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The principle he used in sitting for ideas was simply to close his eyes, slow down his brainwaves, visualize the project completed and “ask” the universe

to solve the problem. Firm in the belief that the solution he sought would be his.

The interesting thing was that he intuitively knew that by closing his eyes, relaxing in his favorite chair, and visualizing an invention AS THOUGH

it had already been created, it would become a reality. He “saw” items that

had not been invented. He “saw” them as completed working models.

Remember his quote to a journalist who foolishly called him a genius,

congratulating him on his successes.

Edison said, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.

Edison’s technique is available to you now, to solve problems and to work

creatively. First, provide yourself with the goal and then, follow the four

steps outlined.

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The Ball Bearing Technique

What was especially fascinating was that Edison used to, during these

visualization/meditation sessions, hold in his hand two heavy large ball

bearings about the size of small golf balls.

Closing his eyes relaxed his body, but it did more than that, it slowed his


Edison was in “creative” alpha. Alpha is a name scientist’s use for a

brainwave that is slowed down, much as one’s brainwave slows down in the

approach to sleep.

If you’re unfamiliar with brainwaves let me tell you that you do not have to

understand them.

All you have to believe is that brainwave frequencies vary during our entire

lifetime on a second by second basis. As the brain slows down, the more

intellectually advanced it seems to become. In other words, the more it appears to be connected with the universe.

Alpha is natural, a slowed down state of brainwaves. Creative ideas are often generated when the brainwaves are slowed down and in “alpha”,

which may explain why many people have intuitive ideas when they wake in

the night, while having a bath, or when day dreaming on the beach, walking

in the park, or swimming, because, at that time their consciousness relaxes

and brainwaves slow down and the subconscious then works best.

Normal wide awake state is known as beta. The brain is operating at

maximum physical efficiency, but it is often not in creative acceptance

mode. You may work, play sports, or do almost any physical, eyes open

activity, in this beta state.

The next slower state is a brainwave that operates in a relaxed atmosphere.

Half awake, half asleep, like when watching television on a boring night, or

floating in a bath of warm water. You’ve let the tension go and your brain

has slowed down but you are not asleep. You are not wide awake either.

This is the receptive area. You can be in alpha for half an hour or you can be Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2010


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in alpha in just a second. When you close your eyes, even in a blink, your

mind takes a “breather” and slows down into alpha.

Alpha is an area where you can be very perceptive and receptive of

information. It is an area where “ideas” will come to you. It is an area where you can talk to the universe and have problems solved. In short, alpha is

creative. Full uses of alpha have yet to be realized, but more and more ways

of obtaining information at this level of mind are and will be discovered as

we become homo noeticus and move through the exciting 21st century.

Lower level theta is really slow brainwaves. You are asleep and not aware of

your surroundings, although, there are areas where theta and alpha merge;

where dreaming is common and which can be used creatively. Theta deep

sleep area is a healing level, a restoration level, where the body heals itself during your nightly rest.

Delta is a really slow brainwave. It is unknown if people in really deep sleep are in delta or theta. In a coma, certainly is delta and little in known of the benefits of this state. It may be a suspended “life” state, as people who

wake up after a 10 year coma appear to be the same age as before their

sleep. Yet, their life force seems to have moved along as such people,

returning from a coma of long duration, seldom live long afterwards.

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Edison’s Power

You have the power to use your own intuitive mind power in exactly the

same way of Edison.

Situation 1

You are playing football and the crowd is cheering, the ball is floating

towards you. Your concentration is absolutely intense. Your thoughts are so

focused consciously on what you are doing, nothing can distract you. There

is no way your brainwaves are relaxed. They are on a high frequency beta.

Situation 2

Let’s go to the opposite end of the scale. You are in a deep, deep sleep after working and playing hard all day. You are so deep you are almost in coma.

Your brainwaves are on a low, slow frequency, much lower than alpha. A

brainwave level the scientific boys call theta. Again, a natural level, just as natural as beta (wide awake) or alpha (slightly slowed down).

