Inner Conversations Stories about Life by Iris - HTML preview

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More Inner Conversations

Truth to be told, I hardly remember what I read, and I

don't remember what I wrote. I am pretty sure I must

be repeatedly reading and writing the same thing over

and over again. I am repeatedly talking about same

thing and doing the same thing. So, the question is

what do I want to do repeatedly? 

The best action may not be correct action.


As I grew older, I realized that I cannot make someone

care. And sometimes, I just have to let it be. 

Evil will be evil when people deem it as evil. 

There are some people that dream. And there are some

people that sell their own dreams to make you dream.


Adult Me: This book was written for teenagers. No

wonder, I was only attracted to it when I was a


My Adult Mind: Hmmm, isn’t there a teen in all of us?


My paintings run wild as foes but come together as

friends. At the end of the day, they are just paint.


Just because you won, doesn’t mean you are right.

Just because you won, doesn’t mean you have all the


Perhaps it is not about winning or about being right.

It is about helping people to fulfill something.


I might be wrong.

I might not win.

But at least we have got one another.


The idea that each person is special, and each person’s

needs need to be individualized generate more wealth

for a business.


Social media is a tool to individualize a person.

The more you focus on yourself by caring about

yourself through sharing with the community, the more

you are telling everyone to focus on themselves and the

more you are individualizing needs and desires.

Each person will have no choice but to find their own

solution. No solution can be shared. Every product can

be individualized.


My words could be incorrect because my true intention

was never meant to be correct.

My intentions were not to invite mindless criticism but

to imprint a questioning mindset.


How can change be special when change is constant?


To appreciate oneself, one has to embrace



To accept common sense through free will is far more

welcoming than accepting common sense through

assumption and dictatorship. The wicked creates

ridiculousness to sway the minds of the unaware to not

think but to accept common sense as the only choice.


Pretty soon the unreliable becomes the untrustworthy.

Soon, the untrustworthy becomes unworthy.


Anything can be taught, but what can be learnt? 

We are slaves to our existence and to our hearts. 


The self is a sensible illusion.

Things are perceived by my senses and deciphered by

my knowledge. My knowledge is predetermined by the

society. Money and wealth may mean nothing to my

senses but mean something to society. Unfortunately, I

do not exist without the society. 


Being less evil doesn't give the right for a person to

choose to be evil. The choice of going with the lesser

evil option occurs when one has limited resources. 

We absorb the untruth just like how we absorb the

truth. The question is not what is the truth but who has

been dictating the truth and the untruth and who has

been removing the truth from the salient pile of truth?

And why would that be going on? 

Full stupidity comes to everyone at some point. In a

particular context, one is capable of being more than

average stupid. 

We are all connected to each other through the

language of art.


Art can be spoken words or paintings or musical pieces.

Art can even be silence or space.


We share the same understanding for we share the

same universe and have similar desires.

We are born to maintain the cycle of human

connections, the flow of ideas, and the continuous path

of teaching, learning, and growing.


It is not about finding the right person. It is about

finding a suitable person to build the right mindset

together in an adaptive environment. 

Pictures are a form of space.

Nothing is really fixed. A structure is a sequence of a

pictorial event.

Can this be beauty? Can this be meaningful?

What is beauty? What is meaningful?

What is beautiful then may not be beautiful now.

What is meaningful now may not be meaningful then.

Emotions and definitions are defined in the moment

and last for the moment.

So is truth. Truth changes. Facts don’t.


Everyone is an imitation of everyone. 

When I am painting nature, I am discovering nature. 

A leaf from a plant is an expression of survival.

Horror is a character in my life.  

Happiness is another character.

Horror and happiness are characters.


We are broken. We need fixing.

Fixing and fixing.

After fixing, we are still broken.

Why bother? Let’s stop doing anything.

Not doing anything is doing something.

Fixing is the act of fixing.

Doing something is the act of doing something.

Why are we bothered that we are broken?

Emotions are emotions and shall not be actions.

We are all meant to be broken.


Everything is a beginning of something. 

If you don't have an audience you don't have art...isn’t

that sad? What if life is art? 

Before I write out my words, I shall act out my words.


Every job is the same.

You will soon realize every life is the same. 

As I grew wiser, I realized that I could invent

definitions of words instead of taking them as they



How do you know that that is love? It is when you feel

sadness. It is not because of pain, sickness or

unfulfilled expectations or death. You are sad because

you can feel how alone this person is in this world. And

you accept the sadness because you have faith that this

person will embrace loneliness with aloneness. 

There are different types of writers for different types

of audiences. All writers ultimately are their own


Horse 1: You are missing your legs. 

Horse 2: Oh, I left them behind

Horse 1: You what?

Horse 2: If humans can walk on two, why not me? We

are not inferior to humans.

Horse 1: Aren’t humans animals too?


Social media has made everyone a content absorber

and a content creator. You can't have one without the



When will accidents be happy accidents?


Resilience of humans against nature or

resilience of humans and nature? 


I am a child. 

A child of faith.

A child of foolishness.

A child of foolish faith. 

Abstract shapes project similarities onto other shapes.

They are abstract in shapes but aren’t abstract in


There is endless love out there, but there is only one


Struggle through unison

Disrupt the existence

Flow through tension 

Calm the resistance


Living is the act of painting a continuous flow of

experiences through a series of moments.

It is not about succeeding all the time. It is about

knowing when to success. 

I kept asking the stars to shine on me, I forgot about

the sun. 


Forward to achieve

Fight to believe

Retreat to rethink

Repeat to relive


Evil doesn't come from the failure to think but the

failure to think differently.


