Feminology: Woman Abuse by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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‘WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF AIDS’ written on the bathroom mirror.

This kind of thing does happen but normally the offender isn’t so brutally manifest about it. Men can infect others and women can infect others.

During the American Civil War, like in many other wars, sexual behaviour especially for soldiers was directly affected by the conflict.

Cheap priced sexual-natured novels were available to

soldiers and officers alike. In addition, with the discovery of the pinhole camera by Al-Hazen (Ibn Al-Haytham) roughly 1000

C.E. and later the invention of photography in 1839 by Louis Daguerre enabled the use of pornography by soldiers during the war.

Many of the soldiers were young others old and far away from their wives. Some kind of an outlet hand had to be found.


The sheer anonymity of war-time, gossip, distance from

houses of prayer, and relatives opened the door for premarital and extramarital sex and pornography.

Most of the porn photos were in card form, sold per piece or by the dozen. Officers and soldiers could afford them, and many bought them.

Women were either shown as posing or were performing sexual

acts. However, sexual acts for the most part consisted of non-white women.

Many of the cards were produced in France (carte de

visite), hence the term ‘French postcards’. Following the war, much of the porn literature and photos were promptly destroyed.

Prostitution flourished in many cities, and many soldiers on both sides took advantage of this new phenomenon, but at a big price.

Washington D.C. had more than its share of brothels,

hundreds of them and many prostitutes. The south had its own share of brothels and prostitutes too. Memphis was referred to as ‘Gomorrah of the West’. Nashville had a re-known and popular red light district.

But even out of the towns and cities, prostitutes could tag

along with marching or stationed soldiers.

One of the prices paid was an incredible number of STDs.

There were over 180,000 cases of gonorrhoea and syphilis among white








Confederate Soldiers. Neurosyphilis wreaked havoc on many people during the 19th century.

The actual number of STD infections was likely higher,

people during this era didn’t know much about the process of STDs. As soon as the visible symptoms disappeared it was often believed that the problem was gone.

Furthermore, many soldiers likely died during or after

battles not knowing about their STD. Other soldiers likely kept it a secret at war’s end; they were going home back to their wives or to find a wife, and to meet their families. What would the men of GOD say to them?

Furloughs resulted in a spike in sexual intercourse with prostitutes. Many soldiers promptly took advantage of their break.

Porn addiction, though most commonly affecting men can also

affect women. In this regard, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

What’s perceived as innocent soft porn may eventually lead to hardcore porn and a lot more.

Porn on the internet can be quite easily accessible for any

man, woman or child. Anonymity can help produce or sustain porn addiction.


More women are now becoming addicted to porn. At first, soft porn may be viewed casually. But for those women who are inclined to become addicted to porn, they gradually slip deeper and deeper into hard-core porn. They can see nudity and sexual acts with a few punches on their keyboard.

Women may view porn out of curiosity, being in an unhappy relationship







emotionally), needing more in a relationship but not wanting to commit adultery, or because she’s unable to find a compatible partner. Yet other women like what they see.

A 2006 survey conducted by Internet Filter Review found

that 17 percent of women claimed to be struggling with porn addiction. A 2008 statistic by Internet Pornography Statistics indicated that nearly 30 percent of internet porn consumers are women.

Addiction to porn follows a similar pattern to that of

other addictions; men and women also follow similar patterns.

A woman need not be exposed to social repercussions if she views internet porn in private. Porn has been around for a long time, but the easy accessibility to it has literally ‘invited’

women to view it more readily.

But women who view porn at home shouldn’t be fooled by the possibility of addiction. Viewing porn from can be understood as a first step, a giant step towards porn addiction. Though most women viewers never become addicted, no woman has a fool-proof guarantee.

A word of caution; watch out who you give personal

information to online especially in porn chat rooms, porn sites or swinger sites. Meet-ups with strangers can be very dangerous or even fatal. You really can’t be sure who you’re dealing with until the meeting. STDs during meet ups are another problem.

