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Disabled persons, especially children are often very easy targets.

According to the World Health Organization children who

have a physical, sensory (blindness, deafness), intellectual or mental health impairment number roughly 200 million worldwide.

This estimate indicates that roughly 10 percent of the world’s children are either born with a disability or acquire one or more disabilities before reaching the age of 19.

Disabled children may be abused in one or more of the

following ways:

-Physical abuse

-Emotional abuse

-Verbal abuse

-Sexual abuse

-Neglect or total abandonment

-Forced begging


-So-called mercy killing


-Lack of protective services or an outright refusal by

workers to intercede or come to the aid of an abused disabled child.

-Lack of or total absence of special accommodations (ex. a child in a wheelchair can’t scale a stairwell or staircase).

Children can also be assaulted by animals. In order not to get too far off the main theme of this eBook I’ll use dogs as the example.

I shall state numerous points of importance regarding dogs and children. Many of these points can also be used for humans.

-The result of these assaults range from minor moderate

maiming injuries, or life-threatening or death.

-Well-trained well-behaved dogs can be very friendly to


-Many family dogs love to play with children.

-Children who grow up in healthy households with dogs can learn the art of respecting animals.

-The child can learn much about dog behaviour and possibly want to work with animals as an adult. Dog loving can easily widen to animal loving.

-Dogs can provide affection and companionship, protection, and play for children.

-A good family dog can be a sweet shoulder to lean on during sad times.

-Children often speak to dogs the way they speak to other humans, often having much fun in the process.







anxiousness, fear or apprehension by biting.

-Bites can range from a small snap to a horrible bite or an

outright attack by a large powerful dog. A child stands no chance against a large, powerful attacking dog.

-A common estimate and one that is stated by the Center for

Disease Control (CDC) of annual dog bites in the United States is 5 million.

-According to the (CDC) 800,000 of these bites require

hospitalization. Of them, 50 percent of the victims are

children. That leaves us with an estimated 400,000 children being bitten by dogs. A dozen or so individuals are killed by dogs every year in the United States.

-Most nick-bites aren`t reported, especially if the biting dog a beloved family pet and the owners know for certain that it has been vaccinated against rabies.

During my childhood years I had a good friend who owned a toy dog. This dog bit my friend on many occasions. My friend 174

though, loved to tease his dog. And as far as I could tell his dog didn’t use much force in his bites (lucky guy).

-Most dog bites upon children are preventable. The child may inadvertently behave in a manner that irritates or

communicates the wrong message to the dog. Children are

naturally rambunctious and are highly energetic.

-Purchase a dog from a reputable dealer.

-Documentation of physical examinations, vaccinations and

lineage (if you’re seeking a purebred) must be prevented upon request.

-Mixed breed dogs are more likely to be unwanted than


-Dogs that cower when they see a person/s are off limits.

So are those that appear unusually aggressive vocally and/or verbally.

-The dog should slowly approach you and appear happy and content.

-The child should not be fearful or hateful of the dog.

-The dealer should allow you to tour the area. The kennels should be relatively clean, the dogs should appear healthy and the workers should be friendly to you and to the dogs therein.

-If you purchase a dog from a shelter yoùre likely saving it from a death sentence.

-Shelters are often dumping grounds for dogs and cats.

Yoùll be helping the staff and are helping to reduce the stray and unwanted dog and cat overpopulation problem in North America and in much of the world.










aggression. The neutering will not change the underlying

personality of the dog. Mentally unstable dogs will be that way with or without neutering.

Children must be taught beforehand (don`t wait until after the purchase) basic safety tips around dogs.

-If the dog has a record of aggressive behaviour move on; don`t take any chances.

-A child should always be friendly to the family dog; no annoying teasing or rough or harmful play. The dog may

instinctively respond to being harmed.

There are exceptions though, but don’t take any chances. I know a couple who have a toddler and a Pit Bull Terrier. The toddler makes it a habit to tug on the dog’s ears and play rough with him.

-A child should never try to pet a strange dog without the owner`s permission. The owner must be present and in complete control









apprehensive, fearful, tired or sickly. These are red flags.


-If given permission to pet or touch the dog the child should slowly extend its arm; first placing it below the dog`s muzzle so it can smell the hand. Smelling another being is very important for a dog. No sudden or quick moves should be made the dog may become startled resulting in a quite bite or two. The child shouldn`t shout or raise his/her voice at or to the dog either.

-Running away from a dog will bring out its predatory

instinct, causing it to chase the child. What happens if it catches the child is a potential aggressive confrontation, likely resulting in a bite or full-fledged attack.

-The child should slowly walk away, leave his/her arms at the side and make no eye contact whatsoever.

