Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 29

Adrenaline Rush

As I sit here typing, I must share a memory, a harrowing experience that I encountered with my new friend, Jim. I still wonder to this day how I survived the following ordeal. Jim had to go into Kansas City the next day to drop off his rig. I agreed to follow him in my conversion van in order to drive him back to Lawson. The snow, ice, and freezing weather proved to be a new trial for me as we merged upon the 4-lane freeway to Kansas City, Kansas. I was following Jim deep into the city and had to be sure to keep him in my sights, while we were plowing through snow and slush on the highway.

The temperature was below freezing as we headed to town. I subtly noticed my windshield starting to ice up and not responding to the defrost mode or the windshield wipers. I was quite perplexed with this phenomena. We were clipping along around 50 mph, and I had no idea what I was in for. My windshield’s visibility was decreasing very rapidly and within a short period of time I had only a spot the size of my fist that I could see through as I followed Jim from left lane to right lane and back again. Then the fist sized hole started closing up smaller and smaller, and I was quite concerned. When I used my wiper fluids, it just added more frozen water on the windshield and further restricted my visibility.

Nearing Kansas City, I found myself crouched down looking out of a hole the size of a silver dollar, down next to the inspection sticker, while traveling 50 mph. I was freaked out! My mind and emotions were reeling when Jim, who had no idea that there was any problem, finally started slowing for our exit. As we started slowing, the ice began melting, widening my view. I had not realized that the cold, ice, and speed were all working together to create my problem, and as we slowed, the problem started reversing itself. By the time we reached our destination all was okay, except for my nerves! I thank God that He left this “Deep South” southerner a silver-dollar size of visibility.