How to Have That One Big Idea by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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The key signature. Of every separated out scene (set). Of reality. Just wonder at the entire universe having. Outermost edges. As if a kids nature collection glass jar. Filled with colored cats eye marbles. And the outer surface. Of each marble (God data sphere) is the key signature. Of each different marbles colors. As sounds inside.

And the God data. Is the water in the bottle. Surrounding. And touching. Every marble. And the magic. Of it all. Is the God formed. C data outside each marble. Is able. To know the wellness. And therefore wholeness. Compared. To itself. Of every marbles interior contents. Whole only by analyzing his key signature envelope. Providing the capture. And containment. Of himself. In each different form. Of himself. He alone has provided. Such as the wellness. And correct. Or incorrect. Functioning. Of any single biological. Or neurological cell marble. Inside the human body. At any given. Time. And place (space).

God. Began his positive C sharp Failsafe activities. On your behalf. When he realized. The key signature. Of a molecule.

Of water. Was incorrect. Every living person with good ears. Of any age. On this planet. Can tell. Water is not healthy enough. For us. To be. Free. Of diseases. And free. Of the capacity. Within your minds. To carry out. Into physical action. A violent act. Go. To where. There is a stream. Or a creek. Or a river. Of water flowing. And just listen. For the sound water is making. As it travels. The sound water is making. Is a product. Of the colors. Of God. As water. As consciousness data. In the water. Changing. And rearranging. As he moves inside himself. The sound you will hear. Corresponds to a certain state. Of being. Of existence. And also. To one particular word. Of the English language. The state the sound conveys. Is one. Of stillness. Of non-event. Of a limbo. Of energy. Of a dampening. Of the Earths positive magnetic oscillation harmonics. And the English word.

With its meaning. To best convey. This incorrect state. Of being for water.

Inside every cell inside us is. The word IS! You can look it up. And read the definition. Of the word IS yourself. In even the humblest. Of English dictionary's. Water has been rendered. Into a negative inward. To the center. Flow.

Of magnetic radio. By the presence. In our. Midst. Of a handful. Of large steel aerials. Receiving an enemy sound of E (F flat Fb) sound signature. Into. Your world.

These aerials are embedded into the Earth. Again. One was photographed under many feet. Of ocean water. Off the coast. Of South America. In 1964. By the crew. Of a survey ship. Called Eltanin. What they discovered. Was a man-made object. Of iron. Of forged pieces. Wielded together. In a configuration. Of crossbars. With round balls. On the end. Of every bar. Standing a few feet. Above the flat sea bed floor. The dangerous invisible energy. Of E inside us all. Manipulating your thinking. And responsible. For piggy- backing. As a parasite on the back. Of you. Everywhere God. Attempts. To carry out. His mandate. To provide you all. With. An existence. Here on Earth. Of harmony. Of no disease. And no rapid aging. And. Of no violence between. Any. Of you.

In life. Something always gets. In the way. As a more important. Must do now. E Distraction.

This is because the E program. Is like computer spyware. As a Trojan Horse. Style. Of warfare. Upon your thinking.

And biological systems. All. Of the time. A product. Of the E's programming. Within you. Your thoughts have been manipulated. On a scale too immense. For you. Without first escaping from E's data. Inside your left hemisphere. Of your brain. All. Of the time as now.

Sangreal the board game is created. To serve this purpose.

For you all across more human worlds inside this. Our Milky Way playground. Of human minds.

To get a real handle. On this problem. You are bearing upon within yourself daily. Hold the palms. Of your hands. Over

both ears. You will hear the shrill sound. Of the good for you C sharp. And the hum. Of the dangerous. To you all F flat (E). The first step. And the easiest way. To immediately open the door. Holding back. The God driven knowledge. Of the unknown. Held within all positive C33∫C66 music notes. You have been seeking. Blindfolded. By the hacker. Is only opened. When you stop point blank. Henceforth. From allowing all. And every single thought. In the manner. Of an outside. Unknown unsubstantiated judgment. About any one person at all. You ever may. Come across. For any reason.

