Inventing: A simple Guide for Beginners by Glen K. Dash - HTML preview

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I took up the challenge of inventing in 2012, so every time I got an idea I recorded it and if a diagram was required I made a detailed sketch of this diagram. Then I wrote a brief explanation of the idea and what it can do, what are the benefits and what problems it will solve. I was always on the look out for a new idea, a way to make a new product and a way to improve an existing product. I also looked out for something that will create a new market for consumers. I was always observing the products at the stores, the supermarkets, the tool stores and the retail outlets. While I was doing this I was also seeking ideas for businesses that are presently non existent. From then to now I have made sketches for more than two hundred ideas that can be made into products. These ideas can be considered as future inventions because they are about revolutionary new products, improvements to existing products and combinations of existing products into one final product. Every single one of these products will benefit the lives of people globally and I have done extensive research on the internet and in my country and have not seen any of my ideas around, even after five years. This means that all the good ideas have not been used up as yet. Imagine yourself in the early 1900s. The world view of the people back then was that there were no new discoveries to be made, no now ideas to explore and no new inventions to be made. Today the world would still be the same as the early 1900s if everyone embraced that philosophy and did nothing to improve the lives of people.


I have also made a list of more than fifty ideas for new businesses. Anyone can do this. It is simple. One needs to look at what is needed in the market, what can be improved in the market and what can be expanded in the market and then formulate a business plan. I will cover ideas to business in the next book.


Last year, I decided to turn some of my ideas into inventions, so I started to research online for ways to do this. I came across a wealth of information on the internet. There are some bogus websites and some crooked companies, so one has to be careful online. There are people and companies that will steal your ideas, mislead you and even start manufacturing your product without giving you one cent. After one year I have made only two submissions to reputable U.S. companies, because the vast array of information online was too overwhelming for me to digest in a few weeks or a few months. The entire process was new to me, so I had to slowly learn new concepts about the inventing and manufacturing industry. It is a totally new field for the newcomer and for the rookie inventor. It is like three entire reading courses at University: a course in Engineering, one course in Social Sciences and another course in Law. At the end of the online research one will grasp a better understanding of the invention process, the patenting process, the licensing process and the marketing process. If you are a working person, the online research and reading will take a lot of time and effort, so that after a few days the average person would completely give up on his idea. My advice to you is not to give up.


Because of this experience, I decided to make the steps easier for the average individual who is now learning about inventing and marketing. The new inventor, the enthusiastic individual, the busy individual, someone who has a great idea and the person who has the next disruptive idea, will benefit tremendously from this book.


I have simplified the process and explained the steps as basic as possible so that the target group would understand this field. I directed the readers to important websites that will be of interest to them. I also explained where they can get other resources online, such as online access to important information, online access to advisors and online access to cheap PDF e-books on inventing, patenting and getting a product licensed. For an individual who is now starting out on the process, he will come across an important website or important pieces of information months after he has started his research. These important pieces of information are discussed in this book. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR INVENTION.