Assorted Ramblings of a Different Young Adult by Santtu Pesonen - HTML preview

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21-06-2016: Expert Procrastinator

I thought I could write about something very interesting after spending a day away from everyday life, coming over to our summer cottage. Strangely enough, I can’t think of anything interesting to write about.

Then again, I didn’t think about anything in particular today. I didn’t reflect on anything in particular. I just enjoyed my day as if it were like any other day.

I do feel as though I don’t visit the summer cottage enough. In its own way, disconnecting for a day and spending the day doing things I normally wouldn’t is fun. As my life currently is, now that my first year in university is over, a usual day for me is a day spent mostly at the computer - playing video games, listening to music, browsing the Internet and generally procrastinating.

Procrastination is a bad habit for me, and it’s even gotten me nearly fucked more than once. As much as I hate that habit, I haven’t taken a single step towards trying to do something about it. In an odd sense, I embrace my habit of procrastinating.

The interesting thing is that my school success hasn’t suffered tremendously from it.

Still, I can’t say it’s a very good habit to have. Because I tend to leave everything until the last minute, I find myself stressed out with having to think shit up on the fly as opposed to careful planning, especially when it comes to essay assignments. The fact that I generally fucking hate writing essays doesn’t help either.

At the very least, I get bored relatively rarely. Despite my habits, I’m never out of things to do.