Women shouldn’t believe that only men can become addicted to porn; porn addiction often follows the same or similar pattern as alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction.

In writing this eBook I chose the term ‘Feminology’ rather than Women’s Studies’ because in my opinion this is a better word to use.

Psychology; biology, zoology, chemistry, FEMILOLOGY; the

study of women should be and can easily become one of the academic areas of colleges and universities. The scholars are there and so is the literature.

Introduction courses at colleges and universities can be of

3 credits value each like in other fields. Furthermore, degree programs can and should be established.

Feminology courses can deal with psychology, sociology;

biology, anatomy and physiology, entomology; criminal justice, 137

political science, history, anthropology, etc. Wherever women were or are the field can be included within Feminology.

Women are at least 50 percent of the world’s population. It

can be done.

The next part of this book deals with child abuse. It is considerably shorter than the first part because the primary focus of this eBook is on woman abuse. However, you’ll find the information very useful and informative.



Child abuse has become an overwhelming problem throughout much of the world.

Child abuse comes in various forms, physical, mental,

sexual and neglect. Deprivation of basic needs for survival, love and education are considered abuse, but are sub-classified under neglect. Therefore, it should be understood that child abuse can result from an actual behaviour/s or a lack of or total absence of required behaviour/s by adult caretakers (ex.

feeding, clothing, education, general safety and security, love, shelter, etc.).

Child abuse is often not manifested in fractured or broken bones, black eyes or bruising. Mental abuse though, can leave deep, long-lasting ‘invisible scars’ upon a child.

Extreme abuse may result in child endangerment or even



A child can be abused by a relative, friend of the family, an adult in a trusted position or a stranger. Abuse by close relatives most often goes un-punished.

Many children around the world are living in fear, hunger, deprivation, neglect and feel un-loved and unwanted. They’re being raised by uncaring parents or are living in war-torn or civil war-torn areas. Other children are living in abject poverty in ghettoes or in terribly poor nations.

Deliberate child physical abuse can manifest itself in

physical signs or can be hidden underneath the child’s clothing.

-Serious or excessive beating.




-Burning or scalding.

-Hair pulling.

-Arm twisting.

-Severe belting.

-Violent shoving, pushing or shaking.

-Striking with an inanimate object.








fracturing or breaking of bones, ear drum damage, black eyes, bleeding, welts dangerous internal injuries or death.

In North America as a general rule a child is someone under

the age of 18. In North America a legal guardian can be charged with a crime if he/she allows abuse to occur or places a child in a dangerous situation.

Long-term effects of child physical abuse depend on the


-The intensity of the abuse.

-Frequency of the abuse.

-Age of first incident and the long-term process.

-The relationship of the abuser to the abused child.

-The child’s natural ability to adapt or cope with the


-Support (from relatives and/or social services).

-Drug and/or alcohol use by the abuser.

-Weapon/s used during the commission of the abuse.

-The severity of victim blaming.

Emotional abuse and scarring accompany physical abuse. The child who is abused thinks about the abuse during and after the incident/s.


Just one incident of extreme abuse can cause severe

physical trauma, maiming or death. Aside from this, the more frequent the abuse the more harm that is done, physical and emotional. The abuse tends to be worse for younger children, especially when the process continues years-on-end.

When the abuser is a parent, guardian or other trusted

individual the child is likely to endure more emotional turmoil.

The child feels betrayed; worse yet he/she may have no one to turn to. Feelings of betrayal are magnified when there’s no support system.

The guardian need not have ‘the intent’ to abuse the child;

the guardian may perceive the abuse as discipline or just punishment. The child’s welfare must always be the top priority.

Guardians, teachers and other adults can keep a keen eye on

possible indicators of abuse:

-Unnatural bruising, especially chronic (Note: the child

could have a medical problem that causes chronic bruising).

-Bite marks.

-Belt marks.


-Frequent injuries and accidents.

-Common bone fractures or breaks.

-Over-sensitivity to touch. The child may appear to be sore

or injured in the particular area/s.

