Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

Don’t Ever Give Up

There he was, either the last or second to last vendor on the last row--Glenn. Pacing from one spot to another, checking his watch, looking over people’s heads, waiting for his wife to pick him up, and relieve him of his tour of duty so they could return to the motel and wait another day to sell his wares. I stuck out my hand and introduced myself. By this hour I was quite exhausted, throat dry, and hungry, yet I still ventured into my story of how I got there, where I was hoping to go, and somewhat of the mission I felt the LORD had directed me on. All of a sudden he let out a loud shriek and said “Glory to God!” He said that he had been waiting for me all day and that I had to come back to Lawson, Kansas with him. He was filled with amazement and quickly took over the conversation. He began to share how he and some others had been praying for someone to come to his hometown and start a work for God. Glenn reiterated that while having lunch that day with a friend of his, he had discussed his earnest desire for someone to come to Lawson to begin a new work for God that he could be part of. His friend told him at lunch that she felt the Holy Spirit was showing her that he would meet that very person that same day! Glenn had been looking to meet the person all day—but at this late hour had concluded that she had been mistaken, and now, right before the convention closed for the night, I came up and introduced myself and began to share with Glenn my unique plight. He was beside himself with astonishment. A good lesson here is, “Don’t ever give up,” finish the course that you believe God has laid out for you. The winners are always at the finish line. Instead of leaveing dejected, I had continued down the last row to finish greeting allthe vendors and witnessed God’s plan unfold. Had I not finished the course that evening I would never have known what God had prepared, and I would not have made the contact I so desperately needed to make.

Glenn was, to say the least, ecstatic, but I was still bewildered and questioning; “LORD is this really you; is glenn truly my next contact?” glenn and I chatted for a while. Then his wife Judy arrived. He introduced us, and they both began trying to convince me that we should follow them to Lawson. We made arrangements to have my wife and children come to the convention center the next day for everyone to meet each other. He had to work until sunday evening and had plans to leave for Lawson on Monday morning. We met them sunday afternoon as the convention was winding down, and made introductions, we visited about the endless possibilities for ministry. We were still asking God if this was really what He wanted for us, but as no other options presented themselves, we decided to head to Lawson.