Common Sense Revisited by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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Only L.A.P.D. and the prosecuting attorneys had Sirhan, who was operating under hypnosis (from CIA MK Ultra mind control) to attack and then forget doing it and why. Sirhan is a double victim, once for being a CIA guinea pig, and twice for L.A.P.D.'s lie to prosecute him as the murderer. 13 rounds were fired that night, but Sirhan's gun only fired 8. FREE SIRHAN!

Unchecked, police have done some really treacherous deeds and need policy changes and attitude changes, and to be prosecuted for their felonious actions, of e.g. “no knock break-ins” of peoples' residences, or hassling a man who fell asleep in the fast food car line. He should have been given his food and allowed to go home, parole or no parole background. Arresting such a man is immoral insanity, and killing him rather than letting him escape on foot is murder. Screw the police for being whipped once in a while and then forcing the issue with a chase to kill someone to support their egos in this unnecessary action. Such police should not be wearing badges. This would include the officer who rushed to put 8 rounds in a suspect's back, for having lost a fight with him. He was no threat to the officer walking away.

After JFK's death, Lyndon Johnson had an empty bronze casket taken to Air Force 1, after Greer and Kellerman moved JFK's body to a body bag and back to AF-1 for forward storage. The bronze casket was met at Parkland Hospital by the Dallas County Coroner, who had the legal right to perform the autopsy, and Secret Service agents pulled their guns to get past the coroner to get the “body” out of Texas. Lyndon knew that the body needed alteration as part of the cover story (3shots from behind from a lone assassin), and couldn't let the Dallas coroner see the empty casket.


JFK had been killed from the front as indicated by White House press official Martin Kilduff who said, it was a simple matter of a shot to the head, while pointing correctly to his right forehead. It blew out a substantial vertical oval hole in the lower right rear of his head, pg. 23. He died from the front shot. LBJ then returned to



Andrews as the new president. A large helicopter landed to the right side of AF-1 at Andrews AFB after it parked and moved the body over to it and flew off to Walter Reed where JFK's head was broken open all the way around to his right ear, and the brain removed (as above), leaving a huge exit that was described in the autopsy as if it took place on ELM St.. The inset photo of this altered wound above shows what the Moorman photo should have looked like if the autopsy reported wound had indeed been created on Elm Street. But it was the narrow vertical oval exit wound of less than 1/3 this size in Dallas on the street as on pg. 23 with most of his brain still in his head. So the Navy lied on the autopsy report, showing no photos as that would indicate their guilt in a botched autopsy. From Walter Reed the body was taken to the Bethesda Morgue in an ambulance, where x-rays were taken to identify the location of bullets in the body. They were then removed and trashed. But very fine remnants of the fatal bullet remained in JFK's head and were discovered by Dr David Mantik in his work at the National Archives in Wash DC where he saw the x-rays of smaller particles near the front making it the fatal bullet entry site, because bigger fragments have more momentum and were seen to go deeper into the head 4.

From this observation it follows that Oswald was not the killer as JFK was shot from the front and he had already passed the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) where Oswald was, when JFK was killed.

That Sunday, November 24th, 1963 the limo was flown to Detroit for a total makeover at the Ford Plant, as ordered by Lyndon Johnson, where the Supervisor of the glass shop, George Whittaker saw the windshield with a bullet hole straight through it, front to back, just below left of the rear view mirror as seen from within the car. His workers were ordered to make and install a replacement with a minor crack in the same spot “caused by a small rock”. But 2 motorcycle policemen in the JFK convoy saw the bullet hole, as did the Secret Service agents who drove the limo back to the White House garage from Andrews AFB, Charles Taylor Jr with Samuel Kinney; and Evalea Glanges, a med student at Parkland, who was raised with guns. This leaves no doubt that JFK was shot at from the front more than once. It was Jack Lawrence on the south west corner of the Elm Street overpass who shot JFK through that windshield in the middle of his neck just below the atom's apple, and made his escape thru the drain where he was crouched, while Frank Sturgis fired on JFK from the North side of the overpass and likewise exited via the drain there near his spot at the west end of the picket fence5.