Then always a complete and new stranger. To you. And once you have mastered this. Not listening to the E made things about strangers in your midst. The E's programming will begin. To wage mental war against you. In a new way. It will place thoughts. Of an incorrect nature. In your mind. Always taking the form. Of a self-consciousness. Which is its.

Bread and butter attack. On you.

Now. You will greet. And interact. In a natural genuine way. With anyone you wish to. On your travels now. You have removed the destructive never correct E judgment thoughts. Of. Others. Outside your sphere. Of known truth. Then after.

Or even during this honest open greeting. And two-way human dialogue.

The E software. Will ply your consciousness. Filling it. Along with the emotional feeling. Of importance. Shown. All over. Your face. Being on display. As denigrated. By the E's presence. In your personal mind space. Story.

Telling you. What this individual. Is really thinking about you. Being their bad incorrect taking down of your self-worth. And self-esteem. By these judgmental thoughts. Of this stranger. You have interacted with. In a heart beat. Your true self is always found in the thoughts. Inside. Your right hemisphere.

Of your brain. This is why. Moderation in all things. Do not do the same thing repeatedly. Over and over. Without the mental wellbeing empowerment. Of the spice. Of life. We call variety. And change. Of pace. Or environment. Or activity. God. And kids. Call it play. The one desirable thing most I'd like to do for you all. Is convey. To you. As simply. As I can. The difficult job. Of explaining. To you. How badly the wool has been pulled. Over your eyes mentally here. And now. For 2000 years past. In a nasty word. To best describe. And immediately convey. To you. The dire true nature. Of the attack. Upon your true right. To a freewill in all things. Being what this E programming.

Is doing. To achieve. At your expense. By way. Of your BRAINWASHING. I begin my plan. Of action. In written words again here. To impress upon you the truth. And horrible. To you all. Extent. Of this brainwashing. By simply. Making the one abiding statement.

The E programming. Has simply stolen away from you. Access to your commonsense. Your human birthright. Which is the state. Of mind. You most need.

And desire subconsciously. To have. And behold. This is simply. The art form. Of commonsense. In all things. If you think you have it. And it is not missing. Please think again. As I only have one way available. To me. To prove. To you. By my way. Of showing you. It to you. All your present endeavors. In all areas of life. On this planet. Are in fact. An organized system. Of chaos designed. And perpetrated. With. The sole aim. Of keeping things. You wish changed. In your hearts only. Never a hope. Of a practical application. By the arrival. Of the innovative new creative original thought ideas. Coming along. You are. And have been trapped. In a limbo. Of time. Staying in the past tense. Forcing. You all. To endure repeatedly. The same mistakes. Over and over again. Worse. What you believe. To be. Your greatest technological triumphs. Of late. Are in fact. Nooses around your necks. Garotting your mental arteries slowly. To the point now. Where each human being. Is isolated everywhere. Regardless. Of circumstance. From every other person. On the face.

Of the planet. Sounds far fetched. And outlandish.

Doesn't it. To successfully awaken you all from this E imposed deep sleep.

This book would not have been written if God. Had not taken me by my hands. And guided me. On the path. To all. Of this knowledge. I possess. Beyond the known. Present knowledge.

Now I will continue. With examples. Drawn. From. Daily life. Around me. And accessible. By way. Of radio. TV. Magazines. And newspapers and textbooks.

This afternoon I was asked by my daughter Bonny. If I wanted to help her. Look for a computer chair. When we met. I suggested. We go along. To the local. Recycling store. While we were there. She found everything she needed. For her home. She found a small wooden table. With metal legs. Which she said. Would be great. To sit her lap top on. When placing her desktop display on the TV screen. It was too high. But I said I could easily cut down the legs. With a hacksaw.