In theta you are unaware of anything on a conscious level and while little is known of this level, you are not in a creative or ESP acceptance level. It is almost certain that, at this level, your body is experiencing chemical

restoration of the physical; restoration after the day’s strenuous activities.

But it is so deep that it is generally accepted that you do not even dream at this level.

Situation 3

A bright sunny day! A good day to be alive! Aren’t they all? You are walking

down the beach. You feel a little tired so you sit under a shady palm tree.

The waves beating on the shore have a very soporific effect. You close your

eyes and totally relax.

You are in “non-creative” alpha. Day dreaming alpha! A very similar state to

dreaming while being awake, and an area of great creativity when you

master it. For non-creative alpha, as opposed to Edison’s creative alpha is a very intriguing state. It is then, when you let your thoughts “run wild” that Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2010


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you may achieve astonishing inspiration. A problem that has been puzzling

you may suddenly be solved in a “flash” of inspiration. Reason, you are

“alert” to ESP. You are relaxed. You are laid back. Your stresses and

tensions are taking a back seat and your brain is operating in alpha relaxed

and intuitively receptive.

Situation 4

You wake up after a long deep sleep. A clock radio woke you and a catchy

tune was playing. That tune goes through your head all day. You hum it in

the shower. Burst into song in your car. Tap your feet to it in the elevator.

Finally, you get so busy at work in the beta level that you unconsciously put the song aside.

The tune entered your mind while your brain was under the influence of

“slow” alpha brainwaves, and try as you might, the darned thing just went

around and around in your brain for hours, until it left of its own accord. Or you became so busy in beta that your alpha level stopped throwing the tune

at you.

This situation, the waking up in the morning situation, being half awake and

half asleep, is the situation Edison used deliberately.

You might wonder about Edison’s ball bearings?

They were to specifically stop him from falling asleep. He knew instinctively that by creative visualization in the alpha state with a slowed down brain,

he would receive inspiration.

If he fell asleep, his brain would be too slow and he would be wasting his

valuable alpha time. So, if he dropped the ball bearings, the loud click of the bearings as they fell from his fingers and rolled noisily across his wooden

floor would wake him. He would then pick them up and start again.

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Persistence is the Key to All Success

Never short of persistence, Mr. Edison! He is reputed to have completed up

to 10,000 experiments in his search to be the first man in the modern era to

create an electric light globe. He didn’t give up. He never gave up. I pass on the message of his persistence as it separates all in life whom are successful from all who are not. If you wish to use the technique in this manual to

improve your life or simply to make money, be persistent in the application

of the principles.

Practice and never give up.

I have studied brainwave technology for many years and have developed

just enough understanding of brainwaves and ESP to realize how little I

really know. We are fringe dwellers in the noetic age. But the storehouse of

all knowledge is releasing knowledge on a scale unprecedented, and the

more we reach into this storehouse, while in the alpha state, the more we

will learn.

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The Past, the Present, and the Future

Perhaps, you, in your alpha state will be the next person to receive new

knowledge from the universe.

Ever wondered why, electricity was never harnessed commercially until the

19th century?

Ever wondered why we accepted the sailing boat as the number one method

of sea transport for thousands of years?

Ever wondered why the internal combustion engine was never discovered

until the 18th century?

Ever wondered why washing machines were not invented until 1944?

Ever wondered why men wore beards for 10,000 years, because no one had

invented the safety razor?

Ever wondered why man moved out of the dark ages at all?

Well, one of the reasons is that, although all the products necessary to

make an internal combustion engine were always here, although the

elements needed to create commercial electricity were always here, no one

bothered to “ask” the universe for what it was that was needed to move on

in evolution. No one bothered to creatively visualize the “impossible”. No

one wanted to risk the derision that sometimes follows those who want to

think in a bigger box.

People laughed at Leonardo da Vinci, who created a model of a working

submarine and a helicopter 400 years ago.

Friends and family wanted to lock up Guglielmo Marconi, when he told them

he could send messages across the globe without the use of wires. They

thought he was crazy.

Nostradamus had to change all his saying into poems as he was in fear of

being accused of witchcraft.

