Justin Spring on Noah's Ark, Atlantis, UfOs and Aliens along with Books Critical to Understanding any Alternative Theory by justin spring - HTML preview

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Julian Jaynes  (February 27, 1920 – November 21, 1997) was  an American ps ychologis t, bes t known for his  book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976), in which he argued that ancient peoples  acted by means  of automatic, non-conscious  habit. When habit did not suffice and stress  rose at the moment of a decis ion, behavior was  directed by auditory verbal hallucinations , which were heard as  the voice of a chieftain or god and immediately obeyed.

Jaynes  argued that the change from this  mode of thinking (which he called the bicameral mind) to {modern}consciousness  occurred over a period of centuries  about three thousand years  ago and was based on the development of special types  of linguistic cognition and the emergence of writing as  an alternative means  of social control.

Jaynes 's  theory has  been influential to philosophers , psychologists , and psychiatrists  and has  been cited in hundreds  of scientific and popular books . It was  a nominee for the National Book Award in 1978. In the late 1990s , Jaynes 's  ideas  received renewed attention as  brain imaging technology confirmed many of his early predictions .


Unfortunately, neither Jaynes nor Jung ever extended their studies into the Mother Goddess period that dominated all preliterate cultures until the advent of writing and the subsequent rise of the Male Gods.


A wider, more scientific door into the Mother Goddess cultures was opened by two women, Riane Eisler and Marija Gimbutas, in their groundbreaking


The premise of The Chalice and the Blade is that a transition from a partnership society (Mother Goddess Cultures) to a male dominated society (Male Gods) took place approximately 6,0000 years ago.

Riane Eisler describes how preliterate cultures (hunter/gatherer and early agricultural) were by their nature sharing. Those sharing cultures, which lasted for tens of thousands of years, survived, though barely, into historical times (around 4,000 B.C.)

These cultures were characterized by a worship of the divine feminine (Mother Goddess), the Mother being represented by the Chalice.

Around 4,000 B.C. (which is also about the time writing first appeared) those cultures were replaced with the beginnings of the patriarchy in which we live today. (See Julian Jaynes for a related look at this change.) According to Eisler the forces that overthrew the Mother Goddess cultures worshipped not life and creativity, but death and destruction; in short, the Blade.

Click here for  Wikipedia on Eisler.

A very early, celebrated thinker on the Mother Goddess Period is Marija Gimbutas.





Here are some links to good, reliable web pages and YOUTUBE videos on various alternative subjects that I have found to be both useful and informative.



Whitley Strieber isn't really concerned with preliterate cultures, but his weekly web radio show (DREAMTIME) features a variety of speakers who sometimes have an understanding of preliterate cultures but most often do not. The result is exactly the type of confusion and misinformation that catogorizes most alternative thinking.


A YOUTUBE playlist of Whitley Streiber Broadcasts and Videos.

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country/Dreamland web page where audio and video broadcasts back to 2002 can be accessed.



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