Lower Your Energy Costs by Lusekelo Hudson - HTML preview

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Chapter 11: Alternative Sources of Fuel

Are you looking for a new way to provide energy to your home? In today’s world,

the race is on for the next fuel efficient energy source.

One thing that you are likely to do is to keep on eye out for what is new when you

are purchasing something new. For example, let us say that you are looking to

purchase a new hot water tank. There are plenty of hot water tanks that work off

of gas or even electricity. But, this would be a great time to consider a solar

powered one as well.

There are many appliances being made each year that offer a new and improved

type of fuel source. You will find these are more expensive, in many cases, than a

standard tool. Yet, that does not mean they should not be considered.

Alternative Options

There are many different types of alternative fuel options on the market. For

example, one of the most widely known and fast becoming popular type of

alternative fuel is that of solar powered fuel. This type of fuel comes from the

sun, a renewable source that is also free to use.

There are plenty of solar powered products available from lighting fixtures for

outdoors to solar powered hot water tanks and much more. These all work in the

same way. They take in the solar rays from the sun during the day light hours

and store them so that when you call for energy, you can easily access it any time

that it is needed.

While they may cost more to purchase, just consider the fact that they really cost

nothing to use. The better quality products are even reliable in areas where there

is not a lot of sunshine all day long either.

Yet, beyond solar power, there are other fuel sources that are coming about.

There are cars and other appliances (including your furnace) that could soon be



run on corn power. Corn, yes the stuff you eat! This too is another renewable

source of fuel.

In some areas, restaurants are getting their power from fuel that is directly

related to waste. By burning waste, in the right type of facility of course, there is the ability to benefit from fuel.

Still, consider water and wind power. These are natural and completely clean fuel

sources that are likely to be used in our products for our homes for many years to


In fact, some homes are being heated through a combination of these methods.

For example, an energy efficient home can have water heated through solar

power. This water is then circulated throughout the home, from the floor boards

up, to generate warmth throughout the home. It moves back to the solar area in a

large loop to start all over again.

If you are considering the purchase of a new product or a new appliance, why not

consider what these types of products can do for you?

While they may not be readily available everywhere, they are definitely going to

be. In fact, being more readily available is something that improves everyday.

If you are looking for an upgrade to a more energy efficient fuel source, you will

find excellent products and companies installing them throughout the web. Take

some time to research. In fact, you may begin to see some of these products at

your local department store soon too.



Chapter 12: The Energy Efficient New Home

The Energy Star program that we talked about in an earlier chapter also provides

for Energy Star new homes. If you have a home that has been certified as an

Energy Efficient home, then you are well on your way to saving a great deal of

money on that home.

These homes are becoming more and more popular choices. That’s because

people realize that the way that their home is laid out, designed and landscaped

all plays a large role in how costly it will be to power and run that home. There is no limit to the number of options that can be played into here.

If you are purchasing a new home, it is well worth your time to consider looking

for or building one that can be considered Energy Star certified.

What are they? Energy Star homes are homes that have met specific guidelines

as per the US Environmental Protection Agency and through the US Department

of Energy. These homes are actually about 15 percent more energy efficient than

those that have been built by the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code

which is generally used.

What They Can Offer

There are plenty of benefits that can come from an Energy Star home. Each

home has to abide by the guidelines set forth, but the type of benefits that they

offer can still differ from one home to the next.

You may find benefits such as:

• Better insulation in the home’s structure.

• The construction has been done in such a way as to make it tighter and

neatly fitting.



• The duct work is tight and better for energy benefit.

• The windows on Energy Star homes are usually a large plus as they are

generally quite high performance in that they allow little to get in or out in

the way of energy.

• The heating and air conditioning units are highly Energy Star approved for

energy efficiency.

• The lighting in the home as well outdoors is more energy beneficial.

• The appliances in the home are all Energy Star approved appliances.

• Even the home’s landscaping can help it to qualify for this certification.

When you purchase an Energy Star home, you are getting a home that has been

designed to meet specific guidelines. What’s more is that you are sure to get the

most out of this type of investment. There is no doubt that these high quality,

high performance appliances and design features may cost more, but they are

designed in such a way as to pay off in the long run.

Of course, purchasing a new home or building a new home that is energy efficient

is good for your wallet and the environment. Yet, many people shy away from

this as they think that it is too complex, too strange or something that is too much work.

Yet, this can not be farther from the truth. Energy Star products are designed to

be both energy efficient and user friendly. In fact, there is really no reason not to take full advantage of products like this.




Is your home energy efficient? Have you learned any ways that you can better

your home through this e-book? You may have the feeling that you just want to

do everything in this book and all of a sudden reap the rewards.

But, this is a costly process in that case. Why not tackle one project at a time

finding and improving the efficiency of your home one step at a time? There are

some small things that will take only a few minutes to improve yet there are those

projects that can take much longer. How can you find the right ones to do?

Remember that we went through and talked about which were your biggest

energy draws. Use that as a starting point. If winter is on its way, it pays to pay attention to the windows in your home and the furnace. If summer if quickly

moving in, think about planting a few trees to save you countless of dollars over

their lifetime.

The bottom line is that fuel costs continue to rise. There is no law, rule or other factor that will be swooping in to lower them. As much as we like to complain

about this, the best thing for us to do is to insure that we are looking for ways to use the least amount of fuel as possible. When we do that, we can find many

benefits overall in the way that our home looks and the way that it functions.

Making your home energy efficient is a process and one that is definitely worth it

every step of the way. Start now and keep working at it. Keep your money in

your pocket instead of out the cracks in your floor and windows!

I hope you have enjoyed this short eReport - and I wish you every success in lowering your energy cost.

My best to you,

Lusekelo Hudson


P.S. Learn how to create your own solar energy system at home the easy way by doing it



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