If a child is attacked he/she should try to toss àbiting substitute’ for the dog (jacket, shoe, backpack, cap, glove, etc.). -Indeed, easier said than done.

-If the dog proceeds to attack the child, the child should curl up into a tight ball and protect his/her head with the hands.

-Never disturb a dog whòs sleeping, eating or caring for her puppies.

-Do not approach a strange injured dog. Dogs that have just

fought other dogs, even the child’s own dog should be allowed to cool off first.

When I was a preschooler a vicious fight between a Beagle and a Dachshund ensued. After the fight the bloodied Dachshund’s pre-school owner tried to comfort it. She was immediately bitten.

-In 1989, I was bitten by a small black dog. Instantly, I went home, called the police and then an animal control officer drove me to the dog`s owner`s home. The dog was eventually taken away for observation and lucky for me it wasn`t rabid. The owners were fined.

-A child that is bitten by a dog must inform his/her

parents without delay. Thereafter the parents must inform the local police and take the child to a clinic or hospital. The police will order the owner/s of the dog to present proof that the dog has been vaccinated for rabies.

Depending on the severity of the bite and the circumstances

the dog will likely be taken away for observation unless the child unlawfully entered the dog owner’s property.

-Chaining a dog especially for extended periods of time

will likely make it extremely territorial and aggressive. Some dogs are chained days or weeks-on-end without being unchained.

Others are chained for so long their skin actually grows into the collar. Child strangers walking in their path are very likely to be seriously bitten or savagely attacked.


-A child should never approach a dog that`s on guard duty or is behind an enclosure. Enclosures signify personal territory and the dog could also be guarding his owner`s property.

-A dog in an escape-proof enclosure that isn`t chained at least has some freedom.

-Kindergarten-aged or younger children tend to receive the most horrendous bites. These children are small, defenceless and behave like little prey animals.

-Iron-clad rule: Never leave a do unattended to if there’s a baby nearby or anywhere in the home. One solid bite by the dog can severely injure, maim or kill the child (neck bite).

Babies are totally defenceless against any dog not even

able to shield his or herself or to try to escape; even a cat can wreak havoc on a baby. Even if both parents are at the scene they have to be physically capable of immediately yanking their dog off of their baby. The dog may yield or it may snap at the parents.

-An iron-clad rule: If you bring a dog into your family there must be a rigid hierarchical structure. The dog/s must always be the lowest in rank. Each and every human in the family regardless of age must have higher rank.

-Iron-clad rule: Each and family member is always more

important than any dog or other animal/s in the home.

I’ll end my eBook with a few tragic examples of what can happen to infants and children when attacked by a dog:

-In March of 2009, a 2-week old baby was brutally attacked and killed by a family dog. The mother left her baby unattended.

Her dog, a Chow, was euthanized.

-3 year-old Tony Evans was killed by a chained Pitt Bull.

The toddler was found in front of the doghouse; although chained the Pitt Bull was able to reach Tony.

-5 year-old Pablo Hernandez was mauled to death by the

family Pitt Bull. The attack occurred in the backyard. Pablo received horrible face, head and torso injuries.

Children and youngsters who survive severe dog mauling

episodes may be maimed and disfigured for life. The mental pain and trauma is equally as devastating.

Parents and the public at large must love and care for children in our communities and throughout the world. We were once children, helpless and in need of caring. Whether we like it or not, children are full-fledged human beings and are also part of our society, wherever we may live.



-Hotlines Emergencies Networks Organizations

-Women’s Empowerment/Protection Groups Organizations

-Women’s Shelters

-Physical Abuse

-Domestic Abuse in Police Families

-Horrific Abuse Torture

-Mental Emotional Verbal Abuse

-Leaving Escaping Abusive Person/Relationship

-Restraining Orders

-Filing Criminal Charges Calling the Police against an Abuser

-Using Deadly Force against an Abuser

-Lesbian Partner Abuse Woman on Woman Violence

-Forced Marriage



-Honour Killing General Violence

-Sex Trafficking


-Rape Prison Rape Psychiatric Rape

-Rape Prevention

-Rape Kit

-What to do if you have been raped?

