Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Small Steps - Big Signs

We had no idea where we were going, what we would be doing, where we would be staying, or how long we would be there, but my main concern was that our finances were almost exhausted. There were so many questions running through our minds, and the prayers of our hearts probably sounded like a heavy rain pelting the heavens. God’s continual confirmations in answers to our prayers played the most significant part in our survival. Whether answers to small needs or large ones, God was keeping His Word, illustrating to us that we did, in fact, belong to Him. We would often discuss the providence of God as we drove. It is very important to keep in mind when going through difficult situations that God uses various signs and confirmations to help us remain faithful and assist us in conquering doubts. Frequently an error we make in arriving at a decision is that we tend to keep waiting for a “big sign” when actually many of the signs and steps are very small, but all work together to reach the goal God sets for us each day.

I had $150, a miniscule amount for such a large family, with no idea of what lay ahead of us for the next five minutes, much less thirty days. We stopped at a service station to call Glenn to tell him we had arrived and ask directions to his home. He lived about a mile from where we were.

Have you ever begged for the morning not to arrive, or been in sales and hoped that no one would answer the door when you knocked, or looked for a house, and hoped you would never find it? There I was! This was not some book I was reading or some testimony I was hearing. It was my five children, and I, along with my wife, and this strange experience was really happening. One would normally think there would be a sense of relief when arriving at your destination, yet my insides were screaming with a thousand questions.

Glenn and Judy and their two sons greeted us at the door and welcomed us in. They had just arrived back in town from the convention and were trying to settle down and unwind when we arrived. I know Judy did not know what to expect with our large family barging in on her. They were tired from a weekend of work in Wichita and the drive home.

Glenn and Judy had two fine sons, ages sixteen and eleven. They were home-schooling their children as we were attempting to do. They had a lovely town-home with three bedrooms, two up and one down, which was used as Glenn’s office. There was a small kitchen, dining area, and living room. We quickly sat down to some coffee with Glenn and began discussing our theologies, the city of Lawson, and all of the things one would discuss when facing a possible opportunity. We were able to share short stories and information concerning the blessings and frustrations of our quest. Glenn’s mind was at work trying to determine the best way to accomplish the task of starting a new ministry.

A few years had passed since his last pastorate, and he was eager to see this directive take shape. All of a sudden we were in a full swing conversation. We spent the next few days going around town as he enlightened me on the details of Lawson. He was excited, but I was not sure what to make of the entire situation. Glenn was at ease in his home, and we were half in the trailer and half in his house. Their town home was in a small quaint close-knit community. The homes faced inward with a dedicated street for the attractive subdivision, and our trailer stuck out like a sore thumb. It certainly did not meld into the landscape. I was broke, embarrassed, and totally humiliated. God, where are you? God, what are you doing? My questions and prayers never stopped pelting heaven, or I should say, flooding heaven.