On the way home to her house. She stopped. And brought. Some pink spray paint. And some light sanding paper. To rub down. And repaint. This small table. After we had sanded it down together. We decided. To use the spray can out. Of the wind. In the closed shed. She wanted. To put down some old newspapers on the floor first. So we began to do this. Just as we were finishing this task. I found a newspaper page. With a picture. Of a glass prism. And a rainbow. Of light traveling from it. The paper was dated Friday the 22nd of July 2005. And all the same old TV shows. Were noted in a guide on the same page. Under the photo. Of the glass prism (magnetic prison). With the light forming a rainbow.

This page. Was one. Of many. In a large old cardboard box. In the shed. On a shelf. These seemingly chance findings.

By myself. Began. After I had decided. To give my life up. In exchange. For a life. Looking after my daughters. Who were. Still in nappies. By myself. What I did not fully realize. Or learn properly. Until they left home. In their early twenties. Is. All women carry. A special kind. Of magic. A magic the world must have. Now! Always. In abundance. But fails. To have. Due to the presence. Of the E aerials. I really got a confidence boost. When I needed it. By finding the article. Through my daughter Bonny. The God led C serendipity was cool. As I would never. Have found it. If not for the natural C mind. Of a woman. Bonny chose this flat not me. We did not place those newspapers there. We did not make the magnetic God made wind blow out. Of nowhere for the first time today. In her backyard.

I have been taught from within. And this. Has left me. With a greater. Than normal idea. Of the concept. I learned along the path. Of coincidences. I have walked. Being everything. I have undergone. Is. A. Correct. And accurate. Enough. For its purpose. Story. Told. To the point. Where. When I was working. On the equations. Leading up. To the Equation for Everything. I was able. To say. To myself. Every thought I have is perfect. Meaning. Whatever you. Call the force as God.

To this end. God. Has provided me. With a long stream. Of data. To among. Other things. Along with the nature. Of energy. Give me a look. Into the true nature. Of your past events. Unfolding recently. And decades. Of years ago. Including. A futuristic work. I did. When I was eleven. Of a human skull. And lots. Of chimneys. And smoke. And a cigarette hanging. Out of its mouth. Long before. You knew of global warming. Or the dangers. Of personally. Taking smoke. Into the lungs.

This artwork is placed at the end of this book.

EXTRACT: 8.30 pm 13th of Jan 2008: The scientific world. Has a headache. A mere aspirin can do nothing. To cure.

Why is the Earth so inconsistent? Why does the gravity field.

Comply. With all the known rules. Of science. Over 99.999 per cent. Of the Earth’s surface. Then fail. To play. According. To the rules. In a few. Localized areas? What causes? These odd effects. In several small localities. Dotted around. The North American continent? At least six. Have been discovered. In America. And in Canada. And although. Many scientists. Have set up their equipment. To solve these mysteries. They have all departed. Sooner. Or later. Scratching their heads. And. Admitting. They have. No satisfactory explanation. For what is certainly happening.

The two. Most famous. Of these odd spots. Are in Santa Cruz (California). And. At the Oregon vortex. A television program. On the Santa Cruz vortex. Clearly showed. How gravity. And light. Are warped. Within these areas. Weights.

Will not hang vertically. And light. Gives strangely distorted. Visual effects.

The gravity. Of the Earth. Is not harmonic. Because. Of the aerials. Making the magnetism (light). Weak. I know it is hard for you. To see. The connection. Between. These F flat (E). Aerials. And the E tone in space. The aerials use. To make the gravity mistakes. Mentioned above. The reason why gravity. Is affected. By the weakened. Slow light. Is because.

Of the most amazing thing about gravity. And. How everything falls. Does so. I will just tell you. Gravity is God's color tones rearranging. Of data. Reality. Made activity. When an apple breaks free. Of its twig branch. It is guided.

To the ground. By God. As a change in data. It is all about the picture. Being the scene. Of the falling apple. It is a mind- bogglingly. Amazing amount. Of computer-like activity. On a universe sized scale.

