American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Happy Birthday to Me!  I am now 18 and a MAN!  I even got my draft card to prove it too.  Now I can go and fight and die for God and Country, but more importantly, I can now cross the border into Tijuana with all of my buds.  Well, those who are 18 and men anyway, every Friday night as long as I got the bucks.  To drink and whore the weekend away, well, so long as the surfs not up.  And in just three short months I get out of high school, a total waste of time, get a real job until I get drafted then go to Vietnam and die.  And I can make some serious coin instead of the rinky-dink $1.10 an hour part time crap I was getting at the Burger King before I quit last week in anticipation of this fortuitous event.   I even got 200 smackers stashed away that should last me until I either find a good paying job or get drafted.  I’d really like to buy a motorcycle but right now drinking and whoring sound a whole lot better to my poor fevered teenaged brain that is suffering badly from Demon Jism Build-Up.  I searched out my best bud John D. who I’ve known for the last few years and would stay friends with until the day he died.  He’s been 18 ever since last November and has gone to TJ almost every weekend.  He’s got a car, an old Dodge that you have to push to start and ain’t too pretty but it get you there and back.

 “Hey John, howzit hangin’ bro? Guess what? I am 18 now and ready to roll with the rest of you guys.  Are ya goin’ to TJ this Friday night?”  I ask.  

John hits me on the shoulder saying, “Fuckin’ A dude, and congrats on turning 18.  You’ll have some big time fun now.” 

John then gave me the skinny in all of its gory gleeful detail.  If I just wanted to drink it’d cost me about $20 a night, if I wanted to get laid too, that’d be another $15 a whack.  I was green with envy.  Since it was my first time I was planning to do both.  John said that being my first time that he would keep an eye on me and show me the ropes so I wouldn’t get in too much trouble. 

“Great!  So who else is goin’?”  I ask.

“Crockett, Holmes, Ralph and maybe a another new dude, a friends of Crockett’s, so with you that make a car full.  We are ready to Rock!  Oh, and by the way, it’s $5 for gas.”  he informs me. 

“Each.” I ask. 

“Each.” he answers. 

“No problemo bro.”  I say. 

So my first night in TJ will cost me around $50, gee my savings will not last long at that rate, but what the fuck, you gotta pay to play.

Friday night comes and it is every thing a MAN/boy could ask for, hell could dream of.  In all of my boy fantasy’s I couldn’t have imagined a better place, it was heaven with every wish fulfilled and cheap at twice the price.  I went the next weekend too, and the one after that, but only to drink and maybe get a blow job which was cheap, because by then my bread was getting pretty low.  We would load up the car, make the drive down and be there by 9 p.m. on Friday night, then drink and whore, but mostly drink, until 4 a.m. Saturday morning, then cross the border grab our boards and be in the mighty Pacific surfing by 5 a.m.  Surf until it got flat or blown out, usually around 9 a.m., go home and crash until 4 p.m., then hit the waves again until sun down.  Saturday night and Sunday morning was a repeat of the previous days adventures unless you wimped out (too hungover) or were broke, or just wanted to surf cuz the waves were so good.  I figured that being just about broke, I’d have to get a real job to pay for my fun but then one day my friend Lou and I were talking after school. 

He told me his 22 year old sister’s Marine Corps husband had gotten shipped to the Nam last month and that she told him that she was getting real lonely and mighty horny.  I asked him how he knew that, and he told me that even though they were four years apart they were really close and that she told him everything.  

In fact, he told me when she was 16 and had just been dumped that she had ask him, then 12, to have sex with her. 

I asked, “Did ya?”  He replied,

“No way dude!”  but then went on to say that ever since then him and her had been good friends.  

I asked him if she still lived at home. 

He told me she had her own apartment just a half mile from the beach and a quarter mile from our school. 

I said half in jest,  “Well, if she needs a stud to take care of her then you can tell her that I’m her man.” 

Lou said that he’d pass it on and I thought that be the end of it.

Next day Lou says to me,  “Do ya really want to meet my sister?” 

I said,  “Sure.” 

He told me to meet him after school and he’d take me over to introduce me to her.  We met and went over to his sister’s apartment. 

It was a two story motel style place and she lived on the top floor.   When we walked in, I took one look at her and thought, ‘Man O Man, this is no girl. This here is a real Woman!’ 

She was tall, a good 5’10” and slim.  She had brown hair cut short in a shag.   She wore men’s Levi’s and a mans long sleeve button shirt with the cuffs rolled up.  She was smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer straight from the can, WOW!   She looked at me, a skinny dude but well muscled from surfing and a little taller than her with about the same color and length of hair. 

Lou then said, “This is Angela.  Angela this is Tai.” 

Angela looked at me again then said,  “Call me Angie.  Are you sure you’re 18?” 