-Unnatural cowering.

-Swollen face and/or appendages.

-Unusual colouration of the skin.

Children are naturally prone to injury because of their

playful, highly energetic and thrill-seeking behaviour. Scrapes on the knees, elbows or forearms may be indicative of natural injuries.

Physical abuse injuries are usually the result of being

struck, bitten or shoved into a hard inanimate object. Hair pulling is usually not apparent unless it’s so severe chunks of hairs are pulled out.

Head injuries and internal injuries are usually the most dangerous. Some abusive adults will punch or otherwise strike a child in the same manner they would another adult.

Special needs children including those who are hyperactive, physically or mentally disabled, premature babies or children with behavioural or psychiatric problems pose an additional burden on any parent. As such, they’re more likely to be abused.

There are behavioural indicators of possible child physical abuse:








cultural norms) that hides or covers potential areas of
















disrespectful of others.

-Unpredictable mood swings; raging or comedian-like.

-Overly sensitive to the crying of other children.

-When confronted about unusual bruising or injuries the

child may give a choppy, inconsistent or hesitant answer. The child may be fearful of being punished by his/her parent/s or simply may not want his/her parents to get into trouble. Or the child may not know that physical abuse is wrong.

-Fears going home.

-Frequent running away from home.

-Excessive fear of parents.

-Too many missed days from school and frequent tardiness; truancy.

-May be overly dishevelled.

-Reluctant to remove clothing for physical exams and

physical education.

-Frequent injuries, bruises; accident prone.

-Misbehaviour at school.

-Low self-esteem, lack of confidence.

-Untrustworthy of others.

-Self harm.

-Poor socialization skills.


-Frequent illnesses, psychosomatic illnesses.

-Cowers away from any touching especially from adults.

-Magnified startle reflex, cringes often.

-Increased sustained sadness or depression.

-Misbehaviour (lying, stealing, breaking objects, etc.);


-Academic problems in school.

-Considerable fear of failure; may be fearful of the

consequences of failed actions.

Suspected child abuse should be reported to the police and child protective services. If you work with children it’s likely your legal duty/obligation to make the report. Otherwise, you’ll be breaking the law!

Below are some common characteristics of abusive parents.

Note that all of the characteristics need not be present for a parent/s to be abusive:


-High probability of the abusive parents having been abused

during childhood regardless of what their parents called it (punishment, discipline, etc.).

-Overly judgemental.

-Excessively moralistic.

-Frequently blame their children.

-Frequent belittling of children.

-Reject inquiries of the abuse by their children.

-Believe their children are immoral, bad and/or evil.


-Threaten children with physical and/or emotional abuse or abandonment.







medication may also be abused.

-Mental illness

-Hampered socialization skills (may view others with

suspicion or with considerable disrespect).

-Take the children to different medical professionals in

order to hide the pattern of physical abuse.

-Frequent abandonment.

-Not mature enough to care for children.

-Mock, ridicule, ignore and/or deride their children.

Often-times, cases of child abuse even shock hardened

officers of the law and social workers.

The case involving the attempted murder and resulting

lifelong torture of David Rothenberg is shocking at the very least.

On March 3, 1983 David Rothenberg, who was six years-old at

the time was sleeping in a motel room near Disneyland. Charles Rothenberg, his father decided to douse the motel room with 3

gallons of kerosene.

Shortly afterwards, the motel room went up in flames.

David`s screams were heard by other tenants. Meanwhile, his father, thinking that his son would certainly die fled away in his car.

David was rushed to the hospital with burns on 90 percent of










Miraculously, he survived the ordeal.

Charles Rothenberg had the gall to go to the hospital

lobby, and from there he notified his wife that David had been in a terrible accident.

Charles Rothenberg was arrested a few days later. He was convicted of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon.

He was sentenced to 13 years in Soledad Prison.

David Rothenberg has been forced to spend the remainder of his life grossly disfigured, in physical and mental pain and 143

fearing his father. His mother has since remarried. As far as I know, shès happily married.