-Date Rape Drugs

-Diffusion of Responsibility Kitty Genovese (a Sad Case)

-Violence against Disabled Women

-Rape Campus Fraternity

-Women and Drugs

-Mass Terror-Rape

-Forced Sterilization

-Chinese Foot Binding

-Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Body Image

-Cutting Self-Harm


-Female Genital Mutilation

-Gender Selective Abortion or Gendercide

-Female Infanticide

-Witch Trials Witch Hunts

-Harassment Sexual Harassment

-Potential Problems and Dangers While Traveling

-Inmate Abuse



-Massacre Killing Serial Killing Rape

-Pornography (All Sites are anti-Porn)

-STDs in the Porn Industry


-Deliberate Transmission of an STD/s

-Sex Pornography STDS Medical Treatment of STDs during the American Civil War

-Psychology Mental Health


-Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


-Protection Advocacy

-Abuse: General

-Physical Abuse

-Emotional Abuse Emotionally Abusive Parents

-Severe Abuse Torture Incidents

-Shaken Head Syndrome (Babies)

-How to Soothe a Crying Baby

-Amber Alert Infanticide Killing Abduction Torture

-Sexual Abuse

-Child Soldiers

-Children Who Kill

-Child Beggars

-Handicapped Disabled Children

-Dog Attacks


www. thehotline.org National Domestic Violence Hotline (U.S.) 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) www. thehotline.org National Domestic Violence Hotline (Canada) 1-800-363-9010

www.womensaid.org.uk Women's Aid (United Kingdom)

www. ibiblio.org/rcip Rape Crisis Information Pathfinder

www.nnedv.org National Network to End Domestic Violence

www. aware.org Arming Women against Rape and Endangerment

www. rainn.org RAINN: Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (U.S.) www. helpguide.org/mental/domestic_violence_abuse_help_treatment_prevent Help Guide: Help for Abused and Battered Women

www. justicewomen.com/help_special_rape.html Women's Justice Center: Special for Rape Victims (U.S.)

www. musc.edu/vawprevention National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center www. crcvc.ca Canadian Resource Center for Victims of Crime

www.womensweb.ca Women's Web (Canada)

www.sexualassault.aloak.ca Sexual Assault Survivors (Canada)

www. womanabuse.ca Woman Abuse Council of Toronto


www.cfhs.ca/athome/human_animal_violence_connection CFHS| Women and Pets Escaping Violence EMPOWERMENT PROTECTION GROUPS ORGANIZATIONS EDUCATION:

www. islamfortoday.com/womensrightsbadawi.htm The Status of Women in Islam by Jamal Badawi www.now.org National Organization for Women

www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_Against_Women_Act Violence against Women Act: 179

www.saynotoviolence.org Say No: Unite: End Violence against Women Wikipedia

www.global-womens-network.org Global Women’s Network

www.globalissues.org/article/166/womens-rights Women’s Rights: Global Issues www.pinkribbon.org Pink Ribbon (International Breast Cancer Awareness; Official Website) www.pinkhijabday.org Pink Hijabs for a Cure

www.womenagainstrape.net/women-against-rape Women against Rape www.womanagainstrape.com/index.htm Woman against Rape

www.womansavers.com Woman Savers

www.wisemuslimwomen.org WISE: Muslim Women

www.dawncanada.net/ENG/ENGwelcome.htm Disabled Women’s Network (DAWN Canada) www.feminist.com Feminist.com

www.trynova.org National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) www.undp.org/women Women’s Empowerment: UNDP

www.stopvaw.org Stop Violence against Women

www.4col egewomen.org 4Col ege Women.org

www.theglasshammer.com The GlassHammer: Smart Women in Numbers www.bel aonline.com/articles/art16763.asp Bel aOnline: The Voice of Women www.womenandpolicing.org National Center for Women & Policing www.abusesanctuary.blogspot.com Sanctuary for the Abused (Contains Articles, Links & Resources www.asafeworldforwomen.org A Safe World for Women

www1.umn.edu/humanrts/iwraw The International Women’s Rights Action Watch www.womennewsnetwork.net Women News Network

www.womensenews.org Women’s eNews

www.al girlsal owed.org Al Girls Al owed

www.pbs.org/kued/nosafeplace No Safe Place


www. womenshelters.org Women’s Shelters (U.S.)

www. shelternet.ca Shelternet (Canada)

www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_shelter Women’s Shelter: Wikipedia www. associatedcontent.com/.../staying_safe_in_a_womens_shelter.html Associated Content: Staying Safe in a Women’s Shelter

www. ehow.com/about_4577100_battered-womens-shelters.html About Battered Women’s Shelters www. ehow.com/about_6677085_job-description-women_s-shelter-worker.html Job Description for a Women’s Shelter Worker


www. emedicinehealth.com/domestic_violence/article_em.htm eMedicineHealth: Domestic Violence www. helpguide.org/mental/domestic_violence_abuse_types_signs_causes_effects.htm Helpguide.org: Domestic Violence and Abuse: Signs of Abuse and Abusive Relationships www. feminist.com/antiviolence/facts.html Feminist.com: Facts about Violence www. mamashealth.com/abuse/bwomensyndrome.asp Mama's Health: Battered Women www.violetnet.org Double Click on 'Just the Facts'

