Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 62

Harden Not Your Heart

We were now in our condo, and an order was beginning to get established in our lives, except I was still seeking steady employment. A couple of weeks before I discovered my next assignment, the lord gave me a powerful revelation. As I walked through our condo, the thought words came to me, “There are not two gods. There is not a good god and a bad god. There is only one Almighty god, and then there is a fallen angel that deceives the multitudes.” now, that was good meat, I thought. However, as I look back, I know now that god was warning me that I was about to find out just how strong and powerful a fallen angel and his minions can be in their attacks, deceptions, and spiritual warfare. With all of my heart, I was honestly looking for God’s promises to begin manifesting. Our trial by fire was not over and little did I know that one of our greatest trials lay just ahead. God was preparing to take us out of the pan and into the fire, as our training ground was changing from a church with its doors of mercy closed to a place where witches and warlocks congregate!

After the trials we had previously gone through, I was actively waiting for our promises to start unfolding, and I felt freedom lay just ahead. I had experienced a tremendous amount of spiritual warfare prior to coming to Lawson, but a trial such as I was getting ready to go through, I had never known.

There are times that god will ask us to do things that are 100% against our will. The decisions we make at these times are the most critical concerning our future. It was at this time that the lord began dealing with me, preparing me to go through another large trial. I know now that god was allowing me to go through these trials in order to bring me to an end within myself and help me realize that only through Him could I live and survive the future.

I will say unequivocally that God is very serious about breaking us in order to make us. He has to take us to a humbled point of total submission in order to accomplish His work through us. if we will be His servants, if we will be His sons, then we must be broken yahushua (Jesus) is our template, god’s perfect example of pure commitment and brokenness. A minister or pastor with god’s heart will be a man of humility, submitted to the will of his heavenly Father. There are certainly many men and women who claim to serve god, but beware if they wear pride as a garment and have made the gospel one of financial gain. It will be a day of trembling and quaking when they come to realize that god is not in concord with such misguided abuse of His flock. This comment has nothing to do with my observations of the Olive Branch Church.

When I realized that the lord was still interested in taking me deeper into the walk through another trial, I became very embittered and was refusing to yield. For days the Holy spirit dealt with me concerning submission until I finally bowed my stiff neck and said, “I will do whatever you ask.” That very day Janie came home with a possible business opportunity. She felt we could acquire a coffee house/restaurant in downtown Lawson without a down payment or money transfer. I wanted to scream. I knew god was doing this, and I did not want any part of it. Angrily, I told her to set the appointment with the owner. I was submissive but very upset!