Inventing: A simple Guide for Beginners by Glen K. Dash - HTML preview

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China and India are currently two world leaders in manufacturing and export. Because of their cheap labor and cheap infrastructure, thousands of manufacturing companies from the developed world have built factories in these two countries to exploit cheap labor and cheap infrastructure. In this way they make large profits. If you have trusted friends in these countries they will be able to help you to get your inventions quickly into a manufacturing facility. The quickest way to make friends in these countries and form a network of friends is to visit each country and teach English if your first language is English. Or you can visit those countries for a vacation and find a way to make contacts with people, meaning to be bold and approach them.


When I visited Japan in the past, my Japanese friends introduced me to other people there and we exchanged contact information. I made other contacts on my own by visiting places, initiating conversations and getting contact information. Generally the Japanese people are glad to speak with foreigners because they want to practice speaking English with them. On most occasions they will not initiate conversations with foreigners because they do not fully understand the customs and cultures of them. Plus they want to avoid embarrassing a foreigner or being impolite. As a foreigner, you should initiate conversations. This was my strategy in Japan and I made numerous contacts there.


I visited China two times in the past. The average Chinese is naturally inquisitive and most of them what to talk to foreigners. The younger generations will initiate conversation with a foreigner, but do not wait for this to happen. You should be the one to initiate the conversation. Like the Japanese, the Chinese like to talk to foreigners to practice their English. If you have the right approach you will get their contact information during your first conversation with them.


In Japan your friends will be able to take you to see different manufacturing companies and businesses there. They will be able to make the connections directly to the managers there for you. They will also be able to arrange for you to visit these companies, speak with the managers who will gladly give you a tour of their facilities. If your idea, concept, invention, prototype or product is relevant to their industry, they will help you to develop, manufacture and market it. The Japanese have high work ethics, so you will not have to worry about being conned by them. Even if their factories are in other countries, they will still help you.


In China and India where business transactions are completely different from that of Japan, it will be necessary that you have patent pending or a patent for your idea, concept, invention, prototype or product. You will also need to fully understand their customs, practices and what they have in mind for any business transactions that you want to initiate with them. You can ask your attorney back in your country for advice if you do not understand something. If your trusted friends in China and India are attorneys, then they will be able to negotiate on your behalf. Like in Japan, your friends in these two countries will make the contact for you; take you to the company where you will be given a tour of their facilities.


By directly dealing with the manufacturing companies, you will be able to get you idea, concept, invention, prototype or product quickly to the market. These companies already have their supply chains around the world, so your products will quickly be brought to market.


In South Korea, your friends will also be able to take you to manufacturing companies and initiate meetings with their managers on your behalf.  The South Korean people have high work ethics like the Japanese. They will help you to get your invention to market once they see the financial potential of it.


You can begin to use my methods to accumulate a network of friends in Japan, China, South Korea and India who will be able to assist you with meeting the right people in those countries in the future. Or you can use your own methods to make friends in those countries. Be careful of making friends through social media, because there are many bogus accounts and profiles and you may be interacting with criminals from other countries without knowing. This can lead to future problems for you. When you make the right kinds of trusted friends in those countries, they will be able to help you when you visit their country in the future.