American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Well folks as it says in “The Last Tale”, it's happening right now so I'd better get back to it.  After all in this wonderful but mysterious life you never know who or what you might run into so you have to be ready at all times.  Cuz if your not ready why then some big time fun just might pass you by.  And we sure wouldn't want that to happen now would we?

This is your old friend and storyteller saying I hope you all enjoyed reading these twisted little tales as much as I did living them.  I wish you all as good of life, or even better, than then one that was graciously granted a fool like me. 

Time and this magjickal life we have on this fantastic planet pass all to quickly.  A blink of the eyes, a turn of the head and all of a sudden it's gone never to be seen again. 

So until next time, go party with your friends, grab yourself a girl (or boy), get high any in way that turns you on with them and always remember to ….............. Enjoy The Life!

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