1. Participants have no police powers.
2. Participants will always obey laws.
3. Participants will OBSERVE and REPORT suspicious behavior. This is a nonconfrontational program.
4. Participants will call first and attack small fires immediately after pin-pointing locations to authorities.
5. Participants will not try to extinguish large fires or block access.
1. Do’s and Don’ts
2. When to call 911 vs. when to call non-emergency dispatch
3. What constitutes suspicious circumstances
4. Contact Phone numbers & Emails
5. Fire fighting techniques for small brush fires
6. When to back off and get out
1. How to quickly notice vehicle descriptions, license plates, and suspect descriptions.
2. Show a video from dispatch that discusses the procedure for calling dispatch.
3. Importance of program during dry years.
4. Show videos on camp fires and brush fires.
5. Explanation of lightening started fires
6. Discuss how to protect a crime scene.
7. Optional Truck Mounted Spray Rigs.
8. How to recruit new members to the Arson Mobile Watch Program