Philosophy First Chapter by Patrick A. Durantou - HTML preview

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Snow Mountains


Drunk lines mountains

Entangle the soul of innocence in so

That we would go together to speed

The being of all these umbels of snow

Even these would be offered temporary celebrated

In our new scent has to re opages irradiated

I often see these landscapes to enchant

A furrow our eyes only meetings and

Dizziness bare their secrets comforts

Complete a dream, pledge of tenderness

The soul of the poet several times caress

When the forest tree nourished pink

First offered in my stays sometimes

When the dance season at the edges of roofs

Slender ice, crowned with light and shadow

As these old loves were born to a prayer

Isolde, Roxane and all three Berengere

Imitating the salvation provided they overtook both

When the heavens, the gods claimed to raise the axis of a tone

Winter in these beliefs that we would reason

              Drunk lines mountains

              Y drew their innocence

              Under the snow