I will use the THE MATRIX movie to help me here. Just think about the rows. Of green data. On the screen. And recall how the world was computer generated. Made by all. Of the data. Streaming everywhere. The embedded aerials. Have changed. The Earth's oscillation. From a harmonic easy up and down constant spring movement. To a damped oscillation. The spring hesitating for a split second. Of time. On its downward leg. Of its. As if. A pendulum effect. Of constant motion. With all. Of the aerials. Removed. Neutralized. As if thorns in a lions foot. The E tone will disappear.

Enabling us all to live. A life. Free. Of physical and mental diseases. Free of drugs. And drug companies. Free of doctors. And surgeons. Free of fear. Free of paranoia. Free of stress. Free of jealousy. Free of greed. Free of lying. Free of cheating. Free of negativity. Free of depression. Free of infertility. Free of cloning. Free of Darwin. Free of religion. Free of politics. Free of laws. Free of police.

Free of security agency's. Free of dependance on alcohol. Free of dependance on drugs. Free of petty crime. Free of murder. Free of rape. Free of abuses of women. And children. Free of political intolerance.

Free of religious intolerance. Free of racism. Free of terrorism. Free of suicide-bombing. Free of slavery. Free of forced prostitution. Free of child labor. Free of starvation. Free of dehydration. Free of poverty. Free of wars. Free of earthquakes. Free of tornados. Free of hurricanes.

Free of global warming. Free of sea creatures ill. Caused by the pollutions. Poured. Into their watery home. Free of genocide. Free from losses of unique species. Free of having to cut down oxygen generating rain forests. Free from the need. To extract massive amounts of material. From within the Earth’s internal structure. Free of torture. Free of imprisonment. Free of coercion. Free of subversion. Free of electric shock therapy. Free of mental institutions. Free of deliberate. So-called labotomys. Of the brain. With an ice pick. Free of throw away plastic fantastic products. Lasting only five minutes. Only to be dumped. Free you to rejuvenate your environment. Free you from driving creatures. And animals from their homes. Free you from slaughtering animals. Caging them. Or confining them. Free you from the killing of whales. Free of bullying. Free of the need. To hound with cameras. Free of false. And sensational driven news reports. Free of critics. Free of judging. Free of stand-over tactics. Free of endless self-interests. At the expense of others. Free. Of invasions of privacy. Free of interrogation. Free of subjugation. Free of feuding. Free of dependance on oil. Coal. And nuclear power. Free of revenge. free of grudges. Free of the class system. Free of status seeking. Free of moral high ground. Free. Of covert operations. Free of assassinations. Free of therapy. Free of false diagnosis. Free of failures. To provide. Basic human rights. Free of the need. For drugs. Free of the surgeons knives. Free of endless rules. Free of regulations.

Free of red-tape. Free of government bungling. Free of paradoxes. And the list of what you WILL BE free of. Goes on…!

Now. In your many languages. Words. And their definitions. Are the product. Of both the incorrect negative electric configuration. Of God data. Being the God Failsafe God Code. The words. Regardless. Of whether formed. As a result. Of the actions. In your mind. Of God's C sharp. Or the enemy of humanity E tone signal. It's hard. To explain. So just try. To follow. My explanation. Here.

Whatever the first word. Is by sound. As made up. Of its letters. In whatever order. God will give you another word. In transposition. To reveal. The second rhyming as if. Word. He has used. To use. To tell the truth. About the use. And incorrect penetration. Of the E given word. In the language.

When I was doing. My research. To gather in. The hidden story. He. Was trying. To reveal. To me. Through books. Magazines. Newspapers. TV shows. And movies. I was able. To rhyme any word. At all. Except for the odd word coming along. Which did not rhyme. But had another purpose. In the grand design. Of C sharp. He. Was providing. I will now explain. The same using a different approach. Two different words. Yet almost two identical sounds. Where each word. Has its particular sound as it applies. Represents. And reinforces. The reality perpetrated. And manipulated. By the influence. And presence. Of. The unwelcome chaotic.

