Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Parting Miracles

We need to unleash our religious minds and take on the mind of Christ. “God is able to do far more exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think.”1 When we let God be God, and we become His children, we will truly begin to see God’s supernatural appear in our natural realm.

At last our traveling money had arrived. We still knew that it would be crowded for seven of us to travel in a van, and we continued to try to figure out how everything would work out. Our remaining possessions that we had not given away or sold in a garage sale were put in storage. The home was vacant except for a rather large pile of traveling goods. I kept telling Janie that we had to bring the rest of the household items to storage, but she did not want to cooperate. Our departure date was nearing, and we were somewhat ready to embark upon this new quest.

A second phone call came. Pete, a dear friend, called from Wyoming to ask me to delay our departure by two days so that he could drive down and see us before we left. I was stressed by this request, but agreed to accommodate him. This delay brought a great miracle of provision. The day we had originally planned to leave, but had postponed because Pete was coming to see us, turned out to be the day Janie’s parents, Fred and Betty, having been moved with compassion for our situation, purchased a 24-foot travel trailer for us to use on our journey. The trailer had one double bed, a dinette with a bench seat that would sleep one more, a stove, refrigerator, and some storage space! Praise the LORD! I was overwhelmed with gratitude to her parents for being so generous. Another miracle about this trailer was that the people selling it lived four houses down from us, and Janie’s parents had discovered it through the local newspaper. Just that morning the owners had run an ad to sell it, and when Janie’s parents saw it, they immediately purchased it without even talking to us about it. Since our van had an additional fold-out double bed, having the trailer would mean that all seven of us could sleep in the vehicles, and we would not need the expense of hotel rooms during our travels.

Fred and Betty, literally saved our lives by purchasing that trailer. Fred went on to purchase a trailer tow package for the van, which we needed to attach the trailer to the van for pulling. Fred and Betty, being retired, were quite familiar with trailer towing and overnight camping, so they were eager to fill us in on some of the information we might need to know about trailer travels. It all proved very helpful in the days to come.

Janie Shares…

What made this a real miracle of God’s provision personally to me was that I had been praying specifically for God to provide us a trailer to sleep in or at least a pull-behind trailer to take along more things. You know how women are! Here I was, a mom with five kids and home-schooling to boot! We were preparing to head north right before winter with limited funds. I knew I needed winter coats, shoes, warm clothes, our three boxes of school books, a few pots and pans, canned food, blankets, pillows…you can imagine my list. So in my living room I had a pile for each child and a pile of necessities. Picture this: the house was practically empty during the months we prepared to leave. Every day I would study the piles and see what I could put into storage. No matter how hard I tried, the stuff was more than our van could hold. Every day I asked the LORD to give us a way to bring more things. I never told anyone because I felt that it would seem like I was complaining, and I knew we were embarking on a walk of faith and trust in God. For the last few days before Friday, Jim had been asking me to start loading the van, and I would continually make some excuse because I knew our things would not fit…that made me pray even harder.

When my mother called on that Thursday night to tell me that she and my father had purchased a trailer for us, I was ecstatic! The week before Jim had told me that the LORD had given him a specific date and time, Friday at l0:00 a.m. We wondered if that would be our departure time, but instead it turned out to be our provision time because Friday at exactly 10:00 Fred and Betty pulled the trailer into our driveway. It was God’s answer to my personal prayer. It was even more special since I had not mentioned it to anyone—parents, friends, even Jim. The trailer was much larger and nicer than I had considered. The pastor friend, Pete, who called and asked us to delay our trip, never did make it to the Coast to see us, but we did see how God used him to keep us from leaving before we would receive our miracle. To God be the glory and a thousand thanks to my parents.