Assorted Ramblings of a Different Young Adult by Santtu Pesonen - HTML preview

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12-07-2016: A Mixed Impression

Before I start talking about today’s actual topic, I feel the need to mention that this is probably where these things get less frustration-induced.

Now, with that out of the way, here’s today’s actual topic: I’ve been messaging with a girl I met on a forum I frequent over the past month or so. If you didn’t skip any of the previous ramblings, you should get the impression that I’m not hoping that I’d finally get myself a girlfriend out of her. And in that case, you’d be correct. The truth is that I didn’t mention her with that reason in mind to begin with.

In fact, the reason I mention her is because I think it goes the opposite way in this case. I’ve been getting the ever-increasing impression that she hopes she’ll finally get herself a boyfriend out of me. Now, don’t get the wrong idea - I am open to that possibility and I’ll happily catch whatever chances life throws my way. Only I don’t feel that I know her well enough to seriously consider that possibility yet.

I’m sure I’ve already addressed that topic previously, though, so I won’t bother repeating myself here.

Anyway, the main reason I get that impression is because I happened to see a post by her in a thread, asking how well long-distance relationships tend to work out. And in that same post, she mentioned me, albeit not by name. But the description she gave makes me most certain she mentioned me.

I don’t mind her disclosing the information publicly, but it does make me feel rather uneasy about her intentions, especially considering the context in which the information appeared. At this point, I only consider her an acquaintance or, at best, a distant friend. She, on the other hand...

Or maybe I’m just overthinking it. Maybe she doesn’t see me as her love interest just yet. Maybe she only asked it for future reference.

In any case, she does seem like a nice person. We’ve exchanged a lot of information, and she’s told me many interesting things. And I’m sure she’s found at least some of the things I’ve told her interesting.

It can only get better from here.