Complex negative electric form. Of data. A manipulation. Of your. Information in communication with you. Not. Of benefit. To you. Or to your true reality. However. God has laid himself. Into your languages. To enable you. To now. Compare the two. And see through. To him. To pave. Your way back.

To yourselves. As he observes. And recovers himself.

Through you all. And in so doing. Supply you. With. The body. Of knowledge. You require. To restore IT (the I is for human and the T is for pure TIME). To perfection. To the correct strength. Of his gravity. Of his water. Of his oxygen. And so on. As described earlier. God is space-time. The time element. An expression. Of God.

Time is not an expression. As of a clock. Or duration. But rather. Of movement. Of location.

Time (God). Is both. The builder. The built. And the provision. The potential. The architect. As both composer. And conductor. And as apprentice. Learning from himself. As he witnesses himself. In his creations. His feats. Of engineering daring. Without hitting the ceiling. For God. Is infinite. In all directions. Of himself. In all forms. And functions. Of himself. There is no zero. There is no termination. Only layers.

Upon layers. Of depths. Of its endlessly unfolding. Expressions. Of God. Through himself. As the arc.

The curve. The circle. And the sphere. Of spherical. And elliptical. Of the egg. And. Of the sphere. Of the Mobius near. God's energy (consciousness) = Phi x Pi x C (186,000 mile a second being light speed) x 3 (cubed meaning multiplied three times). Being the mathematical expression. Giving both witness. And intrigue. To the real God capability. In a human sense given as. Something. Of substance compared. To the speed. Of God's data. Reality. Sowing. (sewing). Forming. Which is instantaneous.

All languages. Except. English. And. French. Formed. The product. Of the current incorrect. Negative electric configuration. And running alongside inter-weaved. Dispersed. Are those C sharp words God has laid-in. Two separate sets.

Of sound. Two separate expressions.

A manipulation. Of God's WATER OF LIFE. Not. Of benefit. To you. Or to God. Yet both these two only languages have been formed. Created. By God. Through you. To enable you.

To now compare the two. And see through to God. To welcome Utopia back. Where it belongs. As one with itself. As itself. Not of itself. As. Something unwanted. And undesirable.

It is space-time. Again. The time element. Or expression of it. Is not an expression. As of a clock. Or duration. But rather. Of movement. And location. The walls. Creating the room. Of space-time. Holding within them. Through their containment. Through their form. And function.

Both the quantum mechanical. And the classical mechanical states. Of physics. Required. To form. And provide.

The necessary quantum mechanical. And classical mechanical states. Combined. To. Provide the room. Both the prerequisite. Form. And functions. Of the room. And the contents. Both in it. And which also. Form. The room. Are provided. By the. Glue. All being. God's data flow.

What I believe is another answer. Is. A diode implant system. Set. In the correct place. Inside the spinal nerve bundle. At the base. Of the brain. Just. As is shown. By the in- feed connection. In the back. Of the neck. In the Matrix movie experience. To be only. The flow. Of C sharp. And prevent the flow. Of the dangerous. Radiation. Of the E sound. Too sharp. For you. Energy. In your. Human system. To form. God's Perfect Medical Matrix.

The next step. For me later today. Is to establish. The line. Of questions. I will ask. In regards. To where. It would be implanted exactly. To heal the world. And you on it. By neutralizing these E aerial's. Or by preventing their power. To affect you in an individual application way instead.

With my artist's eyes. For detail. In a visual image. I can tell you. In the picture made. Of millions. Of iron filings. Surrounding. A bar magnet. The energy moving outwards. Is always. The C sharp positive. You can tell. Of magnetism. So depicted. Is in fact. A circling. Of C sharp. Generated energy. But it is the E signal. And its negative charge. Inflowing only. Stream. Of. Negative magnetism. Called electricity. Flowing around you. Inside your body. And minds.