Charles Rothenberg should`ve been sentenced to life in

prison with absolutely no chance of parole. This man is a time bomb and we don`t know if and/or when hèll explode again.

Apparently, the fists or a standard weapon aren`t enough to vent this man`s rage.

Another case involves ex Bishop Raymond Lahey, 71 years

old. In May of 2011 Lahey pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography for the purpose of importing it into Canada.

Nearly 600 pornographic photos of young teen boys were

found in Lahey`s Toshiba laptop. Some of the photos involved torture, others gruesome torture.

Lahey was initially apprehended in Ottawa International

Airport. Airport personnel noticed that Lahey was behaving suspiciously. He was later sentenced in an Ottawa courtroom.

Naturally, Lahey`s apprehension and conviction shocked his former Nova Scotia diocese of Antigonish. If Lahey has a conscience hèll likely spend the rest of his life in utter humiliation.

How long Lahey has been into child and teen porn/torture is

up for grabs. This case opens a Pandora box of questions the first of which is ‘has Lahey ever acted out on his fantasies; if so to how many children and youth and how many times’?

In 2007 a shocking story of child abuse was exposed by accident. This case occurred in the Czech Republic.

The primary victim was an 8 year-old hearing impaired boy named Ondra.

Ondra was imprisoned inside a tiny window-less space, was severely undernourished and dehydrated, and was forced to eat his own vomit.

Unfortunately, hardly anyone realized that Ondra was

imprisoned. Klara Mauerova, his mother had arranged a home schooling scheme therefore neither friends or teachers would miss him. It’s believed that family members knew of the abuse but didn’t try to intervene.

Luckily, Ondra was discovered by a caring neighbour who

immediately contacted the authorities. Ondra, sickly and in a state of shock, was promptly sent to the hospital.

Later, Ondra his 10 year-old brother and 13 year-old sister

were sent to an orphanage. All of them appeared to be suffering from extreme mental distress.

Klara’s ex-husband claimed to have no knowledge of Ondra’s abuse.

In January of 2008 a child abuse case emerged that was so horrible even battle-hardened officers of the law were shocked.


A 2 year-old girl with severe injuries was taken to St.

Mark’s Hospital in Salt Lake City at 1 A.M.

Both of the girl’s eyes were swollen shut not opening until

the next evening, she sustained numerous cuts throughout her tiny body, at least one apparent knife wound near her temple, and a number of teeth were missing. Furthermore, her hand was sliced up with multiple wounds.

Amy Roberts, 30, the girl’s mother repeatedly changed her story about what’d happened to her daughter. She was booked for investigation of child abuse and obstruction of justice.

Her boyfriend, Derrick Lee Crispin, 29, was arrested for investigation of two counts of second degree felony child abuse.

Robert’s 9 year-old boy also lived in her condo. He had no apparent signs of being abused. However, as a safety precaution he was promptly taken into protective custody.

In a case that occurred in October of 2009 in Solwezi, the capital of the North West Province of Zambia, 28 year-old Veronica Mweetwa was arrested for allegedly slicing her 7 year-old daughter’s palm for allegedly over-eating. Martha Mweetwa sustained two deep cuts on her right palm.

In March of 2007, 25 year-old Johnny Salazar from Chandler Arizona admitted to burning his 5 year-old son’s hand with a lighter because he touched the Bible.

At the time Salazar believed that his son was possessed by a demon. The police were investigating the possibility of drug use by Salazar.

The child was lucky because his grandparents, who were

coming home from Church, were able to prevent any further abuse.

I once read of a case of child abuse that occurred in the 1970s. A man cut off his daughter’s hand because she was crying too much. At the time his daughter was only a toddler. I apologize for not being able to find out more about this sad story. But keep in mind that it did indeed happen.

Children enduring sustained emotional abuse by their

parents or caretakers suffer immensely. These children may feel:

-Isolated or alone

-A lack of control.

-Feel overly-controlled by the paren