Here’s the truth. The world was not ready for these products in days gone

by. Because too many feared the unknown! Because the boxes that we call

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“beliefs” were given to us from generation to generation as “truth”, not

given to us as “this is all we know so far”.

The evolution of humanity is now moving at such an astonishing speed that

100 years from now you and I will be looked on as primitives. Just as we

look back only 200 years and see our ancestors as people who lived by the

plough and communicated only by talking.

In the field of mental telepathy, the future is arriving now. You are a part of it.

For reasons unknown, my intuition has always been positive and worked for

me. It has never worked negatively or against me.

Your mind will warn you of danger and guide you into prosperity if you listen to it!

I have received warnings of dangers that are about to occur, before they occurred: and have received intuitive signs that, now is the time to act in an on going situation. You possess this power too.

Once when driving on a wet night on a two lane separated highway, a car

came towards me. Not only going the wrong way on a one way road, but

the driver was driving without lights and very fast. What made me pull

sharply over into the left hand edge just before this happened? It was pure

intuitive mind power.

Another occasion, while driving in the country, my wife passed me a

banana. I dropped it near the hand change gearbox. Rather than reached

for it, I stopped the car and picked it up. On re-starting, I drove round the corner and right in front of me was a 4 car pile up. This was in the country

near Mount Barker, in Western Australia. I had been traveling at 110

kilometers an hour before the banana incident. Nothing would have stopped

this being a 5 car accident, except for me stopping to pick up a dropped


Intuition: Coincidence: A warning: Or all three?

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Be Professional in All You Do

Some years ago I set

out to be a professional


Let me tell this in the

first person as it my own


Being a mathematician

at heart, I am quite successful at this, but eventually the “atmosphere” of

casinos and horse racing parlors (Tabs) lost their attraction for me. About

10 years ago I reverted to my previous passion for playing the share

market, especially the derivatives market and this passion has never left


I have my own piece of futures trading software now and am happy and

willing to help anyone interested in this type of money making venture to

get started. Email me at

The details below are a little of my past history.

The principles of success and intuitive mind powers remain unchanged.

I “play” the horses on one day a week on a Saturday. This then is a

business day for me, and my family leaves me undisturbed with my texts,

my computer programs, the Sportsman newspaper, and racing radio.

When I finally make a selection, I am very selective, usually only playing 3

or 4 horses per afternoon, and sometimes none. I have a little technique

that I find almost infallible.

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The Dice Effect

Firstly, I throw a dice at the start of the day. If I get a 4, 5 or a 6, I know I am going to have a good day. If I throw a 1, 2 or a 3, I know the day may

have its dangers. This dice throwing alone is not everything. It is just

something I do every morning, every day anyway, and my intuitive mind

power tells me whether the spin is a good or a bad omen. Sort of a personal

biorhythm, the control of which tells me I have a 50% chance of the result

being high and 50% of the result being low.

To prove to myself that my intuition is working 100% ok, I have “sat out”

(not bet) on a 6 day and looked at the money I would have won. I have

played (bet) on a 1 day and lost money. But when I bet on a 4, 5, or 6 day,

I inevitably win.

The principle is probably similar to using Tarot cards. What card is turned up is really of little importance. What is important is the “feeling” the

“intuitiveness” you get from the card, or in my case, the numbers I have


It is not the quality of the selections I bet on, they are very thoroughly

thought out. It is my intuition, my ESP working for me, as it is supposed to, that makes me the money.

We live in a world of pessimists and anything that can be done to give

controlled optimism is to be encouraged. I urge you to read all you can on

ESP and develop techniques that you like that will work for you. The more

you know, the further you will go.

We live in more than a physical world. We live in a neuron network of

physical/mental vibrations and when we tune in to these vibrations, life


Everything is a vibration, including you. The frequencies you “attune”

yourself to, will lead you on to fortune. But if you are now NOT where you

want to be, your past will show you that you have “attuned” yourself to

negative vibrations, of which there are more than plenty.

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My recommendation is not to try and let your day be guided by anything as

simple as the spin of a dice but to use other controlled intuitive techniques, of which controlled intuitive mind power is but the first.

