Life is no more the same when she was
with me
Life is truly lonely when she is no more
with me
It hurts and it gives me a lot of pain in
this life
My heart aches and bleeds when I miss
my wife
The pain and sorrow inside keep
hurting me badly
The lovely life we had is no more but I
live sadly
The places we visited and enjoyed with
our heart
Now I feel all alone and we have been
torn apart
I miss her so much and I love my Pretty
Lotus still
I did not want to let her go but it was
the Lord's will
Every day I pray for her salvation to
rest in peace
It is lonely without her here and life is
not at ease.
All the happy days haunt me that filled
me with joy
Now I am all broken and grieve like a
sad poor boy
But then there are moments and times
within the day
When I feel she is beside me in the old
familiar way.
When I turn to see her smiling and try a
tender touch
I only see a dark shadow of the angel I
loved so much
The heart skips a few beats and I fall in
a deep despair
All the fond memories come fast that
are hard to bear
I'm left with her gentle grace, love so
soft and strong
My heart keeps grieving and I miss all
her sweet song
It's hard to rewind the life that was
tender loving care
I long to bring all that back but find
that she isn't there
I've tried to live with a smile among
family and friends
No one has noticed my world reaching
those dead ends
From here I now see my lonely living
that hurts me a lot
With Saroj Niwas on the wall I have
dedicated the plot.