Love Never Dies, It Gets Stronger with Time by Naidu Lakshmi - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

New Life

I was in this trance like happy daydreams when I first heard the sound of firecrackers. I came out of the hut to see what

happened but what I saw made me tremble with terror. To my horror, it was not firecrackers, but guns. Abhimanyu’s people

were defending themselves from an attack coming from the trees surrounding the camp. Everybody was ducking for cover and

one big hand dragged me behind a tree trunk. Without even looking up I knew it belonged to Abhimanyu.

“What’s happening?” I tried to ask him.

“Quiet” he snapped. His eyes focused and his body alert, he was like a wild beast ready to attack. I can see a big gun in his

hands and it was emitting smoke already. “We are under attack and we might have to run for our lives since our ammunition

and man power is very less than them. What we see is just the initial attack. Their main batch is behind the waterfall. It will

take some time for them to reach here. And that’s the only time we have here. Be alert and follow me.” He whispered and all

the while his eyes never left the trees.

I can see Vijaya firing her gun at the trees. She was crawling slowly towards the hills just behind the camp. I turned around

and saw each one doing the same. This is not a win or die kind of war we normal see in movies. They know where they stand

and just using their weapons to get the cover till they are safe. I felt sorry for the girls especially. They are all younger than me

and yet to see the world. All they knew is sorrows and hardships in their lives and there is a big chance that those lives might

end now in this clearing before achieving anything they so strongly set out for.

Abhimanyu mercilessly dragged me out of the clearing in jet speed, ducking bullets at the same time. I ran with him as fast as I

could, which I never did in my whole life and Vijaya was right behind us. My heart was thumping so loudly, I was afraid that

others might hear it. I put all my concentration into moving my legs. I didn’t even allow my mind to think anything and after few

hours or so we found ourselves hiding in a cave like thing. According to Abhimanyu, though it is not a big one, we three can

protect ourselves from enemies and wild animals for this night. By this time darkness set in and the jungle was alive with

sounds of animals all night.

Morning came with a lot of hope and we set off to Chinturu. It was like hiking and trekking and I am proud of all those trekking

trips that I went to during my collage days, which gave me enough knowledge about what to expect in a situation like this. I am

not some delicate damsel who can’t do all this. I was eager to prove this and got many bruises on my hands and legs as a

result. Even when they noticed my brave act, they didn’t comment. I was grateful for that. Abhimanyu was leading the way and

Vijaya was taking care of the rear end. We travelled like this till afternoon and halted for a brief lunch. I was surprised to see

that amidst all this, they managed to carry their backpacks. They laughed at my expression and said experience. I should have


After lunch Vijaya explained that she has to go in a separate route, in order to meet rest of the group and arrange things.

Though I never realised this before, I guess she is second in charge or something. She told me that she would like to

accompany me, but it is safer with Abhimanyu. I agreed reluctantly and bid farewell to her. In this short span of time, we

become close and friendly. I liked her no nonsense kind of attitude and she was kind to me all these days.

He simply drove me on without stopping for rest. I tried my best to walk fast and keep up the pace, but I know that I am not

doing very well. I fell several times, but he simply hauled me to my feet and went ahead. My only saving grace was that he

was not rude. I was tired, frightened and often looked back to make sure no one was following us. I was not very positive that

we got rid of those firing squads, whoever they were. By evening, we were still surrounded by dense forest and it was getting

dark. I tried to put up a brave face and informed Abhimanyu that I can still go on.

“All I need is a ten minutes rest and after dinner I am ready to walk till dawn”, I told him while leaning against a tree trunk. In

what looked like a blurred imagery, he suddenly pulled me away and in less than a second I was unceremoniously dumped on

ground, that to upside down.

“You manner less brute”, I started but words died in my throat when I saw the snake. Its angry hood was swinging wildly from

one side to another. Its body coiling and uncoiling rapidly, it looked ready to attack. And more importantly it was lying in the

same spot where I intended to sit few moments ago. Abhimanyu moved little closer and tried to block me from the snake’s

view. Everything was very quiet and I could hear the angry hiss very clearly. It rocked its hood front and back and jumped into

air unexpectedly. Abhimanyu caught its head just below the hood with his right hand and took its tail into the left hand. My

mouth dropped open and I could not close it. He winked at me and threw the snake away. I heard the thump from the trees a

little away from us.