www. libraryindex.com/pages/234/Causes-Wife-Abuse.html Library Index: The Causes of Wife Abuse www. lfcc.on.ca/HCT_SWASM_4.html Characteristics of Abusive Men: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System (London, Ontario)

www. recovery-man.com/abusive/abusive.htm Abusive Relationships, Characteristics, Consequences and Recovery

www.divorceinteractive.com/abusive_husbands.asp Divorce Interactive: Two Types of Physical y Abusive Husbands

www. tellinitlikeitis.net/2008/02/inside-the-minds-of-angry-controlling-and-abusive-men.html Tellin it Like it is: Inside the Minds of Angry, Controlling and Abusive men 180

www. selfgrowth.com/.../Abusive_Men_Top_10_Signs_of_an_Abusive_Man.html Self Growth: Top 10

Signs of an Abusive Man

www. healthieryou.com/wabuse.html Healthier You: Plain Talk About Wife Abuse www.womenagainstabuse.org Women Against Abuse (Philadelphia Based but You can Stil Become Involved)

www. now.org/nnt/spring-2001/nativeamerican.html Native American Women and Violence www.emedicine.medscape.com/article/805546-overview Medscape: Domestic Violence DOMESTIC ABUSE IN POLICE FAMILIES:

www.abusesanctuary.blogspot.com/2009/07/when-abuser-is-police-officer.html Sanctuary for the Abused: When the Abuser is a Police Officer

www. purpleberets.org/violence_police_families.html Domestic Violence in Police Families HORRIFIC ABUSE TORTURE:

www.crimeshots.com/VincentNightmare.html Mary Vincent`s Nightmare www. seattlepi.com/news/article/A-victim-a-survivor-an-artist-1106335.php A Victim, A Survivor, an Artist: Seattle pi

www. reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2002/Jan-06-Sun-2002/news/17803997.html 1978 Mutilation: Family Relieved by Singleton’s Death

www.ibnlive.in.com/...limbed-chopped-for-resisting-gangrape/142549-3.html Girl`s Limbs Chopped for Resisting Gangrape

www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid_throwing Acid Throwing: Vitriolage www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16201961 BBC News Asia: Bangladeshi Man 'Admits' Cutting off Wife's Fingers

www. independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/bangladesh-man-accused-of -cutting-off-wifes-hand-6278155.html The Independent: Bangladesh Man Accused of Cutting off Wife's Hand www. webster.edu/~woolflm/acidattacks.html Webster: The Atrocity of Acid Attacks www. ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20110622/ubc-student-attacked-blinded _bangladesh110622 CTV

News: UBC Student Blinded in Bangladesh, Husband Arrested

www. cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/...monzur-blinded-ral y.html CBC News: UBC Ral ies for Blinded Student

www.abcnews.go.com/International/Story?id=4665251&page=1 ABC News: Acid Attacks on the Rise in South Asia

www.abcnews.go.com/2020/KatiePiper/model-burned-acid-attack-rebuilds-life/story?id=9502972 ABC

News: Model Overcomes Pain of Brutal Acid Attack

www. guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jul/31/iran-acid-woman-pardons-attacker Iranian Woman Blinded by Acid Attack Pardons Assailant as he Faces Same

www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widow-burning Wikipedia: Sati (Widow Burning) www.adaniel.tripod.com/sati.htm Adaniel: Sati the Burning of the Hindu Widow www. indianchild.com/sati_in_india.htm Indian Child: Sati in India the Burning of the Widow Bride


www. colorado.academia.edu/ChristyDaleSims/Papers/117481/Invisible_abuse_in_newspaper_article s Invisible Wounds: The Exclusion of Emotional Abuse in Newspaper Articles (this is an extract; over 20

pages long written by Christy-Dale L. Sims)

www. cyberparent.com/abuse/femalemental.htm Females and Verbal Abuse: Cyberparent www.ezinearticles.com/? Mental-Abuse---The-7-Most-Important-Things-To-Know Mental Abuse: The 7 Most Important things to Know

www. lilaclane.com/relationships/emotional-abuse Lalaclane: Symptoms of Emotional Abuse www. drirene.com/theabuser.htm The Verbal y Abusive Partner (Dr. Irene) 181


www.pattyinglishms.hubpages.com/hub/Abusive-Relationship Hub Pages: How to Escape an Abusive Relationship

www. ehow.com/how_4919128_escape-abusive-husband.htm eHow Family: How to Escape an Abusive Husband

www. ehow.com/how_2062946_leave-abusive-husband.ht