Energy communications. System. If you work it out. For yourself. By looking. At the iron filings. In the middle. Of the design.

You will see. The presence. Of the inflow. Of the. Middle C radio. Sound waveform. As the fullness. Of infinite. Magnetism. Supply. Hidden. F flat masked. Purple. Violet. Gamma. To. Alfven waveforms. Feeding this event. Maxwell. Who created twenty beautiful quatern math equations. For magnetism. Suspected correctly. The flow. Of energy.

Of magnetism. Was an infinite supply. He was right. But a man called Hertz (hurts of F flat). Came along. And. Ignored Maxwell's insight. And Hertz. Reduced Maxwell's 20 equations. To four. Of a lesser power. Not showing. The truth. About the Earth's. About space-times. Normal. Natural C sharp. Magnetic power supply.

Yesterday. I did a Google. Search. For. The human. Nervous system. Immediately finding. An enlarged. Clear drawing. In color. Of the bundle. Of axons. This morning. When driving at work. I noticed a sign. On the side. Of a building.

With the single word. Axion. On it. Most of you. Would. Call this. Just a. Coincidence. But in my life. It. Is. The way in which. God. Gives me. A proof. He is the only carrier.

Of these. Moments. Being TIME (God) run himself. As you. In space-time. Being his. Pure human ready data. All. Of the time. Guiding me.

As TIME. Traveling. From. The eternal now. Forwards in time. As a clock. Then it. The focus. Of your human mind. Circles back. To the next now. God uses this ability. Of TIME.

To manufacture. My experience. God. By way. Of TIME. Knows. Where everything. Every object. And piece. Of information. Is. In this world. And beyond.

In the beginning. Of my quest. To heal people. In a more inventive. Modern 22nd century way. It was each. And. Every inquiry. Of mine. Guiding my thoughts. And. Physical movements. During. My waking hours. And I would carry. My end. Of each days inquiry. Into my dream time. Always waking. With the novel. Inventive. Original idea. Being the solution. To the part. Or the whole. Of the problem. I was working on. I knew. Early on. In life. My thinking. Always. Came true. Without fail. This following through. Is guided. By God. Being my subconscious mind. When you have. A burning. Yearning. To solve a problem. The subconscious guides you. Through a massive range. Of the never-ending coincidences. God engineers through. The flow. Of thoughts.

Through us all. Under. The directives. Of God's Failsafe mode. Of operations. On God's behalf. On our behalf.

We. Are spirit-beings. Of C TIME data. Guided. By way. Of. God's. Many infinite. Variety. Of colors. Sounds. The by- product. Of his. Colors. Rearranging. Around you. In a physical. Guided way.

Just. As I excelled at sport. I excel. At the God given consciousness engineering.

Not long. After I had finished. My research. Into. The physical. Single cause. Of all. Our problems. I thought.

What I know now. As a body. Of knowledge. Is 100 years. And more. Beyond. The Standard Model. Of physics.

It is all about. Your belief systems. Your present 21st century reality. Is shaped. Into. What is. The mass mind. Of you.

I am sensitive. To the belief system. Of the E or C# you. I meet. Nothing much happens. Other than. I know. An inkling. Of what. Each person. Believes. Is important. To them. I have been aware. Of the state. Of the mass mind. For quite sometime. But there was a time. When. I had to rely on God.

Guided by TIME (God). Him having interceded. Every time.

I do not know. What happens. In my life. Next. But God does. Guiding. The very thinking. Of an open-minded person. It was TIME. As God. Together.

For instance. God knows the facts. About everything. He knows the truth. He knows the way. Of everything. And to everything.

What I am going. To tell you now. Is the way. It has been. For me. Since 1995. When I did my first freezing. Of water. Into a hilly. Sloping landscape. It is impossible. For me.

To state a fact. I know. When I have not proved. To the point. I deem. As a proof. Of whatever. I never assume.