Sometimes the vibrations I received from my dice toss time are so bad that

I know it is not a gambling day - Sort of like getting a triple negative

biorhythm. I “listen” to this sense of danger and for that day, I abandon any thoughts of using real money. I become a watcher. Understand this;

gambling is a business to me. I am not out for a thrill or to shout myself hoarse when some animal storms home. I am out plainly and simply to

combine science with intuition, and to make money over any reasonable

length of time. That does include some weeks when I do not listen to my


When I spin the dice, I use techniques I shall shortly introduce to you.

Closed eyes, deep breath, eyes upwards, and intuitive questions? Believe

the answer. Sometimes it comes in the dice, other times from my mental


Let me go into this just bit further.

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The Pendulum Effect

Ok. I have selected Sydney race 4, horse 4, Magic Sign.

On my desk, I have a round curtain rod ring, or it might have been be a key

ring. I don’t know. I’ve had it for years. Only the thread has changed.

Perfectly round, balanced, weighted without any bias. I don’t know what it

was originally. To this ring, I have attached about 20 centimeters of fine

cotton. I hold this cotton so that the ring settles down with no movement

and I “ask” the pendulum if my horse, Magic Sign, will win Sydney race 4. I

close my eyes and ask for guidance, playing the “I sense, I receive” game.

If the pendulum swings back and forward it is a “yes.” I place my bet. If the pendulum refuses to leave the vertical position, I do not bet. This is total

trust in my intuition. You see I “think” this technique works. Remember

Henry Ford.

Understand this is also the “Edison effect” in practice. I have done the steps that require work. The last question is the intuitive one, the one the

pendulum answers.

I have done the physical work required to find the winner. I have

researched the race and come up with a fit horse, who is in the betting

market at an attractive price and who has the correct class and weight

factors to win today. But the pendulum, controlled by universal intuitive

factors that I don’t pretend to understand, makes the final decision for me.

It is invariably correct. It works for me!

The physical pendulum is something intuitive that you must learn to trust,

and if you do trust it, it will always work for you. The hard part is to believe that your intuition is right and not placing the bet if you get the “no”


Like the “I sense” technique that I will introduce shortly, you may get the

feeling that you are making it up. That the pendulum swing is artificial, you might feel that you have done something physically to oscillate it. You

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haven’t! Your vibrations, your intuitive mind power connection has been

asked a question and has given you an answer.

Let Your Instinct Be Your Guide

If the question is about money, and if you value your money; and if you

truly are homo noeticus, the new age man, you’ll always trust your intuition

and let your instinct be your guide.

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The Casino Touch

I was in our local casino one day when I

developed the following technique quite


But first let me tell you: the technique was

already known to me as variance of universal

law. A law that could not be changed or


It was just that I had never considered using it

in a gambling situation. Now I asked myself, why not? But first, here’s an

example of how it worked for me in a business venture.

Business First

About 20 years ago I answered an advertisement from a “gold prospector”,

who was seeking money in deposits of $10,000 to continue his work.

I went to his office and he spun a good story about needing the money to

“prove up” a gold find near Kalgoorlie, which he had already discovered, and

then, when the “proving up” process was complete, forming a public

company. Those with $10,000 or more invested would become preference

shareholders in a new company.

He promised great wealth and told his story well, had a whopping gold

nugget on the table in front of him, which he said was genuine. (Try to keep

your eyes off that!). Also, he had an old newspaper article about himself,

claiming that old time prospectors like him, were able to find gold where

others could not.

A neat story of how share investors who wait for a public company shares to

be offered are too late to make the big profits available to early investors.

He also said that he had been “loaned” the office we were now sitting in, by

an old ex-bush friend of his who struck it rich a few years ago, and then put his money into commercial real estate, part of which was a few office

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blocks. That could explain why he had no phone or electronic equipment.

(Which he did not mention but which I noticed.)

While looking at the chart of the mining lease, I leaned forward, held my

hand as though I was holding two ball bearings, closed my eyes for a
