Times

In All Ways

Walk The Tao


In Harmony

And With Greatness Towards All

Becoming A True Being Of Light

For I Am But An Egg

Thank You For Sharing This

Your Dynamic Emanations

In Which We Sing

And Dance

And Laugh

And Play Together

On This Bountiful Planet

Spinning Under This Beneficent Sun

In This Awesome Universe

For This I Am Truly Grateful 

And I Most Humbly Thank You

For Granting Me

This Safe

This Peaceful

This Pleasant

This Beautiful Day

In Which To Live My Life

On This Wonderful

This Marvelous

This Magnificent Mother Earth

Who Sustains Me

And Who Completes Me

Thank You For This My Friends

I Am Content

For I Hear The Om

I Feel The Chi

I Walk The Tao

And I Am Fulfilled

I Am This


Swami Puneananda