Stay not because there is nowhere else to go but

because here is where you want to make it work. 


If we keep dragging ideas into the present, we may

forget their origins and their relevance to a generic



Just because you choose to watch this show, doesn't

mean that you are the audience. 

Through the eyes of a flower, I see a galaxy of stars.

Paying attention to something doesn't mean you choose

to ignore something else. All it means is that you

choose to be unaware of something else. 


Water flows in us and is among us.

Stop misjudging anger. It was invented for a purpose

after all.

Aren’t we all bound by the same water and air flowing

in our veins?

Rain puddles connects and flows into oceans.

Oxygen bounces from forests onto islands.

We drink from the same pool of knowledge.

We breathe from the same air of assumptions.

We think and move much alike.

We are connected via our veins.


The stars are dark. Everything is dark. It is light that

allows us to see.


In the land of darkness, light is demanded. Everyone

wants light but who shall treasure darkness? I choose

to be with darkness, the land is dark. In the land of

darkness, I am the beacon of light that lights up the

path for myself and for others. 

A person who says something doesn't mean that the

person is the originator of content. The person may just

be a communicating device. 


Facts can be lies. It is up to you to decide. 


There is some non-fiction in fiction. Similarly, there is a

fiction in nonfiction.


It is ok that at times we don’t really know why we do

what we do.


When I daydream, I forget myself. I dipped my toes

into a whirlwind of chances and traveled side by side

with my imagination. I daydream so as to change the

reality into my reality. Eventually, I stop and put my

foot down because life is a dream but is not a


An idea can be a generalization. Generalization is a way

of thinking.


Sometimes, as adults, we have to seek the inner child in

us. Because every one of us was and is a child.


Moving on doesn’t mean moving forward.


Do we always have to keep moving forward in life?

What is wrong with staying still?


It is not about how to calm the soul. It is about how to

feed the soul with stillness.


One doesn't have to accept the intermittency of life.

One just has to be aware.


The world has infinite possibilities for the world is

constantly changing.

Just imagine. Imagine your own world.


I kept writing and writing.

I kept painting and painting.

I kept living my life.

And I forgot about myself.

I forgot about me. 

I am not life.

I am me.

Life is part of me.


Caring for oneself is the first step towards caring for

everyone else because everyone includes you and


You need to have uncertainty to have hope.


Who would have taken the time to listen to the sound

of the roots of the trees and plants when everyone is so

easily distracted by fruits and flowers? 

Maybe the question is not how to live but how to be


The God did not write those religious books. The

humans did. 

A stain is a perfection quenching for a different kind of

attention. Would it be a playful attention or a mindful

attention or just frustration? 

Just because you are honest doesn't mean you are

sharing the truth.

Laughter can be shared but sadness is personal. 

Feelings are natural reactions. Expressions of feelings

are choices made. Feelings are freed. Expressions are

chances to contemplate and manipulate. 

Everything is a messy mixture of something. 


We frequently use hope and faith to redefine the

present. Instead of seeing the present as a chance to

acknowledge self-reality, we deem present as a moment

to compare realities and dream about our future.

Life is not just asking you to suffer but is also asking

others to suffer too. Life is not asking for anyone to

sustain life through suffering. Life is also not asking

anyone to live life by fighting against suffering. Life is

asking one to let life unfold itself. 

Communication is possible without awareness and


Something: “How can one be nothing?”

Nothing: “Nothing is something.” 

The conscious mind assumes. The unconscious mind

doesn't share. Yet, the conscious mind insists this is

what the unconscious mind thinks. 

You are what you judged. 

Everything is both subjective and objective. 

I spent so much time reading the sentences. I forgot to

read the book. 


I have been doing it all wrong. Instead of doing what I

am good at, I should be doing what makes me at peace. 

I have no religion but if I must choose one it will be the

universe's religion. 

My favorite color was already determined before I

could even pronounce the word blue. 

We are all meant to be volunteers not heroes.

A person’s character doesn’t determine their intention.

Yet, intention does not determine outcomes.

Soon, we ran out of tools. Perhaps, it is time to retool

the tools. 

Need a flame to create a flame.

Need knowledge to create knowledge.


All fights accept a certain level of misery.

All peace accepts a certain level of misery.

The question is what kind of misery are you willing to


In my life, I seek regularities among imperfections.


Love is easy. Trust is easy. Faith is hard.


Misery is simultaneously the beginning of a fight and

the beginning of an acceptance.


I kept thinking about the stars above and flowers down

below. I forgot about the sky.


We don't know what we want but we want everything.


The torn pieces of life are broken pieces.

A broken piece could be a right piece.


I am a vessel of mismatched pieces of life.


Pat: Persistence supersedes talent.

Kelly: It is the persistence of right actions.

Ashley: Actually, it is the persistence of right actions

during the right moment.


The decay of my life is constant. Death is not. 

Every reader seeks to gain knowledge. When will the

reader seek knowledge to create wisdom?


Is not that you cannot see is that you choose not to see.


The capitalist molds desires into needs, and molds

needs into limited choices.


Whenever, I look at the sky, I feel truly happy to be part

of this beautiful universe. Yet, strangely, I feel

somewhat distant. I soon realize what lies between the

sky and I is uninterrupted clean space.


The space between the two lines is clean yet inviting.


Love imbalances the universe because it forces

certainty into an ever-changing world.


We should be aware of our limitations, but they

shouldn't become our restrictions.


Artists create a platform where the “knowing” and

“being” intertwines. 

Color the cracks in your life.

Be proud of them. Stand them tall.


I constantly use the negative spaces in my life to create

positive ideas and translate these ideas onto other
