From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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*  It has nothing to do with what they have; it is about what they have become, wealth and happiness are just a reflection of their true being.


*   It doesn‘t matter how young or how old you are, it‘s never too early or too late to become the person you want to become.


*   You so have what it takes.


*  You might not always see it, but everything always plays to your greater good.


*  You were created with a special purpose that no-one but you could fulfill because no-one here on earth can do what you‘re here to do.


*   You‘re the reason the sun came up today.


*   Yes you can just go through life settling for whatever that comes to you but why would you do that?


*   Wealth and happiness are mastered by 'being‘ and not 'having‘.


*   It‘s such a pity for a man that inherits a million dollars and yet is not a millionaire.


*   Take care of you for me, and I will take care of me for you.


*   It‘s not selfish to focus on your own happiness, it‘s noble.


*   There‘s absolutely no relationship between your happiness and circumstances.


*   The purest ambition is to be happy.


*   Happiness acts like a blessed disease, it‘s infectious and contagious.


*   One thing all fascinating people have in common is that they‘re in love with life.


*   You will never be promoted until you become over qualified for your present assignment.


*   You will only have significant success with something that is an obsession.


*   You can‘t be moving within and yet remaining still without, every movement within will reflect upon your life as circumstances.


*  Your thoughts and your dreams are the only seed you have and this seed is the only influence you have over your future.


*   When the promise of a bright future is clear in your mind then the price won‘t be too much to pay.


*   Plant the seed you‘ve been given and you‘ll reap what you‘ve been promised.


*   The past is what you choose to remember, if you even choose to remember it at all.


*   The first step towards change is loss.


*   Your future will only be decided by what you‘re willing to change.


*   You can never make any progress if you enter today feeling dissapointed and guilty about yesterday.


* The desire to be more and to have more, that feeling that you have of not fitting in is the devine power letting you know that you‘re meant to stand out and not fit in.


*   The moment you start believing, you find that everything is possible.


* If you do not venture out in vision and faith, you remain ordinary as long as you live.


* People with a vision have no time to gossip, slander, lie or speak against others. All their words are spent talking about their vision.


* You can never take more than your share, but you decide how large your share will be.


*   Failure is just an illusion, it‘s never final.


* Your report might say one thing and you find your vision saying another, believe the latter.


*   You‘re a bundle of success getting ready to happen.


*   When you have a vision, everyone around you will experience something.


*   The more intense your training, the greater your impact will be.


*   The extent of your vision will be the limit of your life.


*   Don‘t be too careful for nothing.


* When duty calls for danger, do not shrink back or deny your vision its manifestation.


* No matter how endowed you are, tagging along with partners that do not fuel and share your passion will neutralize all your efforts, dry up your energy and with time leave you worse off.


* The only things you will ever have in your life are those things you have the capacity and faith to attract.


*   Your lifestyle can never exceed your vision.


* You need more than hard work to achieve your dreams and that is creative thinking and a firm belief in your vision, your works and hands are meant to assist your brain... not the other way round.


* Only if you‘re a serious person and are willing to dedicate a portion of your time to the business of succeeding in life will you use creative visualization.


* Challenge yourself to produce more ideas than you can use for yourself so that you can share and give them away.


*   Your presence makes the world a better place.


* No matter what happens today or in any other given day, the sun will still rise, birds will continue to sing and you‘ll have another chance to love again.


*   There are billions of last chances stored up, just for you.


* Whatever activity you engage in, do it to the best of your ability, as if it‘s all that matters because while you‘re doing it, it will be.


* There are people you know nothing of, people you‘ve never seen or heard of, who know of you through your friends and acquaintances, that your life has inspired.


* Wherever you go, you are the eyes and ears of the Universe, seeing and hearing what could not otherwise be seen or heard.


*   Of course it‘s hard at first, you‘re going where you‘ve never gone before, remember?


*   You were born prequalified to rock the world.


* Sometimes strength and wisdom are not sufficient, sometimes all that is needed is patience.


*   You can never be the victim of effects if you know their causes.


*   A million dollar idea will never be conceived in a thousand dollar mind. . Like attracts Like.


* The world does not need another Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teressa or Abraham Lincoln, one of each is enough, what the world needs is you.


*   It‘s not much the work that is being done but the attitude of the people that counts.


*   Hard work is not the cause of success or all slaves would be successful.


