Inner Conversations Stories about Life by Iris - HTML preview

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Inner Conversations

Why ask for change when you can change it yourself?

What are inner silence and inner sound? What are

outer silence and outer sound? How do we travel from

sound to silence, and silence to sound? 

You may be sure about impulses and desires but how

sure are you about the purposes of your desires? 

An experience of something is not fixed. The memory

of an experience is not fixed. And so I humor my mind

and my body with imagination.


No matter how hard I close my eyes I will still

remember the anger and pain. The only way is to move

on. You are never guaranteed peace, recovery, revenge,

forgiveness but you are guaranteed a chance to move


It is not that we can do whatever we want. It is that we

can choose to do whatever we want. We have the

freedom to choose but not the freedom of having

whatever we chose.

You can get what you want but to get what you want

you may have to do what you don't what. 


What is real is the combination of truth and myth. 

The TV is not battling for your attention. It is battling

for retention. 

When one encounters a fallacy, one should question

why the fallacy was present among the facts and how

did such fallacy blindside the person who had such

ability to ascertain facts. Don’t just focus not on the

error but the whole context- error, fact, uncertainty,

opinion, limitation, creator and audience. 

It is the space between boundaries that creates hope.

Instead of considering experiences as fixed forms, we

should see them as forms of processes. If we consider

an experience as a form of process, we can see how

interesting and impactful an experience can be.


It is the small joys in life that bring me happiness. 

When I paint, I let the colors pull me into the painting.

I let the colors flow but at some point, I stop them. It is

like dreaming and then waking up. Dreaming is

allowing the colors to bring me to places that I have not

been to. Waking up is when I imprint my familiar self

on those places. 


Overdoing is trying too hard.

Education is not fixed because language is always


Most people see a deadline as a date that they have to

complete something. A date that is fixed.

They focus on production.

I see a deadline as the beginning of the next phase.

A date that can be flexible when needed.

I focus on process.


My work is a mess. But it is through you that my work

becomes a meaningful mess. 

We might be makers, but we are definitely viewers.


Shocking v. Beautifully shocking

A different way of depicting memories


Art doesn’t ask for reaction.                                             

Art asks for silence when given attention.         

Attention is not begged.                                  

Attention is co-created.


We sort of take for granted the people that grow and

pack our food.


There is a difference between learning and

understanding. As we learn, we change our

understanding. As we change our understanding, we

change our methods of learning. 

Stop asking me to define my art. I can't define

something that is constantly changing based on

personal comprehension and enlightenment. Art

speaks but doesn't demand comprehension without



When I saw the article titled “Thoughts about Life”, I

am excited because it has nothing to do with my life.


First, I painted. Then, I defined.

It spoke. I replied.

Soon, I stopped.

For the cutting has begun.

From raw to tender.

From pure to matured.

It is completed.

Then, shhh.

Be quiet. Be still.

This can't be spoken or shared.


The more I paint, the more I drift away from



To handle infinite, one has to make it finite.

Can you translate the painting into words?

Of course. Painting is a form of words.


I am a slave to my reasons. Nature defeats reasoning. 

My name is a form of a beautiful limitation in this


Comparison and companionship run together. 

Someone has to be non-fiction for you to be fiction.

Fixity of techniques. 

Fixity of ooh lah lah.

Fixity of familiarity.

Fixity is a rubble of coward continuity for the common.

A rubble that abuses the true name of survival and

forces the maintenance of change.

For change to occur, fixity must happen.

It will happen latent and temporarily.

But never forced and constant.


All earth is shared earth. All universe is shared



Great power doesn't exist in one person or in the hands

of a privileged group of people.

Power exists in the markets.

Power exists because of hopes to fulfill desires.

Great minds are minds that bring great hearts


Great minds with great hearts don't create power.     

They create peace.

It is peace that makes us strong.


My book is a place for us to inhabit our dreams.


People don’t change, systems do. 

Eventually birthdays will makes us scare of time. 

We can have a purposeful job, a purposeful role, a

purposeful hobby, but we cannot say that our lives exist

for those purposes. We exist not for something and not

for oneself. We exist to exist.


When you experience the fulfillment of desire, it only

happens in a moment. 

Education molds your desires. Education teaches you

how to responsibly feed these desires.


An action is a commitment to something that you are

responsible for. This action is a reflection of your

limited capability in finding all possible ways of doing


People tend to forget that "stop and don't do anything"

is one of the ways of doing something.


Truth is never yours to begin with. So, stop giving up

what you have for what you will never have.


I am you.

Believe me, I am you.

Evil. And sweet.

Clean. Yet, secretly dirty.

Naked. But clothed.

Visible. And intangible. 

I know. So do you.

We know.

Bind together. Blind together. 

Luck is a tough game to play.


In his world he is a liar.

That's is why in my world he is a liar too.

I can’t change his world. But I can change mine.


Pride is important. It is so important that you should

not let anyone else define it. But if you hold onto it too

tightly, it becomes a leverage.


Pride and ignorance don't go well together. At some

point, pride becomes arrogance.


Most people choose to deny their destiny or fight

against destiny. Believe in destiny. Don’t conquer

destiny. Conquer yourself. 

Would you want a variety of options or do you want the

perfect option?

There is no perfect option. Only the best option. You

need to encounter a variety to know what is best for


I may not be great at writing stories, but I know that I

can write interesting sentences that will encourage

someone else to write great stories. 


When to stay and when to leave is something we will



Love is deemed to be free.


Don't be used by the system. Don't fight the system.

Use the system.


The sun begins here and ends there.