I told her I sure was, and even offered to show her my brand new draft card.  She said it wasn’t necessary then told me to follow her into the bedroom.

 ‘Jesus!’  I thought,  ‘She don’t mess around.’ 

But instead of getting undressed, she tossed me a small wooden box saying, “In there are 36 rubbers.   If you can open that box, you can use them.” 

I looked at that cheesy little lock and smiled.  

My first job I was a paperboy, during which time I made friends with an older boy who was a juvenile delinquent.  After delivering papers in the early a.m. sometimes we’d meet up and brake into restaurants then fix ourselves something to eat and drink.  He showed me all kinds off ways to B&E. one of which was to pick simple locks.  Even though I enjoyed braking into places, I never stole anything or drank booze, I just did it for the food of it and for the fun.  The only time I was ever caught was when me and some friends broke into the school gym on a Sunday to jump on their new trampoline.  We jumped for a good hour before someone saw us and called the school janitor who came and caught us then took us home to our parents.  Since we didn’t steal or even brake anything we just got yelled at, so when Angie handed me that baby lock.  I asked her for a hairpin and had it open in under 10 seconds.  

She said, “That was fast.  Now you can spend the night.” 

I told her that I could if she had a phone so I could call my parents and tell them that I was spending the night at Lou’s. 

She ruffled my hair and said,  “Clever and thoughtful.  I think you’ll do nicely.” then showed me the phone.  I spent the next four months with Pam.

Now, I had had some sexual experiences before.   My first time was when I was 11, but since I didn’t know what I was doing, so I didn’t count that, but I did have sex when I was 16 and again at 17.  The first time was with a 13 year old who took me to bed while she was baby sitting, the other was a 16 year old in the back of my parents car at a drive in movie.  The 13 year old and I lasted a good 10 minutes and we did it twice.  The 16 year old and me, after a couple hours of heavy petting lasted maybe a minute, hell we didn’t even take our clothes off.   Plus, I’d been with a few Mexican whores, but I was drunk so they took no longer than a couple minutes at the most.  That night Angie showed me what sex with a real woman was all about.  By the time it was time to go to school the next morning I slept a good three hours and there were 29 rubbers left.  Angie asked if I’d be coming back after school that day.  I told her that only death it self could keep me away.

My life for the next two months was divided between Angie, school, my parent’s house and surfing in that order.  I now only went to TJ with my buds once a month and only when the guys started ragging on me about being pussy whipped.  My parents did not mind me not coming home all the time, I was after all 18, but they did want to be sure that I wasn’t cutting too much school so I would graduate.  This was a valid concern of theirs since I did normally cut classes a lot, especially when the surf was up.  I was on the Vice Principles Bad Boy List and he kept a special eye on me.  I had detention every day from the 10th grade on, mostly for cutting classes but I got some just for good natured pranks, like water bombing teachers or braking into their desks to steal the days tests or leaving a tack on their chairs.  But if anything, Angie was a good influence on me in that department.  She made sure that I got up for school and she told me not to come back until 4 p.m. when detention ended.  I liked detention too, nobody bothered you, you got all your homework done and all the really cool kids were in there with you.  My grades did drop a bit that last semester, but it was due to lack of interest not lack of attendance

Angie like most sexually unrepressed young women was a sexual dynamo, she wanted sex all the time, in any position.  In the afternoon after school, before dinner, during dinner, after dinner, in the evening, before bed, in bed, in the middle of the night and in the morning.  

Sometimes I didn’t feel like it or was just too tired, then she was not kind, “Don’t you ever treat a woman this way” “Come on, you can do it, just try harder.”  “Wake up! I want to screw.” “If you can’t get it up, then maybe I should find somebody who can.” “I’m not finished yet.   Don’t you ever cum before a woman does.”  “You’re young, you can do it once more.” 

She also wasn’t shy in letting me know just what she wanted  “Press here.”  “Rub there. Not so hard!”  “Squeeze this. Harder!” “Lick here.”  “ Suck there.”  “Go slower”  “Go faster.”  “Here, let’s try this.” and try this and that we did until I got good enough to please her, then we really started enjoying each others bodies.

 Once I asked her if she really did ask Lou to have sex with her when was just a kid.  She laughed and said,  “He told you that?” 