* All the wealthy and the really successful people had their wealth and success born from a single idea that was natured and loved until it became an unstoppable force.


*   There‘s no telling what a single person that is ready to implement their

ideas can achieve.


*   Everything, absolutely everything you see around you was once an idea.


* Trees can only grow in one direction to a certain limited extent, but you can become anything you choose to become and you can grow to a limitless extent.


* Hatred is like holding a burning coal waiting for the right moment to strike your enemy.


*   Love brings everything together.


*   Hating winter is not going to stop winter from coming. Tearing it off from the calendar won‘t do the trick either. You must learn how to handle it.


*   Learn how to love and master what you can‘t change and you will have mastered the seasons of life.


* No matter the economy of the jungle, a lion will never eat grass. It‘s not that the lion is proud, it just can‘t eat grass! Think about that.


*   For as long as a dream lives inside of you, there‘s a plan for its time in space.


*   Imagination is the talking of the soul with the Universe.


*  Mark my words: A hundred years from now, going to the moon will be like traveling overseas on a cruises hip, traveling to overseas will be like a walk in the park and a real vacation will be a trip to space.


*   It‘s a good thing to have a mentor but it doesn‘t help if you have no will to succeed.


*   Being faced by a perplexity, difficulty or confusion is a clear indication that an era you‘re on is about to end and a new reality is about to be born.


*   Don‘t despise the day of small beginnings.


*   Discipline is the most crucial ingredient for you to succeed, it‘s the master key to your hidden treasures.


*  Imagination will show you your potential and action will unlock that potential.


*   The way to making a lesson a celebration instead of a cause for regret is

to ask; "How can I put this to use tomorrow".


*  Your personality is the determining factor on how much you will get out of life.


*   Make happiness and ambition, a part of you and you will attract all that you want by simply being yourself.


*  The most important factor in success is not really about what you get but the person you become in the process.


*   Yes it is important that you be known for your achievements but it‘s even important that you be known for the value you bring.


*  People loose their success because they lost the lessons of their past unsuccessful attempts.


*   The lessons you learn are more valuable than what you achieve.


*   You only get one shot in life, why waste it being average?


*   Let the magnificence of who you are be shown by the results you bring.


*   Things are not meant to happen to you, you are meant to happen to things.


*   There‘s an island of reasons to be unhappy in an ocean of reasons to be happy


*   To succeed, harmony within is not a mere option, on the contrary, it‘s imperative.


*   The world does not need to know what you‘re going to do, it wants to see you doing it.


*   Finding is only reserved for the searchers.


*   When the student is ready, the teacher will show up.


*   No matter how hard you prepare yourself to win the race, victory begins in the world within.


*   All that you want wants you back.


*   They don‘t act that way because they‘re rich, they‘re rich because they act that way.




There is great amount of confusion right before clarity, there is great war before there is great peace and there is great darkness just before dawn.


All that is rich in life may be enjoyed beyond measure, you live in a Universe where happiness may overflow in your heart, a Universe where you can be, do and have anything you desire. You live in a Universe where dreams come true and all visions of the human soul can be made true.


The honest truth is that you live in a Universe where nothing is impossible and everything is possible. If you think that you‘re down and out, if you‘re at your lowest and the night seem to be taking too long, I advice you to be glad, the best part about being at the bottom is that there‘s only one way to go from there... and that‘s up. When the darkness gets intense, you know that your time has come, so don‘t be fooled by the darkness before dawn.


When things are not to your liking and you think it can‘t get any worse, be happy, because a happy heart attracts happy conditions and when it can‘t get any worse then it must get better.


When complexities, difficulties, calamities or catastrophes have overtaken your life, do not think that it was meant to be. Instead, take off your attention from the sorrow and pain and be glad that you have the privilege to be as great as you decide to be.


There is more to life than you have or can ever imagine, regardless of what you‘ve achieved so far you have only touched the merest surface of your existence; you are only on the verge of the splendor of life as it‘s meant to be, you‘re standing on the outside, so to speak, of your potential and perhaps one reason is because you‘ve been living in the limitations of the darkness before the dawn, and in this subject the darkness before the dawn is the disappointments, lost opportunities and the past unsuccessful attempts. Let it all go and don‘t be fooled by the darkness before the dawn.


Many will live longer but few as much as those who dare explore the power of imagination.


I wish for you a life of abundance and happiness, but above all, I wish for you a powerful and meaningful life.


From the Universe... To You