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13-05-2016: A Brief History of Me as a Gamer

A certain game was released today. A game I’ve been eagerly anticipating for eight years. A game I’ve been hoping to be the best game I’ve played yet. A game I’ve been dying to get my hands on ever since I knew it would come.

Alas, it’ll still have to wait. My current laptop isn’t powerful enough to run it. It was clear from the moment I installed the closed alpha I had the chance to “participate” in. When I tried launching it, it crashed before even getting past the first pre-menu logo. The game in question is the primary reason I’m striving to save up for the new computer.

Anyway, so what’s the game I’m talking about?


DOOM is one of the few game franchises that have kept me captivated with every installment. The games have managed to keep up a consistent level of quality throughout the franchise’s 22-year history, at least as far as I’m concerned. Not one DOOM game have I found any less enjoyable than another. And I expect to enjoy the new DOOM just as much.

Video games in general are a dear interest to me. So much so, in fact, that it nearly even surpasses my interest in music. My passion for video games began with the PlayStation and Crash Bandicoot, the console’s goofy and immensely lovable mascot. To this day, I love that game franchise to death.

From the PlayStation, I moved on to the PC and RollerCoaster Tycoon. My brother and I used to play that game together for hours on end, creating the wildest, greatest, most nausea-inducing roller coasters imaginable.

As I and my love for gaming grew, it was only natural for me to delve deeper. In 2004, I had the pleasure of hearing about a game called DOOM 3. I lusted after that game in secret for years, until, in 2007, a friend I had just made granted me the opportunity to get my hands on it. Without hesitation, I happily obliged.

Ever since that day, I’ve kept digging deeper into the wonderful world of gaming. I’ve discovered many amazing gaming-related interests: modding, speedrunning, eSports, ROM hacks, emulation and the ever-so-vibrant indie game scene. I’ve grown the size of my game library from a few to almost 450. I’ve met awesome people through that common interest, if relatively few of them.

Perhaps oddly, despite how passionate I am about video games, I consider myself a fairly casual gamer. To me, video games are, first and foremost, entertainment. I play video games primarily out of a need to be entertained. And for the most part, they do manage to entertain me.

I love games. I love weird games, I love funny games, I love sad games, I love thought-provoking games, I love scary games, I love beautiful games, I love simple games, I love complex games, I love big games, I love small games, I love light-hearted games, I love dark games.