Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

The Timing Of The Lord & Its Importance

As anyone can see from the stories I have shared concerning the beginnings of our homeless expedition, had we hesitated and waited once the stage was set, we could have easily missed many critical appointments. There is nothing more important than timing, with the LORD. Had we missed the opportunity to meet Glen at the convention center, failed to send out a newsletter, missed the dinner at Bonnie’s home, or any of the other examples we have shown, we could have been in an irreparable circumstance. This is not being said to create alarm, but to emphasize the importance of praying and being alert to the leading of the LORD at all times.

I have missed the door many times only to have to wait another “period of time” for the LORD to set up another stage. When I have missed the door, the cost of failure has always been greater than I desired to pay. When we miss an opportunity, that is where it remains, missed. When we get out of God’s timing we invite great disappointments into our lives. Circumstances and situations will be different the second time around from those that God had originally planned for our deliverance. Fear is one of the devil’s greatest weapons to keep us from trusting in and walking with God. If we miss God , and we will miss His Him at times we all do; we must step back up to the plate and continue asking God for His directions, and guidance, and with a humble heart be willing to step out in faith the next time God opens a door. The faith walk is a walk of warfare, and our warfare is prayer. It is often said within the Christian community that there is a perfect will of God and a permissive will of God. I have not found this belief credible or in scripture. Often times we frustrate the plan of God when we ascribe such shallow thinking to His Holy Spirit’s directions.

Satan hates the revelation of God and hates God directing us by His Holy Spirit. Satan will do all he can to discourage and defeat us. He wants us believe that God is not real, that He will not meet our needs or protect us in difficult times. The Devil is a liar! God will meet us and take care of our needs; however, He will do it on His terms and in His time. I’ll say again, “On His terms and in His time!”

If we will walk with God, we will individually find out that He is not wishy-washy in any way. When we pray for help, He begins setting the stage and arranging the timing for our help to arrive; therefore, we have to be looking for the door, and when we see it, move through it. This scripture from James is a serious charge from God. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that gives to all men liberally, and upbraids them not for asking, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the LORD. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”1

When we ask God, we truly must believe that He will do His part, so we must be looking, ready, and open-minded! It says in Hebrews, “He that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”2