I said yes.  “Well” she said,  “I was 16 and my very first true love had left me for another woman.  I was so broken hearted and depressed.  One day when I was baby sitting him and was feeling really horny, I told him that I would show him what being a man was all about.  He didn’t understand so I took off my pants and showed him my pussy then told him that he was suppose to stick his weenie in it.  He was horrified!  He said it was nasty and I could not make him do it.  I got mad and told him if he was afraid to stick his weenie in there then maybe he was brave enough to stick his finger in it.  He said he wasn’t afraid, but he wasn’t going to do it.  I bet him a dollar he was too big a baby, to chicken to do it.  He said he wasn’t, so I dared him and he said okay.  I got some Vaseline and greased up his hand real good, and the little fucker slipped his whole hand right up to his wrist up into me then telling me,  “I told you I weren’t no chicken!” but I wasn’t listening because it felt so good.  I grabbed his arm and started moving it in and out.  He asked what I was doing.  I told him to shut up and with my other hand started massaging my clit. Man, when I came it was the best orgasm I’d ever had.  When I was done, I told him that I would kill him if he ever told Mom or Dad.  He never did and after that I always liked him a lot.   Jesus,” she chuckled,  “the things we do as kids.” 

Then she looked at me and asked if I wanted to attempt the hand in the Vaseline trick.  It didn’t work with my hand but it sure was fun to try. 

We also told each other about our first times.  She was 11 too, but she knew exactly what she wanted and what she was doing.   “We have an older sister who’s three years older than me and she started fucking when she was 13.  We shared a bedroom so she told me all about it.  How good it felt and how wonderful it was being with a boy.  She even showed me how to masturbate which really felt good.   She told me that sex with a boy was a hundred times better, so of course I wanted to try it.  I asked boys at school to try it with me but they were all too scared.  I asked one of my older cousins and he said he would, but then he chickened out when the time came.  It took me a year to find a guy."

"One of my sister’s boyfriends came over one day when she was gone.  Both my parents and Lou were gone too so I was in the house alone.  I invited him in to wait. He sat down in the living room and I went to the kitchen to get him a coke.  When I came back into the living room I had taken of all of my clothes.  I told him that if he didn’t have sex with me, then I would tell my sister that he did.  He looked at me and said I looked too young.   I told him to do it or I’d tell.  He asked when everyone else would be coming home, and I told him not for a long time, so he said okay, then took me upstairs to my room and we had sex.” 

I asked her if she liked it. 

She said “It hurt at first, but then it got good and was everything my sister said it was.  I loved it.  After that I had no problem finding partners.  I’ve been having sex ever since, and it just keeps getting better.” 

I asked her why she got married. 

“Young and dumb” she said,  “and he is great in bed.” 

Did she ever feel guilty about screwing around on him? 

“Hell no!” she raged, “ I bet he’s shacked up right now with slant eyed slit”. 

 School ended and I graduated.  I then moved in full time with Angie, and those were golden days.  I’d get up almost every morning at 4:30 and go surfing.  I’d come back around  9 with the sun dried sea salt on my tanned body with my hair still wet from the sea then get in that nice warm bed with Angie.  She said she loved the way I tasted.  Then we’d lay around all day or go out and do something fun, like go to the beach or go fishing or just go to the park and lay on the grass.  Then go home, have something to eat and spend the rest of the day enjoying each other’s bodies. Sometimes on some Fridays or Saturdays I’d go with my bro’s to TJ but only to drink and see the show, Angie was all the woman I could handle.  We lived together until the first week of August. 

I was visiting my parents house when my Dad informed me there was a opening at his construction site where he was Safety Forman for a laborer, and it paid a whopping $4.50 an hour.  This was big money in those days, like getting $25 an hour in 1995 dollars.  There was just one catch, Since the site was 20 miles away, I’d have to live at home so I could ride with him to work.  I told them I’d think about it.  I told Angie and asked what she thought. 

To my surprise she said, “Take it.” I said that I wouldn’t be able to spend much time with her if I did. 

She told me,  “Look, it’s about time we each moved on anyway.   I’ve written a ‘Dear John’ to my husband, and let’s face it, you’re just too young for me.   I can’t ever go out to a bar with you or go out dancing.  You know why I never bitched about you going to TJ?” 

I shook my head no. 

“It’s because that gave me a chance to go out and party with people own age.” 

My face must have dropped because she said, “Don’t look at me that way.  You were out having fun, weren’t you?  So why shouldn’t I? You didn’t think I was sitting at home waiting for you, did you?” 

I said that it never crossed my mind. 

“Typical male attitude.” she said  “Anyway, take the job, you’ve always wanted a motorcycle.  Move back home with your parents, it’s time. We can part while we’re still friends and you know that you’ll always be welcome here.”

I moved out that weekend and took the job.  It was hard work but such good pay for a single 18 year old boy.  I bought a used red 305 Honda Scrambler and tore up the streets of San Diego with it.  I did visit Angie a few times after that but she was always with some other older dude. 

When I saw Lou, I’d always ask him how she was and he’d say   “You know, the same.” 

I started going to TJ every weekend with the boys partying hardy and a few months later found a girlfriend my own age but I never did forgot about Angie, the woman who turned a boy into a man.  Thank you Angie.