If Dallas police and the FBI had not hassled witnesses and excised their testimony, and the CIA Photo lab had not altered all the film they collected that day it would have been known on day 1 that the driver shot JFK after stopping dead in the street, turning around, pointing his 45, the glare of which was seen by witnesses and photographed in Zapruder, Moorman, Muchmore, and probably Nix, who complained about missing frames. Beverley Oliver's movie film would have shown the murder in full detail, up close, but her film was beyond “fixing” so the government just kept it and probably destroyed it by now. Thanks to photo lab techs, lots of proof was included in individual frames kept in the movies, that one doesn't see in the movie because most of the comparable frames were removed so movie viewers wouldn't notice the single frames of evidence left in the movies that only show for 1/26 of a second, too quick for the eye, but fine for the researcher who looks at every frame. Thank God that the Moorman photo could be reprocessed. It used both finger chaff blurring and black out, alternately, showing JFK's left hand in one and his right hand in the other, so that I could take the better of the two spoofs and recreate the original print showing both hands.’Then with a little color one can see what JFK did in his last seconds of life: He was shot (#13) in the temple with a silenced subsonic rifle round ~70 ' away behind the stub wall of the North Pergola that penetrated and stuck in his head on the left inside, causing him great pain so he raises his left hand to grab his head there. Then he sees the driver pointing his 45 at him and raises his right fist to “block the shot”. The fatal trajectory comes from the driver, front to back. It's lights out for JFK with the brain injury he sustained on that shot; then Mary Moorman clicks her camera before JFK's hands drop and he collapses rear left (from front and right hits). He was brain dead instantly.

Some well-funded part of the cover-up conspiracy puts out false statements on their films of “new evidence” in the case that all point to Oswald, the man who was a low level helper on the plan to kill JFK, but liked JFK, and probably was the person who tweaked the sites of the riflemen on the west face of the Dal Tex Building, so they'd screw up their gimme shots on the wide turn at the top of the street where they opened up firing. The sound of fire crackers was their firing of “silenced” subsonic rifle rounds at the president when he reached the island separator between Elm and the access road in front of the TSBD.


I recreated their view (below) using google earth view from that facing where shooters were. The driver came to a brief standstill while cranking the steering wheel to redirect the limo onto Elm in a bottom up “S” turn. This is where the shots forced JFK to abruptly pull his hand back as shown in the Tina Towner remake film, only the remake movie has the shots coming toward her at the busy inside corner of Elm, where a big crowd was viewing. That did not happen. Instead the view I show above is what happened. Roy Truly, the TSBD superintendent testified to this fact as he was there. The shot at Jack is close, slow/ pause, with clear street down Elm in the far field. This is where they could have killed Jack easy with no collateral damage. The umbrella man at the freeway sign ~170 ' down Elm on the right, signaled “no kill “by pumping his umbrella, after the back and neck shots, and everyone turned around in the limo to see Jack injured at Z285, so the driver had to finish him off and brought the limo to a standstill ~30' ahead, and turned around and shot JFK in the right forehead near the hair line causing the fatal wound shown on pg. 23. Connolly was hit with 2 shots at Z297, 1 each from the Records and County buildings' roofs, right before Greer started braking for the fatal stop. They were attempts to hit JFK, but with small errors in estimating fall and cross tracking velocity error. The Records bldg shot went 3-4 inches right and 3-4 inches low and buzzed over JFK's right shoulder next to his neck and hit Connolly's right wrist/left thigh. The county building shooter had the correct height but pulled slightly too far left to miss the first lady, so it struck Connolly near the right armpit and exited below his right nipple hitting the floor in the limo, destroying a rib bone. The bullet could never end up pristine as was the “impossible magic bullet” needed to infer the Oswald possibility after “creating a non-existent back of neck entry wound on Kennedy with a “clean hole” out of his throat and a turn up and over to Connolly's right armpit after a 3 second time delay, then out his chest and into and thru his right wrist and finally embedding in his left thigh. This is the impossible 7 wound miracle bullet that suffered no damage to its soft lead inner core after hitting lots of bones and thinking for itself to pause and change direction. This is what an Oswald conviction depended upon; and sounds like the fallacious steal of Trumps election on November 3rd, 2020, with similar impossible logic. Wake up Trump supporters. It didn't happen, nor did the magic bullet.