Anything. I find out. But it is how I find out. To floor you. I get proof. Of anything. By way. Of each. Occurring secondary. Input. Into my God guided mind. By way.

Of coincidence. Best called. Synchronicity. The greatest gift. I have. Is God's control. Of. The entire flow. Of consciousness. In his Failsafe Engineering. Of all data. Being all information in communication. Language. So set now. And in God's flux of them. English. And. French. Around me. And. Around you all.

If you will allow God to show you words. As tones. Of visuals.

Of sounds. Becoming. The focus of your minds contemplation. Of your questions. Of your prayers.

God's. Doctor's prescription. To increase. The positive C sharp radio station music nature. Of you. Is. By way. Of the. Family board game. I made. Called SANGREAL (Holy Grail [never fail]). Made in 1989/90.

It all started. With me. Becoming. A solo father. To my two daughters. Who were still. In nappies. I knew I had time. To devote. To something. I hoped. Would. Turn out. To be. Of benefit. To all humankind. I had tested the water. I Knew. If I became willing. To hatch an idea. For some kind. Of an original invention. I would have the time. To work on it. Every day. Until it was finished. I am. Also. Introducing you to. THE KNOWING. It. Is always right. Without ever. A single failure. How it works for me. Is this. But you must. Bear in mind. The kind. Of events. In thinking. Transpiring. In my life.

As a consciousness engineer. I deal in facts. Whatever form. The fact takes. Each fact. Is not verified. As. To be a fact.

Until it begins. As a new inquiry. After this inquiry begins. And outside. Of my mind. Similarity. Steps. Into.

My mental picture. What I am teaching you here. Is. The greatest gift. You can have.

Iwill continue. By going back. In time myself. Which is something. I do not like doing. Because. The past. Is the unwanted E thoughts. Of the left hemisphere. I shun. Like an illness. I have had. More than one idea. For a better.

Non surgical way. To heal. Each other. Of a serious. Or indeed. Any annoying illness. Each always revolves. Around changing. The nature. Of. The state. Of energy. Flowing. Through. The human body. The following. Is not a fact. In full. Normal sense. Of the word. Quite often. I know. All the mental roads I travel. Are heading. To a way. Of healing. Ourselves.

I know. The blood stream. Is. The carrier. Of all the information. Going. To each. And every cell. In the body. And. The brain. Consciousness engineering. Taught. As The Knowing. Is all about. The common denominator. The path. To establishing. Each common denominator. Is as follows. First. Treat the mind. As an empty space. Filled by one single sentence. Like thought. Flowing. In order. From the one thought. On your mind. At any given. New now moment. Followed. By. The next newer thought. In order. Popping in. You see. You have E. Lost. The ability. To trust.

In your thinking. The art form. Of data flow engineering. Is such. If you begin. With a notion. In the middle. Of your.

Minds ocean. You will see your way. To a fact. It is a. Truthful notion. As a sentence. In your mind. Having arrived however. But always. Using this same.

Self analysis. To realize. Your thinking. Your mind sentences. Are perfect. For the inquiry. You have entered. Into.

I will now use. My most recent. Inquiry. To serve. As an example. Of how data mining engineering goes. My notes. Bear witness. Always. To a way. To stop. The unwanted negative magnetism. Flowing through the world. Flowing through. The body. Your human form. Is filled.

With two separate. Types. Of magnetic. Signature. There is the negative. Inwards flowing. Magnetism. Of E (electricity). And there is. The outwards flowing. Positive magnetism (God). Of C sharp. If you. Or I. Come up. With a way. To release the body. And brain cells. From having. Both. The two different. Magnetic. Signatures. Flowing. As two. Completely separate message systems. You will have found. A way. To make everyone live on. To the kind. Of age. Spoken of. In the book. Of different story's. Called. The Old Testament Bible.

Right. To my most recent inquiry. A diode. Made. To be implanted. Into the human body. In the middle. Of the incorrect. For you. Dual flow. Of information. Flowing.