Something happens in between and we will never



As humans, we constantly demand to be understood.

Unlike humans, Nature doesn’t demand us to


Nature occurs. Nature happens.

Beauty is lost in the mystery.


Sam: Life is trying really hard to throw you off the

straight path that you are struggling to stay on.

Paul: Life is not straight or curved. Life happens in the

moment. Your path is straight if you see it as so.

So, you want people to do the right thing? 

Well, offer something free.

Free health check. Free drug test.

Yet again, it is really free?


I am wary of people who develop a routine, adopt it as a

system and went on to push it as a standard.


What is the point of saying that life is unfair when life

is unfair to everyone. It is not the assurance of fairness.

It is to know when to assert fairness in the midst of



Religion never asked to be accepted, it asks to be

misunderstood. It is through the misunderstanding

that one appreciates something far more worthy than

religion itself.


Life has its own emotions that one's mind shall never



If I treat you differently, you cry unfairness. Yet

fairness requires me to see every one differently from

every one. You don't want to be like everyone. What

you want is to be like someone. You want to be treated

the way how one will treat that special person. The

truth is you give too much credit to that person. So

much so you have forgotten yourself. You are not better

or worse. You are just you.


The fat kid doesn't want candies.

He wants appreciation through candies.


Who do you want to be? The buyer or the consumer?


I tend to reveal the dark side of people.  People who

listen to me do so because they think it brings the good

out from them.


We are constantly fueling the past. What I am doing

right now is fueling the past. There is no way out from

the past. Accept this and move on.


The hierarchy of needs is not a pyramid. All needs are

side to side.


Change what can be changed and adapt to what cannot

be changed. Adapt is not changing oneself. You are not

losing yourself by adapting. 


Always offer someone a good option and a better

option, hence giving that person a chance to either pick

the better option or to think of an even better option.

Don't offer the best option. Give the decision maker a

chance to create the best option.


Becoming is not replacing.


I keep doing the same action over and over again, I

forget how to appreciate the action.

I keep focusing on doing, I forget the improvement of

the action.


Systems, laws, education are habits.


Some people don't know how to love themselves so

they end up loving God. The term "God" is subjective.

People can be complicated yet not difficult.


It’s alright when trust is lost.

The problem is when faith is lost as well. 

Reimagine an imagined work.

Create space within a created space.

Rewrite stories out of written stories.


To pay you less, I will shower you with care and praise.

To pay you less, I will introduce you to exclusive

knowledge and networks. To pay you less, I will

automate your work hence making your work easier.

Compensation comes in different forms.


What is uncertain need not be certain.        

Frustration is what one has to manage not uncertainty.


It doesn’t matter whether am I blind or not, I choose

what I want to see.


We share the same sun. We share the sun with animals,

plants, and the stars.


We are all in a pool of natural ignorance.


The meaning of life is that there is no meaning. Life can

have a purpose, but life cannot be defined.


In order to sustain the balance of the society,

sometimes we have to tolerate the unjustified actions

instead of destroying them.


It is the assume of the assumption of faith that makes

one willingly to withstand risks.


There is a difference between hope and expectation.


What is personal is not necessarily unfree and



To change doesn’t guarantee a change for the good. It

only guarantees a hope in trying. It is a justification for

an action. But not a confirmation in desired


Even when one has nothing, one must have the heart to

spare a moment to care. It is when one cares, one can

then achieve more than any job, money or education

can attain. 

I don’t think I need to know if I have already known.

Energy is what is needed by the body. 

Love is what is needed by the heart.

Folly is what is needed by the soul. 

A solid block of color welcomes simplicity. 

Whatever I see is messed up by sunlight.

Would you rather be wrong or be uncertain?

Everybody can read, but who can truly understand?

One can understand but can one see beyond those



The writer coins languages.

The artist shapes mindsets.

The killer kills.

The victim dies.

Every human learns

Every human thinks.

Every human repeats.

Every human coins languages, shapes mindsets, kills

something and dies.

Every human is every human. 

 If you keep focusing on something, this thing could be

used against you.


Words give existence to nonexistence.

It saddens me that we can never fully understand

nature because nature has a different language.

Ironically, I am part of nature. The moment I see

myself as part of nature I begin to comprehend that

just like plants I am never meant to fully understand

nature. A flower never asks to understand a human. 

Enlightenment is just a personal private conversation

with the universe.


Wisdom is what is needed by the mind.

What is an empty sound?

Unintentional evilness is generated from stupidity.

I kept stabbing and stabbing.

Hurting and hurting.

It just stood there and took it all.

Now, with gigantic hole, it is too late.

Too late to believe.

Too late to savage.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human

being" - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Animals are unaware of their weaknesses.

Humans are resourceful in denying their weaknesses. 

Gratefulness is more of a noun than a feeling.

Ungratefulness is more of a feeling than a noun.


Humans are as intangible as plants. 

Peace can be found in the joyfulness of sadness.


Me: Who are you?

Shadow: I am you.

Me: You are not me. You are the darkness cast off by

the light in the universe.

Shadow: Light hits on you to emit me. It is the light

that emits the darkness out of you. You are no glowing

torch. You are both bright and dark. Yet, you look down

on me and think that you are bright and different. Once

the light is gone, you will be darkness.


There are unlimited limitations of beauty in this world. 

Is not about accepting suffering it is about seeing

suffering as not suffering.

Some people mold opinions into facts. But what is far

more outrageous is to then mold them into laws. 


If my book was written as a form of science, it would

have been taken as it was. No wonder salespersons

shaped their products as products of science.


We are dreamers but we are also prisoners of our
