Justin Spring on Noah's Ark, Atlantis, UfOs and Aliens along with Books Critical to Understanding any Alternative Theory by justin spring - HTML preview

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I haven't spoken about UFOs, that phenomena being, as I indicated earlier, most likely an entirely different matter despite the popular association of Alien abductions and UFOs.


Some are forms of raw, natural electrical energy (you'd be surprised about how little knowledge science has of these electrical forms, including lightning), and some but not all of the the pure lights (below, L) are psychic phenomena similar to the Alien Phenomena in that they are announcements /effects of a new consciousness. You sort them out anyway you want to.


Here is my incomplete thinking about these craft: they are either interstellar, which I see as possible but not very likely, or they are secret, very advanced, remote-controlled military craft that use propulsion and masking/guidance systems far in advance of what is currently publicly known.

Let me also say that although I am open to the origin of these craft being interstellar, the laws of physics as we know them, which are currently based on the speed of light being the highest speed possible, make such visitations highly unlikely, as the nearest star (Alpha Centauri) is 4.29 light years away and the nearest earth-like planet we know of is 50 light years away.

That is a huge distance, especially when modern physics tells us that nothing can travel at the speed of light. The speed of light is 299,792 kilometers per second and the fasted speed achieved yet by any satellite ( Helios 1) is 70 kilometers per second, you can do the math to see how impossibly long such a voyage might be with our current technology, i.e., it would take around 4300 years for a spacecraft to reach us travelling at 70 kilometers per second.

Yet it is entirely possible that such long voyages would be possible with a advanced technology that made speeds of 200 kilometers per second possible (or 2/3 the speed of light), so theoretically it is not out of the question. The real question though is this: what is the probability that such an advanced civilization in interstellar space would be capable of communicating with us, let alone visit us? It is extremely small, almost non-existent.

I am not arguing that life could not exist on such planets, as it is not only possible, but probable. What logic shows us, however, is the probability that a time window would exist here and also in some advanced civilization hundreds or thousands of light years away that would allow us to communicate back and forth (at close to light speed) is close to zero. Click here for a detailed site on how this extremely remote possibility is computed.


Let me state the problem as simply as I can: imagine earth is a huge merry go round and its horses are stages of all the civilizations that have existed, exist now, and will probably exist in the future, and imagine that the characteristics of the horses ( their lengths and color) approximate the time in hundreds of years that each civilization has existed, or will ( we think) exist in the future. Right now the Egyptian civilization from 3200 B.C. to 30 B.C. is the longest continuous civilization of which I am aware.

Modern civilizations are of shorter duration. The Roman empire only lasted 500 years. Our own technologically advanced western civilization began around 1600 (the time of Issac Newton, Leibniz, Galileo, et al) and is still growing strong as it passes its 400 year mark (2015 A.D.). Let's think of that technologically advanced civilization is represented by a red horse.

How much longer that civilization will exist before it self-destructs is open to question as it has developed weapons capable of destroying all life on earth. We could be generous and say that it will last 3000 years ( as long as ancient Egypt) before it goes up in smoke from warfare. (Or collision with a giant meteorite, who can say?) So our red horse would be 3000 years long.

Now let's posit that the same type of cycles most probably exist on our supposed Advanced Interstellar culture on its merry go round and that it's red horse which is also 3000 years long on its merry go round is attempting to contact our red horse (our technologically advanced civilization) just as our red horse is now attempting to do the same thing with our suggested interstellar advanced civilization using SETI.


In effect the two can only communicate if the two red horses momentarily line up, e.g., think of the timing being such that a rider on one red horse can reach out and touch a rider on the other red horse before they both slip out of reach of one another. Remember, there is no way of telling when that touching window will appear, or how long it will last. And also remember there is no telling when, if ever, they will line up again

This would be a problem even if the two riders were three feet apart, because civilizations rise and fall at different times in the life of a planet, but it becomes almost impossible if we imagine that the two red horse civilizations on our two merry go rounds are hundreds if not thousands of light years apart.

What has to happen is that the red horse on the interstellar merry go round has to exist long enough to send out a signal and hope that (at worst) a thousand light years later someone like our own red horse civilization will appear and last long enough to send a signal back to this advanced interstellar civilization hoping that the interstellar civilization will last long enough ( at least another thousand years) to receive it.

When it comes to actually visiting each other, take our imagined advanced speed of 200,000 kilometers per second ( 2/3 the speed of light). The thousand years it takes for radio signals to travel at the speed of light would translate into 1492 years at 200,000 kps to reach earth and vice versa. Isn't 1492 an interesting number to pop up?

All this this makes me believe that an interstellar craft being launched to investigate us is possible, but not highly probable.

My best and most probable sense of these craft is that they are military, and this is extremely speculative, that they are made of light, and only light, and are remote (or computer) controlled. Think of something like a hologram that can be directed at very high speeds, perhaps close to the speed of light, and that they can be both visually sighted and detected by radar and the like.

The other possibility, of course, is that these are physical manned or remote craft craft that have advanced masking capabilities that fool both radar and observers as to their course, speed, and maneuvers. It is not out of the question. At any rate, if these craft are from our own military, we'll see them eventually.

I will say one more thing, however, as it is remotely possible (as I've previously outlined) that these crafts are interstellar and contain interstellar Aliens. After all, it would be smarter of the interstellar Aliens to come to earth and see what is happening then send remote controlled craft that would then take a thousand years to broadcast back what they have found. As I've said, the timing and distances involved make this kind of thing only very remotely possible.

Let me also say this if they are indeed interstellar: no communication of any kind has ever been issued from the craft themselves that we know of, nor have we ever come close to capturing one, or shooting one down, to prove what they are and how they were piloted. That leaves us with the very high probability that these are advanced craft of earth origin either made of light or with advanced masking capabilities.