Marita Lorenz came into town with some assassins in a caravan of 2 station wagons on November 21, 1963, loaded with rifles and assassins/assistants. Frank Sturgis ran the caravan. Then Frank told Marita that she was there to help assassinate JFK. She replied in the negative and flew out of town that day, and contacted the FBI the next day with her story. The FBI did nothing.

President Johnson did push Kennedy's agenda for Civil Rights, with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1969. These were tremendous accomplishments; the first bill signed on July 2, 1964, “It is an important gain, but I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come,” Johnson, a Democrat, purportedly told an aide later that day6.

In 2000, I remember watching the poll results for G.W. Bush vs Al Gore and hearing a comment to that effect, that old southern white racial districts voted heavily for George Bush, and he won the election as a result. So, Southern racists put W in the White House.

Meanwhile in early 1964 Johnson canceled Kennedy's NSAM-263 (pg6) and put in way more troops in Vietnam to pursue the war agenda of the military. By 1968 Johnson was haggard over Vietnam and the nation's reaction to it, especially from younger fighting age citizens when he had ~550,000 troops in Vietnam and his approval rating dropped from 70% in '64 to below 40%by 1968 and there were already 30,000 dead from the U.S. Also Robert Kennedy joined the race against him. LBJ spent $45 Billion a year more than JFK resulting in $225 Billion going down a rat hole for Vietnam in the Johnson years. Another $143 Billion followed during the Nixon years above JFK's budgeting while the latter presidents also caused 55,000 US deaths in Vietnam and who knows how many permanent injuries (physical and mental), not to mention their roles in the JFK assassination. Johnson spent his final years after his presidency as an emotional nutcase, with an attending psychiatrist to comfort him. Nixon left in disgrace and his Jack Ruby was dead, and Sturgis and Hunt both did time for their part in the Watergate burglary. They were the burglars who sought to recover a photograph of Hunt in Dealey Plaza dressed as a street person, who was taken downtown. Proof that he was there came out in his suit of a magazine for defamation of character, that Mark Lane, the first premier researcher into the JFK assassination, defended for the magazine and won the case. The CIA got even for Hunt's shake down of Nixon for $2,000,000. by identifying Hunt's presence in Dealey Plaza on 22 Nov. 1963, officially.

Gerald Ford was chosen by Nixon to continue the string of puppet presidents for the shadow government of the U.S., and he pardoned Nixon and made GHW Bush a household name by making him Director of the CIA. GHW ran for president in the primaries after Carter (a good president) left office, but Reagan won the nomination for president in the Republican Party and the presidency, while narrowly escaping an assassination attempt from the son of GHW's sponsor in the primaries, John Hinckley Jr, who shot Reagan about 6 weeks after he was sworn in. GHW had been made Vice President to Reagan perhaps with a nudge from the party, and would have become president if Hinkley had been successful. This gave Reagan a wakeup call and he accommodated Bush in his White House war games: Iran/Contra: sell US weapons to an enemy at inflated prices to use the money to fund right wing guerrilla warfare in Nicaragua against the Sandinista Marxist government that followed their revolution, thereby continuing a long history of CIA dirty tricks to mess with world politics. CIA agents like GHW Bush are notorious liars who run their own show, which is far right wing (Nazi-like behavior) to achieve their objectives. GHW Bush fit right in, as he was the intelligence lead in running the Bay of Pigs Assault. This scared Fidel Castro into asking for nuclear weapons. This set up what would have been WWIII if JFK had followed his Joint Chief's recommendation for a first strike against the Soviet Union, that military hawks had been itching for since the end of WWII. The politics of a professional soldier has to be: win by brute force, or great finesse, but win. JFK was for Peace in stark contrast.


Reaganomics was: over spend on defense, cut rich peoples' taxes to force the government to borrow to protect its own people, while private ownership increases and the rich get richer and the poor end withers and suffers to make a living. Mechanization to improve productivity then allows more reduction in employees, for higher productivity and higher profits, while cutting jobs. This starves the working class, (the people) even more. The elite think that the economy is theirs to do what they want with it. I di