Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 48

Missing The Holy Spirit

In sharing these stories that give examples of acting as the “good Samaritan” toward others, I want to share for comparison a story that serves as an example of one of my failings. This occurrence in Lawson left an indelible mark on me and further opened my eyes to the importance of being attentive in the Spirit-led walk. This was one situation that I am not proud of, and I have many times expressed my apologies to the LORD. It is certainly one time that I missed the leading of the LORD; I have no doubt! One Saturday morning we were all at the house, and all was well. My wife was planning on leaving for the grocery store within a few minutes and wanted all of us to tag along. All of a sudden something was said that upset me, and I became very angry. I was even amazed at how I was reacting to something so small yet my emotions were fuming. I was surprised at the way I was acting.

We loaded into the van and proceeded to the store while I was still fuming. We arrived at the store, went in, and began to shop. She took her basket and went one way, and I took mine and went another. I could not understand why I was so upset, but I was. Something was attacking me in the spirit realm, severely affecting my emotional state and clouding my judgment. Then a request came on the loud speaker from the management concerning a young lady that had lost $20.00 and was requesting it be returned if someone had found it. I gave a brief thought to going up front and just giving her a twenty to help her out, but in my anger I decided to just go out to the car. After the rest of the family came out of the store, we drove off. As we left the parking lot, I became completely at peace about the situation that had angered me. Whatever had pressed me to anger in a moment’s time left ever so quickly. After considering the events that had transpired, I realized that I had missed an obviously important divine appointment.

After reminiscing the situation over and over again, I am convinced to this day that I missed the LORD in not coming to the help of the woman in need. Further, I am convinced that the spirit realm “knew” that God was going to send someone to rescue that person in need, and they mustered their forces to cause me to miss the appointment. The deeper we go into the spirit-led walk the more we will see and be able to discern true spiritual warfare. I may never know, this side of eternity, the truth concerning the situation with this woman in need, but I can assure you that there was an important spiritual event that was transpiring, and I missed it.