Let's Save The Planet by Tulsi Tanti - HTML preview

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We stand at a critical point today, where the window for addressing climate change is closing. But the good news is that we are equipped with adequate tools to bring into action a Clean Revolution that could potentially save our planet. We need to act today, to ensure a tomorrow.

Climate change is the most important challenge that humankind will face this century. Unless we act seriously and with urgency we will be failing in our duty to future generations."

Gregory Barker MP, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, United Kingdom

Annual emissions need to be reduced to a “stabilization” level where they balance the Earth’s natural capacity to absorb carbon. To achieve “stabilization” we need a combination of strong policy and green technology.

Strong policies involve adaptation and mitigation strategies that ensure our Clean Revolution does not come at the cost of economic growth. Mitigation involves taking action to reduce emissions so as to avoid an unmanageable situation in the future. Adaptation entails dealing with climatic changes that are already in motion. Adaptation policies help populations facing repercussions of climate change today, such as those living in coastal areas and small island states.

Green technology ensures emissions do not increase with economic growth; eliminating the need for countries to choose between growth and emission reduction. By adopting a strong portfolio of technologies, countries can attempt to reduce emissions by 60-75 per cent, and stabilize below 550 ppm CO2e by the year 2050.

All transitions come at a cost. However, the estimated cost – just one per cent of annual global GDP – for transformation to a low carbon economy is small compared to the potential damage climate change would cause in the future. The “cost” can be viewed as an “investment” for the future of our planet. These investments will help avert disaster and also bring with it opportunities for growth and development.

At Suzlon, we are committed to powering a greener tomorrow, today. The 13,000 strong Suzlon family works each today towards:

-Providing energy for all
-Providing affordable energy to its consumers
-Working to build a low-carbon, sustainable economy for every country
-Providing thousands of green-jobs through wind energy

The time to act is now. The Climate Group envisages getting the world together for unified action. I personally urge you to join their unique efforts at TheCleanRevolution.org today: for, as they put it, “A Clean Revolution – a massive scaling-up of clean energy, clean technologies and energy efficiency – will create jobs, boost economic growth, protect the environment and secure clean energy access for all”.

I couldn’t have put it better. The problem of increased demand for energy, due to rapid development, presents an opportunity for us to adopt a more sustainable approach. We can achieve this together, through an integrated approach, involving national and international stakeholders.

In conclusion, we can save the planet. But we need to act fast, or see Earth, as we know it, changed forever.