I trembled all over and fell to my knees. I couldn’t believe my eyes and never imagined that he will save me from something

like this. Apparently, it’s a child’s play for him, but a little mistake and he is gone. I looked at him and murmured a thanks. He

was not looking at me. His eyes intent on the spot where he had thrown the snake, he gestured with his hand for me to stay

put. After a few moments, he turned toward me and grinned. This was the first time I actually saw him smile and it was nice. It

transformed his features drastically and made him look good and attractive. I stared at him for an instant and offered my

thanks again. He took my hand and pulled me up.

“The angry young woman image suits you better. Go back to that mode”, he drawled and picked up his backpack and gun

which he left while catching the snake.

“What do you think of me? I am not a robot to switch my moods according to your tastes. I told you thanks and you are making

fun of me. Stupid Man”, I shouted at him.

“That’s my good girl”, he mocked me and resumed his walk again.

I stood there for some time fuming with rage, but at the end I had to follow him. He is very arrogant and too confident of

himself. All he needs is a good lesson from me. I just want to kick him in the butt and if possible kill him. For now I tried to

control my anger and went after him.

It soon became dark. When we reached a small stream, we stopped there and drank our fill. He filled his water bottle and put

it in his backpack. Then he suggested that we make a camp somewhere around it. I was so tired and really wanted to sleep,

wherever it was. But my pride stopped me from admitting it. I didn’t want look weak in front of this stupid fellow. Given a

chance, he will mock me again. I put up a brave face and said that I can go on.

“Courageous, but dishonest. You need to rest and sleep”, he commented and started looking up at the trees. I expected him to

look at the earth and not at trees. What is he going to do? Make me climb trees? I looked at him wildly. And he smiled again

and it said what I thought was accurate.

“What are you thinking? Are you gone out of your mind? I can’t climb trees. I never did in my life”, I yelled at him.

“If you sleep on the ground, you can say hello to the animals that come to this stream to drink water. Are you an animal lover?

Do want to talk to them? As far as I know, you are not. You never liked animals. Not even dogs”, He shocked me.

A shiver ran through my spine. He was right. I never liked animals. Somehow they managed to make me queasy whenever I

saw any. I never let my mom get a dog, even though she wanted one. And he is talking about wild animals. I looked at him


“I don’t know how. I never”, I stopped talking and looked at him. Something flashed. “Hey how did you know that I never liked

animals?” I confronted him. Who is he? Have they been stalking me for a long time? I was confused and shocked.

He laughed at me. “You are a big nuisance for such a small object. Climb the tree like a good girl and I will tell you the story”,

He teased me.

He was already pulling a rope and some food out of his back pack so I thought it’d better if I waited a little longer. We ate in

silence while I thought of all possible solutions to this riddle. After dinner, I went to the stream once again to wash my face and

hands. He stayed back and selected the tree we have to climb. By the time I finished, he moved all his gear to the middle

branch of the tree and was waiting for me. He helped me climb the tree and I somehow finished that task. We settled on one

sturdy branch and he tied a rope around me and secured his backpack as well. I looked at him suspiciously.

“Why is this rope tying luxury is only for me? Why aren’t you tying it around you? Aren’t you afraid of falling from the tree?

What if someone comes in the middle of the night and I can’t even run because of this bloody rope? What if you leave me

here and go away while I am sleeping? I know sleeping in this branch is unimaginable, but your camp was not so better than

this and I am tired too. And what about my previous question?”

“Hello! Take some breath. Look at your lovely face. It’s going red without the proper amount of oxygen. Please pause, breath

in and ask one question. Then again pause, breath in and ask another question. That’s the way you should follow. Don’t try to

imitate super fast express”, he mocked me again. His face was alive with humour and eyes were twinkling. With his deep

voice and this talk, he almost looked appealing.

I kicked myself mentally for that thought. What am I thinking? He is a terrorist for crying out aloud. I need to be careful and

keep an eye on him all night. Like I said before, he can leave me here in the middle of the night and go away. With this rope

tied around me and nobody to hear my cries, God only knows what might happen to me. I should have persuaded Vijaya to

accompany me and not this arrogant fellow. Moreover, I just realised that he is capable of arousing strange feelings inside me

and that is too dangerous.