Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

The Crucible!

The Saturday night before leaving the Cromwells, Janie and I had led a prayer meeting over at the home of one of Glenn’s friends. It was at this meeting we met an angel of the LORD. Her name was Bonnie. We had shared with her a little of our testimony about the strange walk we were on, and the fact that we did not know exactly what the LORD wanted to do with us. She invited us to her home for a spaghetti dinner Monday night, December 14th. Her husband Jim drove trucks over the road for a living; he was out of town and would not be there for dinner.

December 13th finally arrived, and Mr. Cromwell had us gather up our belongings before church on Sunday. After church, we met for lunch at the local pizza house and bid farewell. He was very kind to furnish two motel rooms for one night there in Lawson. I must say at this time we were about at the end of our rope. We did not know what to do. “God, what are you doing?” was my deepest heartfelt prayer. Janie suggested that we use a little southern ingenuity with the motel manager and ask him if we could have one room for two nights, instead of two rooms for one night. “Sure, no problem,” was his reply. That should have been a relief, but under the circumstances, it did not feel like much relief. We were without direction or finances, but still two more days before what???

I would like to inject here an important point concerning trusting and having faith in God. God knows that He is faithful, and a lot of times we like to feel we are also faithful, but God, in the majesty of His ways, will allow situations to appear as if He has forgotten us. But, it is during these times we must stay the course and continue on. It is often said that God is a God of the last minute, and that is, in a way, true. God knows all along what He is going to do to display His faithfulness towards us, and is willing to wait until that last minute to reveal it. It is during these times that our faith is tested, and God is glorified in us.

So here we were, in a small motel room, and I am in a total daze. We had little money left after paying our bills, and the only thing on the agenda was an offer to go to dinner. That was the last thing I wanted to do! I wanted to cancel, so Janie and I could pray and figure out what to do. Again, Janie prevailed in her guidance by suggesting that we keep the engagement since it was the only open door we had before us. God had us in a crucible, but it was shaped like a funnel, directing us to His next appointed destination, a destination totally unknown to us at the time. God was getting ready to introduce us to His perfect last-minute timing again.